
Itsy Witsy Teeny Weeny It’s Abbey Clancy In Her Bikini

Image for Itsy Witsy Teeny Weeny It’s Abbey Clancy In Her Bikini

Good 'evenin' viewers...

Interlull blues? Can’t believe you were made to wait over a week to watch some Premiership footballers to run about and when they did, that’s all that they did? Fear not, help is at hand in the shape of  a woman that lets Three Metre Peter whisper in her ear – when he’s not saying, ‘Princess, put that down, let’s talk this through.’

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  • TurbanHymns says:

    What a monumental bellend Crouch is.

    • seppoyiddo says:

      A modern day Hugh Grant/Frankenstein. They all share the same brain cell.

    • Spurstacus says:

      You have salivated over the pictures of Crouchies fiancee :-p with whom he is to have a child. A man that plays football for England and one of the biggest teams in Europe and the biggest in London. He has scored International and Champions league goals, some of which have taken us to face Inter in the San Siro. He is a man that clearly loves his job and his life. And you have concluded that he is a bellend. :unsure: I’m not 3MP’s biggest fan. He’s ugly, lanky, awkward, but he’s gotta be doing something right. A lot of people would happily swap with him even if it meant being called a bellend.

      • TurbanHymns says:

        The term stems from his playing away from home. He may be rich and very successful, but for that I reserve the right to label him a bellend.

        • Spurstacus says:

          I see your point. I would like to retract my objections. I misread your comments entirely and having considered your response I would like to agree with your original post. He really is. :daumen:

        • melcyid says:

          wasnt the bellend the opposite end of the northbank at highbury

      • seppoyiddo says:

        Crouch can be quite useful on a football pitch, we’re not disrespecting his service to club and country, but he is a monumental cad who can’t keep it in his pants when a trashy, teenage inflatable harlot offers to do the Pringles dance with him. I can’t imagine the meet the parents moment he must have had when
        Monica hit the tabloids.

  • glenwasgod says:

    get rid of the ugliest one lord sugar!

  • glenwasgod says:

    He did – what genius I am. Lets try some more:
    Let PSB go at any price Mr Levy, or how about: Dont reconsider that mercenary twat Fabiano,Harry or: Kevin Davies isnt the future Fabio.

    There are some quite fit ladies on the Apprentice this season Harry (admittedly all nutters). If you can organise a pervy photo album it will save me leching over a pregnant woman (seems all wrong somehow)

  • Finn says:

    Perhaps you can get someone to plaster those pics all over the goal posts and bar and then put one up “inside” the goal of Monica Mynt. Personally I can’t see why he’d bypass the above for a cheap Iberian brass but then there’s no accounting for taste.

  • seattlespursguy says:

    I love the fact that Hicks has got an injunction on the Liverpool sale. A long and distracting lawsuit will do me fine.

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