
Uninspiring Niko Agent Quotes

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It’s not easy.

Krankie was a player I immediately took to. One reason was every time he got the ball he went forward with it. Am I easily pleased? Hardly. Intent is a serious thing. People get sent to prison for it. And Niko’s intent was invariably to attack.

I’ve just noticed I’m talking in the past tense.

As we’ve discussed before this morning, Arry has his favourites. He’s a bit like Bill Murray in ‘Hope & Glory’-  if he’s your friend then you’ll never want for a better friend. If he’s not your friend then your life becomes a raging sea. Okay, maybe not a raging sea as such but you could certainly find yourself looking to play football somewhere else.

Kranjcar for some reason has not become Arry’s friend. I understand having Gareth Bale ahead of you in the queue could mean you’re in for a long wait, but Steven Pienaar? Do me a favour.

Krankie is an enterprising and technically gifted player. Why isn’t he getting more game time and why are we getting ‘begging quotes’ from his agent?

“Niko is not happy with the situation at Tottenham at the moment. He wants to play. It is a shame that a man of Niko’s quality is on the bench,” Aliaj said.

“He is loyal to the club and has a contract but it is difficult for him.

“It can be a problem when a player is not playing. When he is not playing he is not happy. He feels down.

“Some clubs in Italy are interested him. Lazio, Roma, Juventus — they are all interested, as well as some teams in Spain and in Germany.

“It’s normal to have teams like these interested in a player with such quality.”

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  • bruce castle says:

    no typing needed for me. my computer just reflects my thoughts
    (cooor nice arse on that bird crossing the street)

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