
Oh Do Shut Yer Cakehole…

Image for Oh Do Shut Yer Cakehole…

Good morning?

Arry Redschnapps is a good football manager. Say what you want, make all the wobbly chops gags you like, his record speaks for itself. The 2 points from 8 games quote t-shirt is still available from the HH Schmutter Dept at a price you can afford, global delivery available.

However, whilst he’s a talented manager I’d argue his instincts for self preservation are superior to anything he’s demonstrated on a football pitch. I won’t bore you with a blow by blow account of his entire career, but old Aitch has crawled out of more exploding, flaming, twisted debris than Bruce Willis did in the entire Die Hard franchise.

The point when I really grasped what was going on was when Arry did that interview out of his car window, saying that the Chairman was keen to spend, probably keener than he was to bring in new players.

It was then I believe, that it dawned on our Arry he had inadvertently put himself well and truly on offer if things went mammary glands up. From that moment on we’ve been nurtured on a diet of ‘I dunno’s’ and ‘I wish I could tell yous.’

The reality of course that there is money to spend but much of it is tied up in deadbeats that aren’t good enough to get selected for the first team squad in a friendly. And here’s a revelation, Arry can buy – but he appears incapable of selling. No wonder he got stroppy over being branded a wheeler dealer. He can wheel with the best of ’em, but his dealing leaves much to be desired.

There’s a fine line between being a good buyer and simply being a good spender. As anyone with a girlfriend or wife can testify…

And so to these Modric comments. I have to ask, just who’s side are you on Arry? The Chairman of the club has emphatically stated that the player is not for sale. A bid has been refused without consideration. The pitiful, ‘No like chicken badge’ whining of the player has been nothing but a source of amusement.

Yet ‘Ardball Arry the business guru seems to believe it’s good idea to tell the press that the transfer to Chelsea could yet happen. He also believes that the monies generated would be useful in bringing in fresh players to boost the squad.

What a plum. The motivation for this witless revelation isn’t poor ickle Modric’s little boy lost routine in training, it is Arry – as per -thinking of himself.

Sketch 1. Flog Modders – ‘It’s not my fault, what could I do ? It was a lotta lolly, the boy wanted to go’.

Sketch 2. Arry then gets his hands on the transfer fee and I would imagine makes all too predictable megabids for people like Scotty Parker. He spends and takes a punt we can get 4th.

Sketch 3. Then when it all goes down the tube – ‘It’s not my fault, what could I do ? The Chairman says he weren’t for sale, then he sells our best player’.

Redschnapps needs to keep his head down and focus upon the task for which he is employed to do. If he’s feeling chatty, he should start ringing round his galaxy of footy mates and make a concerted effort to offload the deadbeats.


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  • AFelching says:

    Fackinel, KAKA

  • kojac says:

    i missed most of it in the end,itv4 is made of the same cheese as HH.saw the goals and the early stuff,good win can’t do any harm and defoe with 2 assists,he looked pretty sharp lets hope he carrys it on to old trafford,

    well done the krank and livermore we have some decent players hope harry doesn’t put vdv out wide and change things around on monday,we need to put teams like utd under pressure until the cracks start to appear,not all behind the ball

    i hope we stick it to the mancs on monday

    i wouldn’t fancy bare knuckle fighting big tom

  • Finn says:

    Anyone notice that Fulham beat Dnipro 3-0…..that’s Martin Jol’s Fulham over Juande Ramos’ Dnipro.

  • UnkleKev says:

    It’s easy to say “it’s ony Hearts”, but we were absolutely unpayable throughout the whole of the first half. Harry said afterwards that it was as probably as good as we’ve played under his tenureship and I would have to agree. Any Liverpool and Arsenal fans with even half a brain would be forced to look at our performance and think “shit, we’ve got a fight on our hands”.

    If tonight is any indication of what’s to come then top four is eminently achievable — and I wouldn’t be too hasty to write off our chances of finishing as high as second.

    Magnificent performance.

    • Astromesmo says:

      As someone wise once said – you can only beat the team in front of you and that was a very efficient side-stepping of a potential nasty annoyance. For first ‘serious’ game, everyone looked sharp, the passing looked crisp and the finishing ruthless. Just the ticket.

      Add that tall bloke from Madrid/Citeh who knows where the onion bag is and we might catch ManUre in their traditional ‘slow start mode’.

      Fingers crossed.

  • Astromesmo says:

    … And just to add my perpetually annoying voice to the above debate, can we stop over analysing every syllable Harry (both of them) says. It’s getting so ridiculously tedious. He’s not going to stop giving interviews, that’s just the way the 24hr media works now… Live with it otherwise this site is going to need to employ a qualified media analyst.

    You might think he’s the only one talking but guess what, that’s because you only have the Spurs feed from newsnow. If you had the Yanited one you’d see just as much of Suralix, the ‘We’ll get that reporter banned’, ‘I’m not answering that question, RIGHT!’, ‘I’m going to disrespect the taxpayer by blanking the BBC’ PR paragon that HE is.

    As for constantly barking about Harry… What’s the point? You aren’t going to get him sacked. He will do that by himself in his own good time if he or Levy wishes or if he fails to get CL this season. Maureen is not going to come to WHL right now, not unless we suddenly find £80-£100m tucked under the mattress and a wage structure that can cope with £140k+ p/w wages.

    All the constant mithering does in the mean time is make us look like a club divided and adds further fuel to the very flames that you accuse Harry of. Why do you think the Sky interviewer posed the question about fan chat rooms last season? Did he make it up or had he been looking at comments like those posted daily on here? Do you think it made Modders feel settled to hear that fans were calling for Harry’s sacking?

    OK, some wag will say ‘It would probably make him feel better’ but I point you at the words Bale said at the end of last season where he praised Harry to the hilt and said he was the best man for the job.

    The truth is… I don’t know what’s going on in the dressing room, boardroom or Levy’s mind… and neither the hell do any of you lot. So asserting that any of what we say is fact is utter tripe.

    What I do know is that when we get into the ‘you’re only a true fan if…’ either way in the debate we are all on a very, very slippery slope.

    HH, how about a ‘New Seasons Resolution’… No, ‘I’m not a Harry hater BUT…’ headlines for a bit. Let’s just actually wait and see what happens for once rather than getting out the burning tar barrels over some plank at the Daily Star saying that Peter Odenwingythingy is nailed on, or that guy that does the headlines at Sky turning ‘We’ll, he’s had his head turned’ into ‘Harry insists Modders must go!’.


    • Yachtsman says:

      And, by the way, on the topic of Adebayor, remember back a few weeks when you quoted a piece from that “excellent” [your assessment] biography of Tony Soper? As I posted then, I’m having difficulty tracing the author/publisher. Would be much obliged if you would favour me with the details.


      • Astromesmo says:

        Hi Skipper, I posted a reply but you must have missed it.

        You can normally find it just next to the rubber headed hammers and the Tartan paint in the aisle reserved for the biographies of great Indian downhill skiers.

    • TMWNN says:

      I think people ought to just write their own thoughts rather than telling others what to do.

    • spurious supporter says:

      Hear, hear Astro, as usual you are a shining light of reason and balanced opinion in a sea of unbalanced, illogical and often unpleasantly personal guff.

      Far too many people have a tendency to let us know how much they dislike HR at every available opportunity.

      The Harry haters have become tediously boring.

    • Stevespur says:

      Give that man a cigar.

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