
Send Three And Fourpence, We’re Going To A Dance

Image for Send Three And Fourpence, We’re Going To A Dance

Look out ladies,

The boy Hotspur’s experiencing a marble deficiency. Well actually no, merely demonstrating how some things never change.

The phrase in the headline for those of you under 200 years of age was or in fact still is apocryphal corruption of a World War 1 signal illustrating just how Chinese Whispers work the message ought to have read, ‘Send reinforcements. We’re going to advance.’ 

Still confused? Well here’s 3MP’s 35 yard net busting golazo sensation that was widely reported by just everyone from here to Hunstanton and here it is then courtesy of our very own; highly esteemed UnkleKev.

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  • Onedavemackay says:

    I think he’s pretty good at footy. Trouble is he’s also pretty good at playing a racist thug.

    If he’s a reformed character he’s well worth having. Look what he did to the Goons

    • frontwheel 2 says:

      How would we check his reformidididity?

    • UnkleKev says:

      I agree. He’s actually a much better footballer than he’s given credit for, added to which he won’t go missing on a wet and windy Wednesday night at the Weebok … always assuming he’s still on the pitch of course. We could do a lot worse is all I’m sayin’.

      • onedavemackay says:

        His appalling social behaviour masks the fact that has plenty of ability and a ‘never say die attitude on the pitch’.

    • Spurstacus says:

      He could keep all our foriegn lot under manners. He’d only have to pull a cigar from the pocket of his official blazer and they’d know he meant business. He could carry one on the pitch in the black armband he’d always wear. Just as a reminder. Sign him up, but forbid any form of facial hair.

  • Steveo1987 says:

    The only other Barton I’ve heard of is called Dick. Which sounds about right!

  • Billy_Fiore says:

    Just another 782 fucking awful attempts until the next one!

  • edspur says:

    Getting back to Bond’s warblings and Redknapp’s contstant verbal diarrhoea I think Levy should instruct them to start any interview for the media with the statement “Modric is not for sale at any price” and that they should repeat that statement, as if in a trance, at any point during the interview if they feel they are being bamboozled (sadly all too likely) into saying anything remotely resembling an admission that any of our better players are for sale.

    If they are unable to comply with these orders then Levy should have the statement tattooed on their foreheads and have their tongues cut out.

  • Finn says:

    We seem to be being linked with midfield players once again, as if we don’t have enough. As a consequence we hear less about any strikers (not that less is much of a relative value when we’ve heard bugger all anyway).

    However it does perhaps suggest that the respite from the papers’ speculation might be good to allow a bit of quiet enquiry and negotiation away from the spotlight.

    Good to see Levy cracking the whip.

    • lecoqhardi says:

      Sandro injured, The Thudd clearly still struggling after his operation, the youngsters not good enough, J****, and R** Boy. Who exactly is going to play central midfield if we don’t buy?

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