
Team For City On A Parish Noticeboard

Image for Team For City On A Parish Noticeboard

Good evening.

Time for us to focus our thoughts on what is a massive, massive game. The list of those we failed to replace, the injured and the retired is well documented. The victory against Maribor was welcome of course but needs to be appreciated in the context of – this was an unremarkable Maribor.

That said, it will create a feel good factor. That’s quite rightly how football works.

But how brave will the boss be against the Champions? My suspicion is that the answer is ‘not too brave.’ I don’t believe he’ll play Hugo and I don’t believe he’ll drop Walker and certainly not for Naughton. I believe that showing confidence in players cuts both ways and ‘that’ goal in the Naughton/Lloris fiasco shouldn’t be used as stick to beat either men with.

Carroll has to start. To dare is to naffin’ well do and I think he’s earned this. Against City I believe we need to play with a 3 in the midfield given the resources. Thud and Sandro isn’t enough. It will end up with Mr Beastly doing himself a mischief again. But more so it’s a case of we must be creative and the two Toms between them will give us a fighting chance.

Bale on the left, Azza Lemon on the right and for me it’s Adebayor to start. Do you drop your hat-trick man? The brave do. On the strength of the Europa game Ade is back or at least very close to being back in business. We miss Moussa horribly and between Carroll and Ade we can at least attempt to mend and make do.

I predict a 3-2 win.

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  • chiversmetimbers says:


  • eyeball paul says:

    Harry harry harry the eyeballer is dismayed!
    How bad was that second half performance? It was toothless, gormless, rudderless – simply unacceptable. The eyeballer asks the question : does avb know what he is doing?

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Will the mystery of bulbus oculi in third person be solved? Will the transformation from HR to AVB ever be rationalized? These and other mysteries may be solved by Prof. Brian Cox in a new 6 part series starting….

  • East Stand says:

    All in all, things aren’t a lot different to last season apart from the brand of football we seem to be playing. It hasn’t seemed to work at home very well so far but away it has served us better. We have gained some good points away but thrown virtually the same amount away at home. My point is, the tactics have changed but the points tally is much the same, so far.

    The only difference now is we look a predominantly defensive side rather than an attacking one. Is that the Spurs way and if it isn’t, should we betray our traditions when we are no better off?

    I’m getting a bit bored with it all at the moment, its all getting predictable, does not excite me at all. And we sit in the same place as usual… Yawn!

  • eyeball paul says:

    What is most worrying to the eyeballer is Liverpool gave a great account of themselves at the bridge – at ratrate we are going they will be above us in the league soon – horrible horrible horrible

  • JPG466 says:

    Beats me why Dempsey was not pulled off yesterday.. had high hopes he’d do well with us, but he simply hasn’t turned in one decent display yet..he looked so out of his depth yesterday

    An in-form JD vice Dempsey was so glaringly obvious yesterday that i’m beginning to doubt AVB’s credentials

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