
Vote Here & Now How You Feel On This Whole Modders Fiasco

Image for Vote Here & Now How You Feel On This Whole Modders Fiasco

Bonsoir. That is your actual… okay I’ll just get on with it. Tempers areĀ  understandably fraying by the hour. If not by the bleedin’ minute.

It’s pretty bloody clear that this guy is shaping up to be the last guy we take to our hearts. Unassuming, diligent all that jazz but in the final analysis he was a wrong’en.

But do not let me lead you to your decision. I believe this poll to be true and fair. As will be the flaming envelope of dog poo I intend to have left on Modders’ doorstep once I get his address.

Vote. Get it off your chests. I would.

[poll id=”18″]

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  • Steveo1987 says:

    Sharpish and shot sounds about right.

  • Highgatespur says:

    Shut it Redknapp!!!!

  • Coops says:

    Selling him will set the wrong tone and enhance our ‘selling club’ reputation (which is a bit unfair in my mind). For a mere 45k a week I dare say we could probably afford to bench him and set a precident. He could even do my washing if he gets bored (I’m in Woodford so might even fit in with his training ground commute).

    Very disappointed with Modric, as I am with Woodgate. In Woodgate’s case we bank-roll the injury-prone defended (granted a gifted one) for the best part of 3 years and he doesn’t fancy a pay-as-you-play deal with us. Where’s the loyalty?

    • UnkleKev says:

      I actually think I’m more disappointed with Woodgate’s attitude and am surprised it’s not really been commented on before now.

  • jimmy_boy81 says:

    Do we smell a swap deal where we get drogba and a big bag with a dollar sign on it and modric goes across the road into a team that is on the way down?

  • J says:

    The bit I don’t understand is that he got his gentlemans agreement. Modric states that if an offer came in then Levy would look at it and consider it. An offer did come in for 22million. Levy looked at it, and considered it a no. It really wouldn’t surprise me at all if this is made up garbage where abramovich has paid foreign press to release a story. There is no doubt in my mind Modric has been tapped up by chelsea and abromavich. For instance, Modric says in his ‘latest’ interview that he knows villas-boas wants him. Chelsea put in a bid before boas was manager. The bid was rejected before he was manager. No where in the media is there a quote or soundbite stating boas ‘wants’ modric. Therefore someone has been in contact with luka from chelsea and made it known that boas wants him. Obviously this has been after spurs rejected a bid to a managerless chelsea. Therefore after spurs told them to leave it, they have gone behind spurs back and illegally approached luka, which in football terms means they have tapped up a player, un-settled him and all without consent of spurs.

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