AS Roma

Diarra Deal Also Heading Towards The Toilet

Image for Diarra Deal Also Heading Towards The Toilet

Hello fight fans.

Harumph. Those pesky Spanish and Italians appear determined to wreck Redschnapp’s rescue package.

Apparently, Roma are stepping into the frame in pursuit of Lassana Diarra. The transfer to Tottingham was in the bag we were told by these season’s crop of fresh faced ITK’s. Sadly it appears that the bag has a hole in it.

If Spurs don’t get their act together soon I’ll be looking for a bag with no holes in to stick over my head. Maybe that’s what the blue & yellow was. The hues I’ll go as I asphyxiate myself.

The Italian press are now reporting that our deal collapsed last week and now the Giallorossi are going to step in, not fanny about and sign the chap they need to replace the soon to be off Daniele De Rossi.

theboysfromwhitehartlane (mp3)

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  • JimboSpurs says:

    Can anyone on here tell me if they know anybody who has any idea why we are not trying to sign Eto’o? He is class, proven and the right mix that we need… He has said he likes England, he has said money is not important anymore, he is obviously available, he would be good for a few seasons at least. If anyone can bend the ear of Levy to the tune of this man please do so. I am a little far away in Ireland to shout over the walls of the West Stand.

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Re: Diarra,

    Is anyone shocked? We are in the Europa League. Any team that isn’t in the Champions League that has a bit of cash, or offers both CL football and cash, has a huge edge over us, cos Europa League means nothing, it’s now worthless. Same goes for any number of strikers we’re being linked with. We don’t offer the top levels of wage, or the top levels of football.

    Qualifying for CL was the priority last season, we blew it.

    We’ll be shopping in the bargain basement cos we have no choice, whilst being managed by the gobby stop-gap. Talk of Rossi and the like joining us now is far detached from reality.

    I actually am finding the public “cooling” of Chelsea’s Modric interest fascinating, along with Stoke’s cooling of their links to Palacios (who we might need yet) and Crouch. It’s like every club out there is going – “Come on then Levy, let’s see you negotiate now”. They all realise they are in the driving seat re: players we want to sell. Like Keane, who really was sold for a knockdown price. And contrary to the party line, Modric could well be a player we want to sell.

    I do have a feeling we won’t be buying anyone of note this summer, and with Harry at the helm anyway, I don’t know that that bothers me so much as it may others.

    • SuperSpurs says:

      I think in the future we can all get used to Transfer Windows like this one, and last January from now on. Until Spurs can earn more revenue from ticket sales, the wage structure will remain the same as will our squad. Unless the arse falls out of the football market or a fool with plenty of money comes and buys our unwanted – we are stuck with what we have got….and lets face it ain’t all bad…

  • mark says:

    Why do people keep going on about centre midfield not need improving..Did you see how our midfield was given the run around
    in some away games last season? Our midfield can sometimes is at times lightweight and cant handle clever teams or teams that close down space well.
    Am sick to death of last minute defendings and Gomez save after save..Its a good midfield but whatever people say did not get us top4 last season so
    something must be wrong..And no , its not just the strikers but Midflield protecting the back 4..Am sick to death of Harrys we play “Open Football” quotes.

    • Tony says:

      Because you have Modric (hopefully), Hudd, Sandro, Lennon, Bale vying for midfield berth. You add ONE more FIRST choice midfielder, and we will have trouble. We will start moving people out of position to accommodate them. Modric playing left or something. It is not the strongest midfield in the Premiership, BUT it is more sorted than other areas of our team. Lower priority.

  • Ali says:

    Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!Harry Out!

    • Tony says:

      History suggests that if we did sack Harry, we would replace him with Gross, Francis, Graham, Hoddle….STEP BACKWARDS….

    • simianspur says:

      Is Sandra aware?

    • j.antonspur says:

      To be honest we need harry, his man managing is what I think is the teal reason modric isn’t having a hissy fit, also if he didn’t come around we wouldn’t have got CL and actually of we don’t make champions league when he leaves we are goin to lose more than bale vdv and bale, we will lose others, this year is completely make or break, if harry leaves we are fucked cuz 1 it affects morale and 2 if he stays after this year and we don’t make CL we will still have a small chance in the future but if we make CL and then get a new manager we R ok, I believe that’s the only way to replace harry withou destroyin everything

    • Plod says:

      What’s Harry Hotspur ever done to you?

      You stay where you are Harry, I look forward to your cheerful article when Adebayor and Diarra arrive which I’ve no doubt will happen.

  • Ali says:

    Redchnapps that is….

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