
VDV Re-signs

Image for VDV Re-signs

Ahhhhhhhhhh come on, some of you must be new. Re-Signs….

But these pics are really good.  Are you honestly telling me they weren’t worth luring you in for? This is VDV renewing his wedding vows.

For the benefit of my BFF Spooky – they aren’t photo shopped.

And maybe Triffic Tottenham, you could re-title your piece, ‘Rafa Re-Signs Pictures’

Here they are. Hold on to your hernias, here’s the goods.

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  • ToniMontana says:

    well wouldnt blame Modric to be honest. if i was him i’d do the same.

    this is why we shouldnt be happy with 5th anymore. Redknapp is the one who look like an idiot now. a manager with a small club mentality.

    Redknapp priority list : Money, publicity, then fuck off to manage England.

    • ken e winks says:

      YEP. This season was one of the most important in Tottenham Hotspurs history. But we had a mug in charge, who bottled it and needed to be thrown a lifejacket. If Levy hadn’t have piped up with VDV at 2 minutes to 11 or whatever, we may have finished 10th, or the other arguement that he disrupted the formation….8th?

  • emspurs says:

    I honestly thought that we’d keep him until this. Can’t really see him staying now.

    What’s the word…oh….right…travesty.

  • Aaron says:

    What a slimy little cunt. To not only say he wants to leave. But to also insult us by saying Chelsea are a bigger club. Man Utd – Yes, Chelsea – No. Richer maybe, but not bigger. As a journalist said on twitter earlier, I could buy a season ticket for Cheatski now, not the same with Spurs. What a fucking kick in the dick.

    • onedavemackay says:

      Bigger Shmigger.

      If he wants to go he’ll go. Treat him like an ex wife or girlfriend kiss em goodbye and move on to the next.

      • Aaron says:

        Just winds me up mate, such obvious tapping up, and he says it isn’t about the money, but it is. I would treat him like an ex-girlfriend, the one I very violently abused (not really) – insult to injury, but no player is bigger than our club, other than Andy Reid – he was.

        Would still be an awesome team but we can probably upgrade Lennon and maybe Hudd with Luka cash, and obviously King and Gallas can rotate with Kaboul and Daws. Still manically depressed, thought the guy was Spurs

        • ken e winks says:

          Its the classic, “Just like the rest of em” saga, You can take Bale off that sheet Aaron mate as well, i’m off down to the bottom for a propa rant…

      • ken e winks says:

        I ‘ve never had a girlfriend with a touch like that. But the analogy does work cos they fuck you over, lie and leave.

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Interesting situation.

    Levy previously excused the sale of Carrick and Berbatov by saying they had 2 years or less left on their contracts.

    How can he explain a proposed sale of Modric ?

    Straws clutching. Sandro and Thudd. Tasty

  • MaddySpurs says:

    Utter bollocks, all of it. They can’t afford him!

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