Aston Villa

Spurs & Villa To Swap Strikers In January

Image for Spurs & Villa To Swap Strikers In January

Be still my beating heart. Oh I see, it has.

The sheer overdose of inertia pulsating through my veins has caused me to flatline. As longstanding readers will know of course, a goldfish with cerebal palsy could write this blog, so you’ll be unsurprized I can continue to type.

PSB in exchange for Aston Villa’s very own John ‘Star Man’ Carew*.

As theorectical deals for the next window go this would have to a considered a ‘goer’. Pointless Shouty Bloke has been linked with Aston Villa since he was a foetus. Add to this he hasn’t run away to join anyone’s circus for months now and you’re looking at a winning combo of transfer rumour.

St Gerard of Houllier has blazed a trail of draws and losses only interupted by the odd victory since he returned to the Premership. He inherited a squad that supposedly cost the same as ours yet achieved even less. It was only a matter of time before the splat of bathwater rapidly followed by the thud, wah, whaaahh of a baby landing on the Villa Park cobbles was heard.

John Carew. A thin brochure. Described a ‘bigger than me or you’ and and having a turning arc similar to that of a very, very large ship such as the Queen Elizabeth 2.

When it came to being linked with strikers – not so long ago it was the Horse Whisperer and the Wardrobe On Wheels. Then no one at all. Now it’s Carew. I smell decline. The new stadium is an elaborate hoax and Levy has secretly a hatched a plan to merge with the Pikeys and all play happily ever after under the name Athletico Stratford.

Women, children and Hotspur first. Let me through, I’m a first aider.


*© JGM

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  • Jimo says:

    If Robbie Keane leaves it should be to a standing crowd and a very loud applause, not called stupid names by imbeciles who can’t appreciate a class player.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      So you were cheering the flat faced fuck when he left for WHL and again when he returned, then?

      Grow a brain you ridiculous oaf.

  • Jimo says:

    I have more logic than the oaf that will stick the boot into a quality player and good servant for the club for nothing better than, ‘he left us’.

    I wasn’t cheering when he left of course, but I understood his reasons as he had given all he could here and we were 11th at the time, he was getting on, last chance of silverware and the offer was good for all parties.

    If you are looking for a c*nt Sol is the guy. He f*cked us over, Keane didn’t, he did very well and left after six good years and we got 20 million for a 28 year old.

    Have more respect for classy players and guys that have been good for the club, even if past their best, because it is you that sounds like the ridiculous oaf.

    Even when past his best he still might well do better than many of our strikers when he gets a proper run here or somewhere else because in the past he’s always been a level above and a far more intelligent player than Crouch, Defoe and better than Pav. He’s likely to adapt his game to his age well if given the game time and support.

    It’s not necessary that everyone agree but less knee jerking and more balance and class please or you just sound like another brainless idiot.

    These are the same types that talked about Bale being a crap player who can’t win a game. It’s called knee jerking and a lack of knowledge, which the great Harry (as well as he’s done overall) is also suspect to in many examples.

    He wouldn’t play Bale, would have sold for 10 million or so, and won’t give Giovianni a go up front. He’s also let Adel go for 1 million when it could bite us royally in the ass in a few years because he wouldn’t nurture and stick by his talent like he will with English talent like Huddlestone.

    There are some instances where he’s not given a proper support and chance to certain talents like Gio, Keane and Adel where other far more ordinary players have been given go after go to gain their match fitness and momentum without doing anything really good (Crouch, Bentley, Jenas, Wilson and you could even say Pav).

    This is a big reason we look so good in midfield but so ordinary up front and far too relient on one or two special midfielders or midfielders playing out of position ‘up front’ to product match winning performances.

    What we need up front is a natural striker with the same tireless intelligent movement and attempts at proper quality football that we have in midfield to progress further as a team.

    If that also needs to be facilitated by having more of a physical presence with ability like Pav too then so be it.

    But until we buy Torres or Drogba, one up will not work very well for us. And we need some real technical ability and intelligence up front most of all.

    Sticking the boot into a getting on but great player for the club like Keane when we’ve ordinary looking strikers on the pitch that are certainly no better just looks chirlish and childish.

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