
THAT Nani Goal Explained Very Simply…

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The situation isn’t complicated.

Here’s a potted time line of is yet another nail in the coffin for those who tell us that video technology would destroy the game. These are the same people I presume who’s grandparents told us that the Titanic was unsinkable.

1.The whistle for an arguable penalty is not blown.

2.The whistle for Nani’s handball on the floor is not blown.

3.The linesman’s flag for the handball is raised.

4.Nani nips in and scores a perfectly legitimate goal.

5. On Nani’s birth certificate the box marked father’s name has the words, ‘some soldiers’, written in it.

So whilst on a morally evolved sliding scale (that ranges from plankton to human) Nani rates about the same as ‘stepping in dog poo whilst wearing new suede shoes on a very hot and sunny day’ …but the real question is what Clatternberg’s motivation was to discount the linesman.

Clatternberg is entitled to overule Nani’s handball. He is entitled to say he felt he had a clear view himself and that he saw no such offence. He is entitled to say that there are little green men living in his toupe who know all the words to ELO’s Blinded By The Light if he so chooses.

But that along with all his other ‘entitled opinions’ only serves to prove he, along with too many others are not fit/able to referee sufficiently well without assistance from someone sat in front of a TV screen with the benefit of 17 different camera angles, slo mo and rewind.

The law is an ass. And coincidence or not, it won’t sit well with Tottenham fans that this is the second comedy goal they have been made to suffer at the hands of an inadequate referee at Old Trafford.

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  • Longwell says:

    Away to Inter on Wednesday night, followed by the early game on Saturday (to keep the telly people happy).

    Home to Inter on Tuesday night, preceded by the late game on Saturday (to keep the telly people happy).


  • TMWNA says:

    Where’s the prattle? Tut

  • Devonshirespur says:

    This whole thing riles me, I get angry just thinking about it, I cannot let it go, because it happens time & time again and I feel as if Spurs always seem to be on the end of the bad decision.

    At Fulham, it was the lino who made a mistake. He thought Gallas touched the ball on the way through. He was wrong, it deflected off the defender, the ref corrected him, the right decision was reached. Huddlestone hammered the ball, it flew in, Gallas was off side but did not interfer with the ball or the keeper. Justice was done!.

    At Old Trafford, Nani dives, Nani deliberately handles the ball in a show of petulance because he thinks he was fouled, Nani then scores……WHERE IS THE FUCKING JUSTICE THERE????

    People talk about The Rules and The SPirit of the Game.

    Nowhere in the rules does it say you kick the ball out if someone is injured, or then give it back to the team who kicked it out, but thats the Spirit of the game.

    Nani’s behavior (& United players for encouraging the whole situation) was a disgrace.

    The ref applied what he saw as the rules, but then should have let the Spirit of the game over take the situation when the lino said there was a handball which Twatenberg clearly did not see.

    AGAIN, how can a dive and handball lead to a goal…we were given the ADVANTAGE twice BUT where is the fucking advantage!

    Still very very annoyed! Only a win tonight will erase this anger.

  • TMWNA says:

    The problem is that those useless overpaid (unts can’t score.

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