
The Return Of Zokora!

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You can’t keep a good man down.

That’s what she said.

It has emerged from sources in Italy that the old boy is very possibly set for a return to the Premiership. Unfortunately, or fortunately dependent upon how you care to call it, it is unlikely to be to Tottingham. It’s Steve Bruce’s Sunderland who are the suggested destination.

He was the frustrating player of all times. He had speed – but was fitted with a device that made him fall over the closer he got to the opposition’s penalty area. He had a hell of a shot in him –  but his shooting was nothing shy of bizarre. No matter how much time he had his shots were uniform. They all went into outer space.

Didier will be included in football’s Soccerthaurus™
Zokora n. (Zock-horror) Ivorian device for removing pigeons from stadium rooves.

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  • ehbagumspur says:

    Can’t keep up with these blogs at the mo, I’ve just thought up a witty, topical or nasty reply and hey presto there is a new blog.
    I hope you are not bed-bound or have been made redundant to have all this extra spare time. Maybe you have taken on a secretary or have learn’t to type with more than 2 fingers.
    Keep up the good work, best blog site for miles.

  • Brazilyid says:

    Worse than Iverson in same position.

    Worse than Zokora in Midfield.

  • xildnparadise says:

    How can this discussion happen without a nod (because he sure as hell couldn’t head the ball) Gregor Raziak…. Surely Gilberto deserves an honorable mention….

  • Fatfish says:

    Tremezzani, Andy Gray, Paul Mahorn, Pat Corbett have got to be added to the list.

    And for the older ones amongst us, Colin Lee – 4 goals on his debut & then did nothing else. Ian Moores RIP, but absolutely the worst ever in the time I’ve been watching (since late 60’s), take a bow John Lacy.

    He was about 6′ 6″ (about 2 metres for you teenagers), couldn’t run, jump, head, pass or kick the ball.

    • Smurffee says:

      Colin Lee – great shout, 4 goals in the 9-0 thumping of Bristol Rovers, back in the day when we watched proper football, where the players didn’t wear gloves or snoods or all in one under armour or whatever it is they don under their shirts these days.
      I remember both Ian Moores with his beard and Big John Lacy, played at centre half, turning circle of an oil tanker….happy days

  • gareth says:

    errr postiga?

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