
Player Ratings

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If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. If turnips were swords, I’d wear one by my side. If ifs and ands were pots and pans, there’d be no need for tinkers’ hands.

Anyone looking for something more sophisticated to kick than next door’s cat only has to dwell upon all the points dropped thrown hurled over arm bowled away in games against clubs who now litter the lower half of the table.

Now we can move on (some of us by the scruff of the neck) from the rosary bead clutching that dogged yesterday’s blog perhaps it’s time to assess the plan moving forward. And I’m not talking about the next few games. For information on the loss of 4th place kindly read the paragraph above this one.

The criminal yesterday outside of that lobotomised fecktard with the flag was undoubtedly Arry. He went for a draw. Look at the way he lined ’em up. Look at the way he sent ’em out. Look at the way he moved ’em about.

And what was the look of thunder about when Sandro scored? Was that the right time for a poker face? Arry tactically outwitted again. Is this old dog capable of learning new tricks?

Anyhoo, here are some player ratings…

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  • eastanglianspur says:

    “The criminal yesterday outside of that lobotomised fecktard with the flag was undoubtedly Arry. He went for a draw. Look at the way he lined ‘em up. Look at the way he sent ‘em out. Look at the way he moved ‘em about.

    And what was the look of thunder about when Sandro scored? Was that the right time for a poker face? Arry tactically outwitted again. Is this old dog capable of learning new tricks?”

    Is the whole game as bent as a nine bob note? You betcha!!

  • Razspur says:

    Harry left West Ham in May 2001 after a disagreement with the board, they then had to sell Rio, Joe Cole etc etc just to stay afloat, then of course came relegation to the championship. As for Portsmouths Cup Harry brought in experienced players on large wages and ultimately thats what bankrupted them.

  • spurs100 says:

    where is gomes…. surely he should come and aplogies for his lack luster attempt to save a very simple shot….

    we lost due to two stupid officials.

    where are they… surely they should be all over the back pages and made an example off… that what the media do when a player make i.e a rash challenge or even swear down a camera lense…luster

  • notsohotspurs says:

    If we can keep our best players. Sign two quality strikers and a proven defender fot the centre. Avoid fifth place. Then with HR as manager we will compete for the title next year.

    Quarter finals of the CL, winning at highbury. Short memories.

    • jfdit says:

      My point is if he’s offered the england gig we’re fucked anyhow and by then Bale, Modders and Sandro will be looking for new pastures

      Two quality strikers of the quality we need will cost massive money – £70 million plus another £15 million for a decent stopper, ‘arry & levy have already spent £36 million on defoe, crouch & keane – what’s their current sales value?

      There is no money to spend until we sell so chicken & egg situation unless some mugs buy most of our failures

      • Harry Hotspur says:

        This is spot on. Jenas, Hutton & god knows who have a street value of 50p a wage bill to make you wince and a Levy & Co ‘book price’ that looks like an overseas telephone number.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          I think you’ll find that the total accounting value of our players is much lower that their actual total market value. The exact “book value” of each individual player we don’t know, as this is not released in the official accounts. A player like Jenas, who has been with us for years, is most likely fully amortised at this point. That would mean his book value is zero. A fair price some might say, but certainly not over market value.

      • notsohotspurs says:

        I think there is money to spend if they find the right players. Yes we need a big clearout of fringe, loan players but we know Levy hates taking a hit on transfers. If there isnt money to spend what new manager will want the gig ?

  • MBanks says:

    The criminal yesterday Arry old son was that clown between the sticks. The quicker he’s moved on the better…(though im sure you’ll state it was the the defence’s mistake as its never settled Zzzzzz Zzzzzz!!)

    Proud of the ten over boys yesterday as they worked the socks off and deserved better..

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