
Porn Barons In Bonking & Bungs Olympic Scandal

Image for Porn Barons In Bonking & Bungs Olympic Scandal

Good evening.

Difficult to remember when the phrase, ‘You couldn’t make it up’ was more apt. The Sunday Times have pulled a rather grubby looking rabbit out of a hat here. A table creaking feast of story in today’s issue.

Here then are the facts as presented. Corporate investigators hired by Levy & Co believe they have discovered payments the most recent of which was £4,800 made in June into the back account of a woman called Dionne Knight. The payments came from an account operated by Naughty Knickers Of Newham Ltd T/A West Ham United Football Club.

Dionne Knight is the Director of Corporate Services at OPLC or Olympic Park Legacy Company.

Dionne is in a relationship with a man called Ian Tompkins. Ian is a Director of West Ham Football Club.

Doorstepped by The Sunday Times, Dionne claimed that the monies – which she did not dispute – were paid for ‘some consultancy work’ she had done for the Porn Barons.

Dionne also disclosed that Karren Brady #facelikeakickedinfridge was fully aware of her ‘consultancy work’ , but that Dionne had not made the OPLC aware of it.

The timeline for this work was that it began two months before the decision to award the Stadium to West Ham. The Sunday Times believes that the corporate detectives were engaged by Tottenham two days before the decision was announced. Readers with keen memories will recall that West Ham began celebrating their ‘win’ at least a day before the decision was formally announced.

On Friday both Ian Tompkins and Dionne Knight were suspended from their positions. Yesterday, a solicitor acting for Dionne revealed that her consultancy work was, ‘a procurement contract in relation to the Olympic Stadium.’ So just to clarify, the Bid Director of West Ham Football Club was sleeping with the Olympic Park Legacy Company’s Director of Corporate Services.

Now this next bit is good. Dionne didn’t tell the OPLC that she was receiving money from the Porn Barons, but she did tell them that she was receiving in a relationship with Ian. So the OPLC  in their own words said, ‘ measures were taken to ensure she had no access to sensitive information.’

So there you have it.  A sordid little tale that stinks to high heaven. The Barons, Tubby Baron & Taller Baron will have to think on their feet here. The OPLC’s Corporate Director, Dionne Knight was not only in a relationship with the Bidding Director of West Ham, but she was also employed by West Ham on a consultative basis.

I am no expert, but I would imagine that the sourcing of this information was absolutely in the public interest. Proof of this if you ever needed it – was that it was hushed up.

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  • Razspur says:

    The FA were ballsy enough to move on the Jack Warner/Bin Hamman FIFA Bungs ref re-electing that Dinosaur Blatter, lets hope they get tough with corruption on their own doorstep, even the PM got involved. West Ham are to take legal action against the Sunday Times and Tottenham Hotspur, don`t think the sale of Scotty Parker will cover this one, you`re broke and relegated….don`t take on another fight you can`t win. “Trying to undermine it`s successful bid”, trying to get to the truth more like, sure she shagged him but kept her mouth shut, just like a woman!!!

  • Jezza says:

    What sort of response would you expect from a porn baron and an old tart who never got the chance to run a big club…….

    • tom says:

      a porn baron and an old tart ,sure she shagged him but kept her mouth shut, just like a woman, as opposed to the sleazy trolls at Jurassic Park. fat, ugly and odious enough to play Kazza Brady.,in a stench-packing factory in Upton Park dirty spammers .my my what a brave bunch of internet intellectuals we all are.

  • TMWNN says:

    I particularly liked the details about the ‘stake-out’; it conjured up images of a face blackened Levy looking through binoculars at Knight’s abode.

    Pro or anti-Stratford, you can’t help but admire Levy’s tenacity. It’s a shame he wasn’t around in 1919 when the scum cheated relegation.

    • ISM says:

      :^DDDDDDD This truely is a rivetting read!
      Certainly makes up for the boring weeks of piss taking anti Spurs journos and dead end stories of every1 and their mothers being linked with THFC and the looooooooooooooong stories of our players that supposedly wanted out!
      Just need to keep our best now,offload a couple o no goers and hopefully Fabricate and Nasri’ll be off,we get a top 4 place and happy days again!

    • Astromesmo says:

      Too bloody right – He’d have packed ’em straight back off on the ferry to Woolwich.

  • frontwheel 2 says:

    I can’t for the life off me understand what we are meant to have done wrong,and as for the media attention making us look like slimy fucks,it seems crazy.There are so many agendas going on its all a bit worrying,it seems a lot of people want to do us harm

    • Astromesmo says:

      I seem to remember, somewhere in the dim & distant past, us having the temerity to ban some (or all?) journo’s for a bit after a particularly savage pice about the club or Chairman?

      Would have been maybe 10 years ago or more?

      Sorry, I’m a bit vague but does anyone else remember this???

      • frontwheel 2 says:

        The only thing i can remember is when we stopped making fools of ourselves in our transfer targets,and started having a bit of savey

      • melcyid says:

        Think it was the evening standard.

      • Chirpy says:

        The Evening Standard was most recently ‘banned’ from WHL and Spurs Lodge in the wake of Jol’s departure – the journalist was Matthew Norman, who Levy considered was conducting a ‘witch hunt’ against him and the club. If memory serves this was not the first time Spurs had told the ES they would not be welcome at matches or press conferences, nor are we the only club to have done so.

        10 or so years ago we banned (the Agent) Sky Andrew, for brokering Sol Campbell’s move to Ar5ena1 – and when Defoe later engaged his services, he was cut out of the deal (by Spurs) which saw JD move to Portsmouth.

  • Mickey says:

    Get some Brummy fans on the subject, they’ll tell a tale or two about the porn stars. I even feel sorry for wet spam fans (not really) they deserve better( not really, again).
    Go on Danny boy, you’ve got them by the balls, don’t let go. But make sure they’re not filming it, cause they’ll only sell it as one of their latest blue films.

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