
Gazza Should Be Sectioned

Image for Gazza Should Be Sectioned

Watching the decline of Gazza is upsetting.

There is a valid argument that he’s just another spoiled ex-celeb with an desire to self destruct, but isn’t it time someone stepped in and at least tried to put an end to the miserable mess his life appears to have become?

The list of frequently manic and unbalanced examples of his mental deterioration doesn’t make for happy reading. Where once folk would greet his antics with a wry smile and a roll of the eyes, now they invoke uncomfortable silences.

From watching footage of the man, listening to audio of him and reading eye witness reports in the newspapers, this is a guy who stopped living the dream a long time ago. What we have now is a man lost in a repetitive cycle of pain and sorrow.

Some folk like to indulge their bodies with excess occasionally. Some folk get the taste for excess and never let it desert them. Others just have demons they cannot shake without help. Prison is not the answer.

It’s time to help.

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  • marts2smooth says:

    The poor fucker…

    Has anyone read his book… It answers alot of questions why he’s in such a state he is.

    I wish him the best of luck, a good servant to England and Spurs.

  • Trembly says:


    By a court that can understand that he needs proper mental health care. The Priory will not provide this. Prison will not provide this.

    All these drunken random acts of destruction are crieds for help. Of that, it’s obvious.

    I worry about the future of our society when families can no longer pull together and support eachother. It’s no wonder that you hear stories about grans being eaten alive by maggots when they’re no longer ‘valuable’ to the family.

    Gazza must still be worth a fair bit. Is that all the family are waiting for? So he’s been a bast*rd and done some nasty things…does that mean we turn our backs on him?

    I can’t do anything. You can’t do anything. He can check himself in for therapy, or else perhaps a family memeber who gives a f*ck can do so with the help of a court.

    I bet the newspapers are gagging for a death or something tragic soon – wouldn’t that make a wonderful story, sell a lot of papers? :shocked: I wonder who’ll play him in a Hollywood remake of his life?

  • AFelching says:

    A bit of bird might sort him out :finn:

    • toddspur says:

      agree; it cant do him any harm….can it?

      Trembles; excellent observations btw and you appear to agree that unless he or someone who has access to him is willing to help then we are just opinionated souls?

    • Spurstacus says:

      Of Bremner Bird and Fortune?

  • Kojac says:

    what did he do to get sent down

    on the whole he is a bit of a prick though isn’t he,very good at football though

    i mean we’ve all got problems

    • Big Boy says:

      Came from a piss poor back ground into millions, signed £50 notes for his authograph, lost his way and always picked wrong type of people to mix was is the result of his bad investments in the past..i would love to be able to help.

    • McG says:

      I think you can label him thick, dim, stupid (we all know he’s a bit of a 1 watt), but prick’s a tad harsh. Can’t say he purposely tries to harm or pee anyone off, other than himself. Always been the Joker seeking attention, but with a heart of gold. The idiot was even prepared to go face Moaty with his sawn off !! Such a shame someone couldn’t have got inside his head long ago and sorted him out. Genuinely saddens me.
      Im sure I’ll cop some grief for saying this, but Hoddle not taking him to the world cup played a massive part in his demise IMO. I will never believe that decision was honestly based on footballing capability, turd. Always felt he robbed us of one final hurrah…

    • onedavemackay says:

      Being abusive to a former hero with emotional problems.

      Very big of you

      • Kojac says:

        abusive,not really

        maybe prick is too strong a word,he makes his own decisions,he hasn’t really helped himself but i think gazza is one of those addiction personalities

        anyway gazza made it to the top,i guess its not easy up there

  • Finn says:

    The question I’d ask is what makes him different from the hosts of other drunken failures who self destruct? Does society plan public “intervetions” for them? What of the husks that were boxers, even World Champions who have been leeched off by parasitic agents till they have no more blood to give? But that’s just sport….Look at entertainment, movie stars and one hit wonders all taking a spot of the boulevard of broken dreams.

    What of the people who scaled the heights of their businesses’ or markets only to have markets shift or trends change or legislation take away their successes?

    The world is a harsh place, Gazza has problems dealing with it, so does Charlie Sheen it seems, but why are they different from all the other people on the planet who cannot afford agents to claim ‘medication allergies’ or publicly placed apologists mourning their fallen heroes.

    I loved watching this guy, he was pure poetry; a romance between man and ball…… but that was then. Go to a pub in Liverpool or Glasgow or Newcastle or parts of London and you’ll meet Gazzas by the bus load, their stories are no more or less tragic but are not headline makers to sell papers and get web hits. They are the responsibility of the Police and Social Services; Gazza has made choices which now make him accountable to the same people.

    Like Bestie intervention and help is just a temporary measure to stall the next abusive and self destructive binge and some might argue that it does little but paper over the cracks and is designed to make those who feel bad seeing a man fall fell better, rather than helping the man falling.

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