Aston Villa

£6M Bid Made This Evening

Image for £6M Bid Made This Evening

For the artist formerly known as Blistering Bob Keane aka Pointy Shouty Bloke aka Pointless Shouty Bloke aka Piltdown Man. By Aston Villa. A football club.

The news reaches us courteous of Spurs Odious’ numero somethingo, Roger Morgan.

The exact wording was, £6m from Villa, think it’s come in tonight.

Let’s bloody well hope so, Rodge.

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  • cHUCK sPAMMER says:

    Any purchase should represent a step up. Diarra I would understand, Parker, I don’t much.

  • Steveo1987 says:

    Just in case you’re b ored ahead of the next match……

  • dutchman says:

    Just watched a great intvw with VdV on Dutch telly..Making clear he’s really having a great time at a great Club, and wants to win things with Spurs.. Nothing but good words about the supporters, singing 2nd to none, even at away games..
    Good stuff!!

  • jerard says:

    Excluding the transfers, do u think this 11 can beat Barca in da CL final at Wembley?


    • Bruce Castle says:

      possible, but not good odds.

    • Spurstacus says:

      4 centre backs??? You’re at it again aintcha??

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Is Huddlestone injured in that example? Or did you intentionally omit him from your 1st XI? :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:

        • jerard says:

          Im confident that line up will beat barca. Hudd was intentionally left out. I feel modric and krancjar are more potent together. Also, we dont need attacking full backs, although kaboul and gallas hav played as full backs before. Basically a 4 rocks at the back and 6 kamakaze pilots in the front. If barca breech our defence, they are welcome to score. The same applies to us. I think our defence can do it, and im confident in the attacking threat to break their defence.

    • Astromesmo says:

      Reminds me of the formation Ossie played on opening day against Sheffield Wednesday in ’94. The newspaper on the Monday listed it as 5-0-5… I think I’ve still got a copy somewhere as it nearly made me wet myself.

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Team for Sunday

    Havarti Feta Cheddar Camenbert

    Stilton Boursin Asiago Brie



    • Finn says:

      You’re crackers!

      • Astromesmo says:

        Might have to suggest Taleggio over Camenbert at LB.

        Nice to be back on the web access thingammy again… HH, did you play a part in the extraordinary rendition or even bad impersonation of Julian Assange? Mr Coldplay or whatever his name is seems to be making a bee-line for your server?

    • Fatfish says:

      Stilton’s a keeper isn’t he? I would rather have the Norweigan Jarlsberg up front. Glad to see you’ve dropped Emmental has he’s proved to be full of holes.

    • Sid Trotter says:

      Dairylea and Philidephia (light) on the bench

      • Astromesmo says:

        Leaving an unsightly stain on the tracky bottoms when new French signing Comté gets up for a warm-up… Although in reality, only Brie should need a warm-up.

    • Anthony In That Number says:

      Bit surprised that Parmesan is missing again. His absence is beginning to grate on me. Harry must be looking at Gruyere in the transfer or Waitrose window.

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