
All Stoked Up & Ready To Blow

Image for All Stoked Up & Ready To Blow

Good awning. 

With the weather as unpredictable as it has demonstrated itself to be of late a stout piece of reliable tarpaulin may prove itself invaluable.

And then there was Stoke. 

The first question in any interrogation is to the questioner who needs to ask his or herself (ooh stop, it’s not lunchtime yet) how important the matter is.  The much ‘debated’ issue of fielding children over adults has been somewhat at the fore on here of late.

Stoke were put up as prime example of  a side that caught out, spreading themselves too thinly. By contrast, BMJ’s Fulham by stark contrast proved that offering up your first team need not necessarily court disaster as they drew with FC Twente and then pulled off a historic draw against the free scoring and merciless Manchester City.

So who will play? Stoke are neither a bunch of well meaning sweaties, nor a shower of faceless Greeks. 

Judging by Arry’s latest comments what we will get is something between the first team and the yoofsters. Gomes, Pav, VdV, Dos Santos and presumably anyone else Arry can’t reach using the power of …trifficness.


Minus PNB and Ade we will struggle. This isn’t at all me being Mr MiseryGuts, rather me being Mr OpinionBasedOnHowWeWhereBeforeTheyLanded so 0-0.


I’d be fascinated to know why Steve Perryman has only just be inducted into the Hall of Fame? Is there really a probation period in which you mustn’t dis da club?


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  • choc says:

    Charlie Bassong Gallas Townsend
    Gio Livermore Sandro Falque
    VDV Pav

    A strong line up whilst still resting the weekend players. VDV is a ?? Needs games for fitness. Unhappy at missing the Europa. Only played 45 at the weekend. I think he will start but Kane is an option.

    • UnkleKev says:

      I’d like to see Carroll parter Sandro in the middle. He’s certainly earned the right to start tonight.

    • choc says:

      I think Livermore gives Sandro a lot more freedom and margin for error than Carrol(who I hope is on the bench). Hudd would be better if he were fit enough. Half the EPL would be pleased to field that as a first XI, on paper at least. How it will actually works out on grass though we get an idea tonight. My guess, If Stoke are reasonably strong, an even game as we wont concede many or score many. This one could go the distance.

      • Essexian76 says:

        Why not play Hudd at CB and see how it goes? It’s a problem area for us and when he’s played there before he’s done OK.We’re too dependant on Ledders and Gallas right now and tonights game will be a good test of character.

        • choc says:

          Good point except, it’s Stoke. So we can expect a very physical aerial bombardment for our CDs for at least parts of the game and Gallas+Bassong are better able to deal with that. Testing Hudd’s character is one thing, putting him in the middle of a blitz out of position returning from injury however is… harsh! So if Hudd were fit I would partner him with Sandro tonight. I definitely think we will see Hudd playing very deep during this season though for sure, maybe at CD or more likely deep CM. His passing range makes him a potential match winnger from there.

        • Essexian76 says:

          That’s why I wouldn’t risk Gallas especially this early as anything goes wrong with Ledders we’re up shitcreek once more.

        • choc says:

          Your wish is granted. Apparently Gallas isn’t playing so get your tin hat on Hudd :) Doubt it though. Move Charlie inside and add Walker is more likely. Defence will be a bit worse but I think scoring will be a problem too. Wasn’t impressed with the forward play in Greece.

  • Aimee says:

    blitzkrieg bop.

  • Onedavemackay says:

    I think we’ll put out a stronger side than The Potters a combination of the fringe set and the Yoofsters (nice one H).

    After Sunday I expect us to remain undefeated til the end of the season at least

  • TMWNN says:

    Doesn’t look like it’s on anywhere.

    Surprisingly, Leeds v Manure is.

  • kojac says:

    well you’d think stoke would put out their strongest team,they won’t get relegated and can win this type of cup,

    we should carry on with the midweek team bringing in people who need to get fit,it’s all about top 4 for us,if we are in the latter stages of cups come february then pats on the back and dicks sucked all round

    onward tottenham soldiers

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