
The Modric & Parker Incident

Image for The Modric & Parker Incident

Evenin’ all.

A rather bizarre snap found on a Croatian site is the inspiration for this evening’s Caption Competition.

Best caption wins The Ten Bells public house in Spitalfield, London. The pub comes complete with a big sign outside saying The Ten Bells,  a big sign inside listing Jack The Ripper’s victims , some chairs  and of course a photo id card on a lanyard saying ‘New Landlord’.

Mo dders himself of course was asked about Yanited in Croatia the other day and simply replied, ‘I do not think about it. I read newspapers are full of it where I go, who would buy me, but all together are not given much attention.’

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  • forhodssake says:

    Harry, chiversmetimbers mentioned technical problems above.

    When I click on your blog in newsnow, it doesnt open properly – you just get a blue screen with a phone advert at the bottom.

    It does work properly if I enter directly through my browser (ie).

    This problem has only existed for the last day or so – I wonder if anyone else has mentioned it?

  • n17ment says:

    on firefox and have no problems coming from newsnow

  • seppoyiddo says:

    Pages are taking about a minute to open on Firefox for my mac laptop.

  • ken e winks says:

    Theres been a delay opening this with me too. Wonder if that Lady/gent HH had a barney with is trying to techno feck him as revenge.?

  • EngNor says:

    Fuck off you pikey slag, buy your own Spurs shirt.

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