
We’re Going To Lose

Image for We’re Going To Lose

Good evening viewers.

I’ll be blunt. This doesn’t look good. All the stats, form guides and tea leaf data available suggest our visit to Second Hand Fridge indicates us getting a thumping one could only call comprehensive.

Yet again I am beginning to gently seethe over us  ‘suddenly’ finding ourselves having to approach every game now with fingers crossed, lucky rabbits feet clutched etc etc.  Which inevitably leads to one of the following conclusions. So is it Tottingham are too stupid to genuinely advance or is it that they simply aren’t good enough?

Trying to label an entire club as stupid is ambitious even by my standards. So it has to be that we’re simply not good enough. We have Sluralix on the telly beaming. ‘This is a team that won’t give up’ he says. By stark, grim and depressing contrast we have Arry smirking telling us no games are easy, he’s having liver and onions for his dinner and does anyone know what won the 4.40 at Haydock? I could weep.

I maintain it’s a change in playing personnel that’s needed, but it has to make you wonder if the FA really want to go from the extreme of Fabio The Talking Dalek to an extra from ‘Minder’?

Individual brilliance could win the day. My money is firmly on Cheatski doing just that. Drogba is in bitching mood, Torres wants his career back. We have the one dimensional Defoe and 3MP.

A late kick off so at least some lunchtime boozing might take some of the sting out of things.

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  • Van derf Haart says:

    Don’t worry, Liam is just a pikey who has only just managed to hook up his caravan to the Internet and share his narrow delusional mind as he has nothing better to do! The sort of chav cnut that would blend in perfectly with the Chelsea scum. …we can still finish third right Liam? And we were going to win the champions league weren’t we? And England are going the world cup in 2014, yeah? What a fucking tool…!

    • liam diamond says:

      i take youe hh’s fella mate,stop sucking him off and think about who you support.get behind your team or fuck me and i’ll show you whos a pikey….

      • Brycie says:

        Calm down dear!

      • Van derf Haart says:

        I think you are an 8 year old with anger issues due to being molested so much. Go fuck yourself you little prick. I would enjoy knocking your teeth out but don’t fancy another GBH charge.

        We are all right behind spurs to win, but with our strikers shooting blanks and our wing backs being knacked the odds of us winning against a fully fit and in form team chasing the title at their fortress don’t look good!

  • AS says:

    btw to the poster(s) The Ric, LifeSearches4U, 4 Ever Hopeful…
    What would be your line up, tactics, and formation for tomorrow?
    Then we would have something to compare with what Harry chooses.

  • bruce castle says:

    I think we’ll give it a real go tomorrow. We’ve a triffic bunch lads. Modric could play for any team, he’s world class. Dawson has really done a job for us this season. Sandro is really settling in. He can really break up the play in the midddle of the park. Bale is top, top drawer. Van der Varrt is unplayable, when he’s fit. Crouchie gives us something different.

    Chelsea 3 Tottenham 2

    Well, it just wasn’t our day today. We have to keep battling, if its not Champions League this season we’ll try for next (even though the England Manager’s job will be available by then).

  • The Ric says:

    My line up would be something Spurs sadly dont use lol.
    GK Gomes,
    3 CB’s Kaboul, Dawson, Gallas,
    LWB, Bale, RWB Lennon (Would be Kyle Walker if we still had him at the club)
    Midfield Sandro, Huddlestone, Modric,
    Behind the ST VDV.
    Striker not a fan of anyone we have currently up top so just stick either Pav or Crouch here.

    • Spurstacus says:

      Great lineup. Consisting of all the right players/ elements. Too big a game to ask these pro’s to try something different.

  • david says:

    dont know why people are getting on other people’s backs. its a free country and anybody can say what they want. just because you may disagree with a post doesn’t mean you try and abuse the other poster that is just laughable.

    to add my 2p worth anyway, although redknapp may be a good motivator, hes not the man to take us to the next level. as many posters have said he talks too much to the press.

    it was only a few months ago he was shouting out that spurs could win the league, within a few months he is now saying it would be hard to get 4th and city are favourites. i dont buy any of it personally, yes city have splashed the cash but harry has also spent over 100m in 2 1/2 years so he has had the money.

    harry hasn’t got the tactical knowledge like a mourinho that can take us to the next level regardless if we have a bigger stadium (which would be welcomed).

    unfortunately for us spurs fans we wont get in champs league again until we get in a better manager and others who think otherwise are the deluded ones. harry is living off past achievements however time moves on.

    we might not even get 5th this season and that would be tragic

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