
‘Modric Asked Me Not Play Him’ Redschnapps Reveals

Image for ‘Modric Asked Me Not Play Him’ Redschnapps Reveals

Where to start with this one?

Meltdown at the Lane! Club in crisis.!Manager loses dressing room! John Cross from The Mirror has just Tweeted that Luca Modric asked not to be played prior to this afternoon’s spanking. Jeremy Wilson of the Torygraph has now added that this request was ‘two hours before the game.”

So we have an insurrection on our hands boys. If this isn’t a mess, it’ll do til one gets here.

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  • toddspur says:

    some great posts chaps;

    Cant really add much to this blog apart from my slight change of heart and some one liners;

    1. Modders @ 40m has to go; anything less he stays and earns his 85k
    2. DL needs to spend 20m minimum THIS WINDOW. Crouch can go – new striker please
    3. Parker; why not; good for the squad
    4. Cole; no thanks unless he’s a free and drops his wages
    5. Bellamy; as Joe Cole but not at detriment to bringing in another quality striker
    6. Arry to be censored and left to do his job
    7. Hire Butch Wilkins
    8. Buy Cahill


    • SpursGator says:

      Thanks for this post – excellent summary and along with Astro and others, thanks for the voices of reason.

      I think with Parker etc. it’s all about wages. Parker is a solid player and the kind that we lack. Only if we end up in some kind of expensive long-term contract should there be any objection (except that we should have had someone better two months ago, but that isn’t Parker’s fault, and we should still buy him).

      Bellamy is a clear upgrade over Defoe. Character wise it’s a downgrade – but the petulant, offsides, ear-biting Defoe actually makes me think twice. Perhaps on paper it’s debatable. But to salvage this season we need fighters. At least Bellamy gives us that. I would take it. Him and Ade in a 4-4-2 would be dangerous.

      I can’t see what Joe Cole can possibly do for us. Maybe if he could somehow come back into form he could replace Lennon, or at least push Lennon.

      How we don’t already own Cahill AND Samba is beyond me.

      • toddspur says:

        I think we also need to accept we are likely to be shopping in the BOGOF section for the coming years. This will change only when;

        1. The new stadium is built
        2. The oligarks lose interest in their toys

        Hey ho; reality sucks but its still my beloved Spurs

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      You had me worried for a minute on number 4, I thought you were going to say…

  • lecoqhardi says:

    Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
    Daniel. Transfer Windows. Madness.

  • Mdmdehotspur says:


    Last 54 games under Harry compared to Ramos’ 54 in charge:

    Redknapp – P:54 W:22 D:17 L:15

    Ramos – P:54 W:21 D:16 L:17

  • Fatfish says:

    And the figures 2 & 8 come up as well.

    8 goals conceded in 2 games.

  • Exile says:

    In my previous post I may have given the impression that I was a total pessimist and lacked any hope for the future.
    We are probably top six and our pessimism is that we can’t step up to the next level. As our ‘top 6’ opponents have all shown, the next level costs a lot more than we have; look at how much they spend (ManU, ManC, L’pool, Chelski). We and the Gooners are now learning that if you don’t spend year on year you fall behind.
    Our only hope is to
    1. Find a way to develop a team by buying intelligently and getting the most out of very good players. D Moyes has done this for several years at Everton.
    2. Get a bigger income stream: A big new stadium will do that for the future. Levy doesn’t have a sister company to buy naming rights, so we need to do it that way.
    3. Everyone (Levy, Redknapp et al)remember why we are Spurs: as Bill Nick said:
    “It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high… so high, in fact, that even failure will have in it an echo of glory!”

    • SpursGator says:

      What is a true disaster is that the Gooners went out and actually built the stadium, with all the amenities. And now they are finding that they STILL can’t pay the wages. The ceiling was raised even as their sterile, soulless stadium was in the works.

      I still don’t know if the new financial rules will change all this or not. Ideally, the clubs would not be allowed to lose money, thus capping clubs like Chelsea and Man City, neither of whom generate anywhere near what they are spending.

      I have no faith that anything will change. But if it does, it means there’s hope for Arse due to their stadium, and hope for us due to our season ticket waiting list (i.e., potential big stadium).

      Otherwise – if things stay the same – a new stadium won’t even do it anymore. It is well and truly depressing.

      • Astromesmo says:

        This is the big, big worry. It is not in the ‘interests’ of the game to hold back the big spenders. Thrashings like ours & Arse’s mean big TV viewing numbers, so the likelihood that UEFA are going to do anything meaningful to stop it is next to nothing.

        It’s like the Romans & the coliseum – They started off with one event a week but the public got bored. So it ended up with Emperor’s having to organise 100 days of continuous fighting to keep the ‘public’ interested & make themselves popular.

        Barca getting beat at home doesn’t do well for the video sales and the Messi shirts, so the big machine needs Rooney to get a hat-trick every week and for Messi to waltz around a defence in Nike boots.

        That means a team of well-paid support players… All funded by Abu-Dhabi-doo & the latest billionaire in town.

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