
Suarez NOT Leaving Ajax Says …Suarez

Image for Suarez NOT Leaving Ajax Says …Suarez

Some Spurs fans appear to have developed an almost mystical belief that Luis Suarez is on his way.

I was confused enough when some  suggested (when Martin Jol was yet to be found out still in charge at Ajax) that ‘because he  secretly loved us still’ he’d some how slip us Suarez while no one was looking… :blink:

As the transfer window hots up (yes, I’m reading this off a card) these quotes to NU Sport a Dutch site yesterday kindda indicate that the player is not going anywhere.

“There are many stories written in the Netherlands.  I have only one interview and it never said I want to leave. There are many clubs mentioned but I know nothing. “

“I hope to be a champion with this club . I would now give anything for the team.”

Obviously people are allowed to change their minds. I changed my mind once and the bitch is still desperately bitter about it.

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  • TMWNN says:

    He resembles a tramp-like Burton’s dummy dressed to the max in Tottenham clobber.

    ..yet he can still move more quickly than Charlie.

    I’m surprised our PR people didn’t have him running around with a giant placard with his name and a giant cock on it just to make sure no one was left in doubt.

  • TMWNN says:

    Did anyone note how clever ours (or his) publicity people were with the number 77?


    • toddspur says:

      see earlier post on the same ………….

    • Astromesmo says:

      I wonder how many orders they’ve had at the Spurs shop today? I bet they had overstocks of the light blue version in kids & women’s sizes, that’s why they’ve been training in it the last couple of days. Levy – At it again god bless him.

  • toddspur says:

    I think this Beckham thing has worked out alright

    His presence will be a good thing. His playing might not have been

    Also do you think Arry will be asking what Wenger gets up to at training (dogging etc………..)

  • Fatfish says:

    David Lammy’s parliamentary debate here.

    Fast forward to 13.26.


    • spurtrix says:

      nice to see Lammy’s passion. also Islington supporting him

      • Anthony In That Number says:

        Crickey not exactly articulate. Bottom line is money. Stratford is the cheaper option with much better transport links and infrastructure. From a bisiness perspective it would make much more sense. I absolutely want to stay at WHL but just get the feeling that we will move if given the opportunity. We should know soon but sadly reckon Stratford looks more likely with every passing day.

        • spurtrix says:

          I agree, we will see if he gets his meeting with Boris earlier than planned. It would be a great shame for the area, as Lammy said we are the highest private employer in Tottenham. I am torn as i can see the benefits of both, but all the history is in Tottenham andc would rather we stayed. If our bid wins, then Stratford it is. Lets hope the Olympic Commitee chooses the running track ‘Legacy’ over our Crystal Palace option.

          Looks like 28th/29th Jan is D Day :cwy:

  • toddspur says:

    How about this for ITK;

    I have been told by a friend who has a mole inside WHL (who predicted George Graham would be our next manager sometime before the world press) that Torres is very much on our radar. Levy has said we can offer up to 30m and will find a way to pay him over our 60k limit (didnt know we had one officially). This was before King Kenny came on scene but cant see that stopping him wanting to leave.

    He also says that English life isnt all he’d hoped so Real madrid sniffing plus some other european clubs

    Arry and DL seemed to agree that they are willing to pay a bit more for established PL strikers

    Now all I,m doing is passing this on…..he is a reliable source I,m told so I wouldnt doubt we’ve ask the question just waiting to see if there have been any answers

    I hope Ridsdale doesnt read this cos he’ll crucify me if it doesnt happen!!

    • Fatfish says:

      Would love that to happen. Torres is undoubtedly the quality player that we need.

    • Anthony In That Number says:

      Could see him going to Real Madrid and then Benzema to us ???? So much could yet happen this month. Will just be glad once January is over and just hope we come out of it without PSB and with a new forward of some pedigree. Is it true that at training today Beckham stayed behind an extra hour to practice free kicks, corners etc and PSB stayed behind to practice pointing and shouting???

      • Fatfish says:

        Real will be a big no-no for Torres. He is a massive Athletico Madrid fan and came through their youth ranks into their first team. He is on record saying that he will never play for Real.

    • AS says:

      In his prime he was awesome.

      But Torres has been rubbish for over a year now.

      So why would we want him?

      We have plenty of rubbish strikers already thanks.

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