
Slumped In Blood, Mr Platini

Image for Slumped In Blood, Mr Platini

Good morning.

A grim start to proceedings then as we woke to the news that the inherently racist Lazio Ultras greeted Tottenham fans in the Drunken Ship public house Rome at about 0130hrs this morning in the traditional manner; battering and cutting them.

100 armed Ultras attacked leaving a current count of seven Spurs fans wounded and two stabbed.

The Italians baring Lazio colours wielded baseball bats, knuckledusters and knives. Some wore helmets. The police and fire service attended the scene and whilst arrests were made, many of the cowards involved fled. Italian media suggests that CCTV fotage of Campo de ‘Fiori is being examined.

To be honest I’d demand the game to be called off to emphasise to the powers that be that this sort of thing won’t be tolerated. I didn’t think my contempt for UEFA could increase but no, this has don’t it. There is too much money in the competition for excuses anymore. Fans must be protected.

The latest Spurs podcast is out now, folks!

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  • Sid Trotter says:

    Absolutely outrageous, these scumbags are evil, and Lazio need banning from the competition, and we should be given 3 points. Not good, not good at all.

    oh yes. 1st

    • Eyeball Paul aka The Eyeballer says:

      Not funny today sid…sorry.

      God help the fellow spurs fan who has spilled alot of blood last night. Get well soon, mate

      Lazio should be kicked out of the competition – there is no place for such violence in society, nevermind under the guise of being ‘football supporters’.

      Lazio Bastards.

    • Urbane Sturgeon says:

      The trouble with punishing a club for lawbreaking outside the stadium is that what if the aggressors in lazio colours were actually antisemitic roma fans combining bigoted violence & ruining their rivals’ cup run at the same time.

      Unfortunately life is rarely that simple.

  • try says:


    the game must go on just because a few morons are ruining it.

    they will get their commupance with a ban or something after the dust settles

    • Smog says:

      “they will get their commupance with a ban or something after the dust settles”

      Really? What is that based on? UEFA’s strong record of action against this sort of thing?

      The sad thing is mate there will be no commupance. There never is and that is the issue.

      • CptCaveman says:

        Agreed Smog! No, the game shouldn’t go on…the mornons would be winning if it did! The game should be cancelled and points awarded to us or at worst played back in England. Really, Lazio should be banned as fines are just a waste of time…the club MUST be held accountable and the racists must learn that they are not welcome.
        In the reality, UEFA will do nothing apart from blaming a few Spurs fans for starting it! Lazio will get a slightly bigger fine then the one handed to Spurs for just being there.
        It makes my blood boil!
        I hope the fans make a full and speedy recovery!

  • Mark says:

    Lazio should be thrown out of all European competition for the next 5 years and be given a fine that runs into the millions not paltry thousands. Absolutely disgraceful and Platini ought to get his head out of his arse and do something right by the English clubs he so obviously hates.

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    That picture of DiCanio is chilling. He is a bit of an enigma that bloke.

    Fascism has to be stamped out now.It has no place in football stadiums or within democracy.
    Whether is is UEFA,FIFA or Governments,it should be addressed sooner rather than later

  • lilywhitemike says:

    calling off the game, punishing lazio and awarding spurs the points may seem a good idea in theory, but it may leave the fans out there in more danger.

    I was tipped off about this a few weeks ago by a west ham friend, who says they have a bit of a connection and told a load of west ham in liverpool st they were going to be knifing spurs fans when they came over.

    I dont think the violence is over quite yet. I expect some spurs will start going after revenge today…

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