
Reckless Rumours R Us

Image for Reckless Rumours R Us

Good morning and welcome aboard the good ship Venus.

Having gone rummaging through all the usual and indeed unusual cyber dustbins here in just one URL is where transfer wise, we is at.

Talk of 3MP to Stoke or even Sunderland jack-knifed courtesy of  Redschnapp himself. Arry told us after the City fiasco that Pete had come to him all doe eyed wanting to know if the paper talk was true. If a striker as unproductive as he had an ounce of self respect in him, instead of bleating over gossip columns he’d have been more useful cold calling Clubs to ask about vacancies.

David Betley’s name was being mentioned in Blackburn circles, but even the chicken fetus magnates are happier to look at elsewhere, or more accurately, anywhere else. So that’s another one who’s hoovering up salary and contributing zip.

And this is the case with all the two other Family Favourites, Begbie and *****. ***** isn’t for sale. I’ll qualify that. He is, but he’s not on the ONO shelf with Bentley. He can’t be. As all these little half tales of transfers filter out, *****’ name is never mentioned.

Krankie wants to stay I’ve been told. He was sick of not getting a game and with the World’s Greatest Footballer™ Peanut injured, Arry has snatched at the chance to put him in the shop window.

And so for those self harmers still concious, but dripping profusely into the Axminster …it’s the incoming news!

Scott Parker is en route. Joe Cole is on his way like a Bat Out Of Hell – or at least a Mong Of Merseyside.

Scott Parker we know about. It’s the spirit of Bobby Moore that courses through his veins. Get ups in the morning, full English, off to the barbers, picks up some flowers for his dear old mum from Buster Edwards’ old stall and straight in for double training. Then home via Manze’s for a slap up.

Joe Cole is a mystery. Not mysterious like how the hell did the Mormon Church ever take off? Mysterious as in how come Arry thinks he’s going to play him when Jose Mourinho and Kneny Dalglish have both emphatically tossed him onto the ‘not even in the event of an emergency’ pile? Maybe that’s it, maybe should knock this football lark on the head and say he’s found ‘some plates’ in his garden.

Diarra is done. Done and dusted. Well the collective wisdom of every ITK can’t be wrong, can it? Yean I know the player has said there is no deal, but what would he know about it? Has he got an ITK badge and hundreds of slavering ten year olds hanging on his every word? No he does not. Case closed. It’s done.

And now Owen Hargreaves’ name has been thrown into the mixer. I can only image this is related to a recent injunction taken out by Michael Owen against THFC to ensure he isn’t embarrassed by having his name linked with us at 1145pm on Wednesday …again.

Another name tagged on in the last few days is that of Gary Cahill. He’s good stuff, but if we get pipped by the reluctant spender Aunty Wenger then someone at WHL wants to have a serious look at themselves.

Now if you’ll excuse me I must attend to the riggin’.

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  • stephen cullen says:

    its rich of legley king to ask the club to sort out the modric fiasco ,he should be more concerned when he is going to make his usual occasional appearance along side his clone gallas,thers no way we would have conceded 8 goals in 2 games with them available, please harry dont sign any more cripples eg hargreaves.

    • LLL says:

      Err, yeah, but I don’t really think you can blame Ledley for being injured. That’s how he rolls. It’s up to the club if they want to keep him on, and I do think that for sentimental reasons alone, it’s good that they have supported him, even if he is restricted to occasional guest appearances.

      The same can’t be said for Gallas though, a 2 year contract for a crocked 34 year old seems rather generous. No matter though, we’ll soon be able to get the gold at the football Paralympics by the looks of it.

      • yiddo4ever says:

        and this i am starting to think is what Rednapp is about….aging players, crocked players looking for a life line on big contracts. Look at his previous clubs and there is a pattern devloping. Is this the reason we havent signed anyone….is Levy thinkin the same as us and laughing Rednapp off?

    • Spurlative says:

      I think the reason why Ledley has kept quiet until now is because he is crocked and he is sensitive to the fact that he might not really have a say because of that….
      But he loves the club and is probably desperate to sort this out.

      • yiddo4ever says:

        I used to think Ledley loved our club…however if he had stayed injury free and become the legend that he should have been for club and country do you think he would have stayed with us? He also would have left for the money and the glory of winning things. Just like we will now be cheering Adeybayor form the stands when we have spent years booing and making songs up about him…what the fack is it all about? As City are showing now its all about winning no matter if you sell out to achieve it which i think is sad in a way….’belonging’ to a club should mean more then that. I dont want Arsenal and Chelsea players at our club regardless of hwo good they are…they are our rivals for facks sake!

  • emad nimah says:

    But by January, at the current rate, we would be in a relegation dogfight.

    • Spurlative says:

      That should bring the best out of Redschnapps and the team again! We’ll get fooled into thinking he is the ‘one’

  • yiddo4ever says:

    Joe Cole, Scott Parker, Owen Hargreaves….ill begrudgingly accept Parker as a short term shake the midfield up until Sandro is fit again kinda signing but if the other two players mnetioned ever put on a Spurs shirt then you have to FACK OFF NOW! And if Parker stays in the team at detriment to Sandro you should hang your head in shame Harry.
    Lastly…why dont you ever give our younger hungrier players a chance? Surely we have a youngster who can be just as good or even better at being offside or lashing wildly at the ball (are you reading Defoe?)

  • yiddo4ever says:

    Is it me or has Bale looked the shadow of himself over the last few games? Anyone got an opinion on this? On Sunday our play was going through BAE constantly and Bale seemed to be almost strolling around and drifting centre while his team mates almost seemed purposly not passing to him. Strange….also Lennon seems to be a shadow of himself at moment, alsmost like he cant be facked?
    Mind you if i were a winger and looked up all ready to pick your cross out and saw a human beanpole who cant actaully header a ball in the middle then i spose i would lose the will as well!! Comments on Bale would be appreciated though…

  • Hazard's Bandaid says:

    What about TH ‘do’ an F.C. United? Start a rival club at the bottom of the pyramid? Slog up through all the levels; get some excitement going; win some games AND find a place for Jenas, Bentley, Dos Santos, Gomes, Crouch, Pav, Corluka, Naughton, Pienaar, Modric, Khumalo to keep fit?

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