
What The Flip Is The Hold Up?

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Good morning ladies.

Forgive the brash approach so early in the day, but just what is the delay with our transfer activity? Levy & Co assured us that the perception that we do all our business in the last fifteen minutes of the window was an inaccurate one.

Whilst elsewhere, Liverpool are firing at will. Stoke want watching. Yanited aren’t mucking about. Chelsea will soon be going through the gears. Where are we?

The striker targets so far appear to be as nailed on as wet Sellotape. Admittedly we’ve brought in Brad Friedel, but seeing the snap of him in training yesterday he looked like an extra from the Addams Family.

Meanwhile we’re trying to get another 50p for Begbie.

If the market worth of Begbie, PSB and others has been reassessed and they are now more keenly priced, then let’s sell them. I can imagine what the hold up is though. Their agents. The likes of J**** are sitting pretty on a contract with gawd knows how many years left to go on it. Suddenly Blackburn or whoever come in and offer him the  opportunity of a lifetime to take a pay cut and go and live in a northern toilet.

Players who aren’t likely to advance the cause need to have it made perfectly clear that barring an act of God they won’t be in the first team anytime soon. We see almost daily what vain and delicate little creatures footballers are. Name and shame them.

‘SSN understands that PSB has two years remaining on his contract and is unprepared to move and take a pay cut. Sources close to THFC told us, “We’d take £1 for him to get his wages off the books but the knacker simply refuses to shift.”‘

Super Roman Crazypavinchenko needs to stay but we cannot afford another season of hoping that Defoe finds his mojo and 3MP goes out of football and into Panto.

Is that we’re waiting to see if Arry gets Porridge? Is it that we need a Director of Football opposed to a hesitant cockney? Given the total absence of better ideas I was actually coming around to the idea of Scott Parker. But given the outbreak of WWIII between the two clubs even that non event looks unlikely.

Stop stalling Spurs, I really feel that this window is beginning to pass you by.

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  • rogerspurs says:

    We all know most of the “..a club source has said..” stories are bollocks. So it’s hard to know who we’re in for and who is on the verge of moving. I can’t see us getting any of the top Euro names being bandied about in the short term..I suspect that the guys on the top of our list are waiting to see if they’re going to a club with CL football next year – it’s a bit like the old school p[layground method of picking teams . Chels, ManU, Citeh, AC, Inter, Barca , Real blah blah are in the position of getting first dibs. Sadly I think we’re down the list a bit – and we’ll have to wait for the fat kid to put in goal ( oh we’ve already got him !). I can’t understand though why we’re not able to get a Drogba / Forlan type of “still got it for one or two years” type to get us into the CL again – which is the only time I think we’ll be in a position to attract the best away from the Rich Kids. The worry I have is that we’ll get rid of the surplus, have some spare cash to burn with no one any good to spend it on. Is Rasiak still available do you think?

  • Kiwiyid says:

    No money+no appetite=No players

  • BaconFlavouredSnackHead says:

    Chill out and wait for the inevitable last minute deal for Adebayor on August 31st.

  • Harryhotspurs legalbrief says:

    Harry from a legal point of view you are we are suffering from a severe case of bullying by a Russian with stolen oil from Siberia ABV the hand clapper and manager sacker. This charming man has manage to tempt a player who signed a six year deal kids felt safe to put Modric on the back of there expensive shirts now the little man has big ideas with 3 goals shit assists he want champions league games . There is no doubt he can play but his campain last year without his minder Huddlestone he exposed him with 3 goals 3 assists 38 shots and 87 pass completion’s appendix operation missing four vital games he wants to play for a 33 old manager who managed in a league on a par with Scotland . He will be getting paid by Oil money we have to pay 129 a gallon to drive from a man who sacks a manager who won the double with Modrics three goals and 3 assists i hope he pleases him he claps like a child when Chelsea score but looks very cross when they miss golden chances like Modric did against Chelsea. Sell him Bale Van and go back to 7th or sell out to oil and pack in driving

  • greavesie says:

    give us a break! everyone’s only been back to work for a couple of days; the copa is going on which is distracting just a few latinos, and the juniors are tied up with one tournament or another. harry has been told to sell first, then buy. so we must wait for the sales.

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