
THAT Nani Goal Explained Very Simply…

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The situation isn’t complicated.

Here’s a potted time line of is yet another nail in the coffin for those who tell us that video technology would destroy the game. These are the same people I presume who’s grandparents told us that the Titanic was unsinkable.

1.The whistle for an arguable penalty is not blown.

2.The whistle for Nani’s handball on the floor is not blown.

3.The linesman’s flag for the handball is raised.

4.Nani nips in and scores a perfectly legitimate goal.

5. On Nani’s birth certificate the box marked father’s name has the words, ‘some soldiers’, written in it.

So whilst on a morally evolved sliding scale (that ranges from plankton to human) Nani rates about the same as ‘stepping in dog poo whilst wearing new suede shoes on a very hot and sunny day’ …but the real question is what Clatternberg’s motivation was to discount the linesman.

Clatternberg is entitled to overule Nani’s handball. He is entitled to say he felt he had a clear view himself and that he saw no such offence. He is entitled to say that there are little green men living in his toupe who know all the words to ELO’s Blinded By The Light if he so chooses.

But that along with all his other ‘entitled opinions’ only serves to prove he, along with too many others are not fit/able to referee sufficiently well without assistance from someone sat in front of a TV screen with the benefit of 17 different camera angles, slo mo and rewind.

The law is an ass. And coincidence or not, it won’t sit well with Tottenham fans that this is the second comedy goal they have been made to suffer at the hands of an inadequate referee at Old Trafford.

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  • anon says:

    The goal was clesrly illegitimate and anyone saying otherwise knows fuck all about football

    We all know it would never (rightly) have been given if it was the other way around

  • markis says:

    Seriously? Get over it. Should have been a pen to start with. Nani stops acting like a spoilt kid, gets up, turns back, looks at the ref, the ref waves play on, Nani hits it in. Play to the whistle. If 5 year olds get taught that, why aren’t Spurs? Basic stuff. The lino never put his flag up until Nani scored, so aim your foul bitter abuse at them and 100% at Gomes, your own player, and not Nani. Either that or just act your age!

    Bitter fans, bitter Harry, but lets face it, surrounding the referee and lino isn’t cheating either? Nani played the whistle, and scored. It was 88th minutes and pretty much game over bar the desperation.

    • DaveYid says:

      I have to say, there wasn’t a single blade of grass that Nani didn’t dive on to get a free kick or a penalty. What a twat.

  • NichoUnited says:

    ELO did not sing ‘Blinded by the light’.
    Huddlestone’s goal vs Fulham should have been disallowed.
    Bale’s ball was out.
    Younis did foul Nani in the box.
    No Ref could have given that Pedro goal even though it was good.
    Gomez should have played the whistle.
    Why was Gomez taking the free kick 10 feet away if he thought it was a penalty.
    Easy to blame the ref when you fail to take your opportunities.
    Swings and roundabouts.

    • treehorn says:

      ELO are sh*t Beatles plagiarists, and The Beatles were sh*t too.

      Huddlestones goal is not the f*cking issue here.

      Bale’s ball was marginally out, blame the ref.

      Nani dived for a penalty in the first half. He’s a cheat.

      Ant ref other than Clittenburg would have seen Carroll was over the line, therefore the ball was over the line. Over The Line! Am I The Only One Who Gives A Sh*t About The Rules Round Here?!

      Gomes took the free-kick 10 feet way because Nani was still lying on the exact piece of turf where the handball occured, whining like a f*cking Bebe.

      • NichoUnited says:

        Bit touchy there aren’t we treehorn?
        Huddlestone’s goal is conveniently not the issue.
        Bale’s ball was out…there is no marginal.
        Nani dived first half and I wish he would eradicate it from his game… dispute. That doesn’t mean he cheated when Kaboul grabbed him with both hands.
        Clattenburg was at the halfway line….not very clever are you?
        Gomes should have stayed there until Nani moved and definitely should have waited for a whistle. He played on and got caught out. Type of stupid thing that sees your team miss out on 4th spot….

      • onedavemackay says:

        Let’s all agree on one thing “Blinded by the light” was written by Bruce Sprigsteen and recorded by Manfred Mann’s Eath Band.

    • Essex Spurs Fan says:

      Following on from your impeccable logic:-

      The tooth fairy is real
      George W Bush is a man of peace
      Sir Alex Ferguson is a gentle, unassuming manager with no god complex whatsoever
      The Glazers have not put Man United into horrendous debt but merely borrowed short term to help all the starving people in Africa
      Wayne Rooney is a lovable rogue who is completely faithful to his wife
      Nani is a p**ck(oh wait, this one is real!!)

      I thank you!!!

      • NichoUnited says:

        Someone has a small man’s complex? Record vs Spurs – Premier League record – Played 36, Wins 26, Draws 7, Losses 3, Goals for 69, Goals against 29
        Always the Refs fault heh? Ferguson’s fault for being driven?
        How much do Spurs spend each year on players? Enough to feed a small country?
        Rooney unfaithful? You think Spurs players have always been morally perfect? Crouch for starters?
        Nani may be a p**ck (love the childish abuse by the way) but he has scored a hell of a lot of assists and goals now…..maybe you need some bigger p**cks in your team?

        • Essex Spurs Fan says:

          Oh dear. Obviously irony, pathos and sarcasm are things you have never had the pleasure of understanding.

          If you had read the reply PROPERLY in the context it was made, given the intital comment, the complete drivel and claptrap you wasted the minutes of your life that you will never get back typing in could have been better spent servicing your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/garden gnome.

          Interesting that you did not choose to comment on the the tooth fairy and George W Bush issues!! Something you agree with??!!!

          Oh, and as far as childish abuse goes (small man’s complex???!!!). Given that I am 6ft 2ins tall, can’t see how that applies to me.

          I thank you!!!

        • NichoUnited says:

          6’2 eh? That must make you a man of John Terry’s proportions. Trouble is I wasn’t talking about height. George W Bush? Great Soccer player.

          Why don’t we stick to what happened on the field? How many times did you stick the ball in the back of the net? How well did Bale perform?

  • MUFC says:

    I must it needs to be simply explained for you lot. Lol

  • TMWNA says:

    The real issue here is why did Redknapp pick J**** and PSC?

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