
THAT Nani Goal Explained Very Simply…

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The situation isn’t complicated.

Here’s a potted time line of is yet another nail in the coffin for those who tell us that video technology would destroy the game. These are the same people I presume who’s grandparents told us that the Titanic was unsinkable.

1.The whistle for an arguable penalty is not blown.

2.The whistle for Nani’s handball on the floor is not blown.

3.The linesman’s flag for the handball is raised.

4.Nani nips in and scores a perfectly legitimate goal.

5. On Nani’s birth certificate the box marked father’s name has the words, ‘some soldiers’, written in it.

So whilst on a morally evolved sliding scale (that ranges from plankton to human) Nani rates about the same as ‘stepping in dog poo whilst wearing new suede shoes on a very hot and sunny day’ …but the real question is what Clatternberg’s motivation was to discount the linesman.

Clatternberg is entitled to overule Nani’s handball. He is entitled to say he felt he had a clear view himself and that he saw no such offence. He is entitled to say that there are little green men living in his toupe who know all the words to ELO’s Blinded By The Light if he so chooses.

But that along with all his other ‘entitled opinions’ only serves to prove he, along with too many others are not fit/able to referee sufficiently well without assistance from someone sat in front of a TV screen with the benefit of 17 different camera angles, slo mo and rewind.

The law is an ass. And coincidence or not, it won’t sit well with Tottenham fans that this is the second comedy goal they have been made to suffer at the hands of an inadequate referee at Old Trafford.

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  • munso says:

    What got me more than anything else, Clattenberg sends every Tottenham player away, so he, the linesman and Rio Ferdinand could have a nice little chat about the situation.
    Not sure who was captain at the time, but they should have been right in there too.
    Its a shame it all ended that way, I thought we played ok.
    VDV’s injury should be the bigger news for us.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      “VDV’s injury should be the bigger news for us.”

      Grim, but true.

    • aqaljuta says:

      Rio (who was not the MU team captain) had some words with both linesman & Clit-tenburg got off scott free and Modric (who was the Spurs team captain) was chased away and got a yellow (for God knows what)…

      What a shame to the game and what a disgrace Clit-tenburg had caused (to the English Ref Board or association or what ever f**k its called)!!

  • Hilary Uss says:

    The linesman didn’t raise his flag until Gomes ran over to him bleating about the handball that was never given. Gomes and all Spuds players wrongly assumed there was a goal kick given. No flag, no whistle, ball in play, Nani scores a legitimate goal. A freak goal it has to be said. But you were losing and never looked like scoring in the second half. Thanks again for another comdey display thoigh. Get over it you whinin’ Yids!!

  • Greg says:

    I totally agree with munso! what in God’s name was rio ferdinand doing there ? thats double standards. sending all our players away and letting rio chat along with them! was it bcs we were playing at old trafford? unfortunately im beginning to wonder about the honesty and devotion of this referee. And another thing, why was he allowed to referee another Man u Spurs game? DISGRACE

  • RFR says:

    As Hilary said – the linesman / ref’s assistant did NOT raise his flag, so your time line is wrong. The linesman only raised his flag when the Spurs players started running at him.

    There was NO indication at all from any of the officials that play should stop prior to Nani scoring.

    Gomes messed up big style. so did the ref.
    Nani did what any player would do and many have done.

    • reno says:

      Also NO indication to play on, Clatter stood there shrugging, not holding both hands up at shoulder high indicating the direction of play as is traditional, thus all the confusion. as soon as there was any doubt the whistle should have been blown. Very poor refereeing.

  • DD says:

    Think Clattenberk has run up more debts again and needed them clearing. Forgot to award the penalty and then made ammends. According to the signals provided by the referees and the linesman there were none, so there was deemed to be no foul comitted until the linesman raised his flag and the for some reason at the last minute twat face shrugged his shoulders then said play on but by then there was no advantage. Therefore we didn’t get an advanatage and the ball should have been brought back, Nani should have been booked and Rio should have been sent back to Peckham.

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