
EXCLUSIVE Ledley Interview Ahead Of NLD

Image for EXCLUSIVE Ledley Interview Ahead Of NLD

Good evening ladykillers,

Rare that a 2 bob blog gets thrown a bone and indeed asked how good it tastes. There will be more of this sort of thing as you lot are widely regarded and rightly so as the people that count.

Thanks to @louise_s_page for making it happen.

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  • shuban says:

    Yes “exclusive” a link from Youtube

    • LosLorenzo says:

      oooohhhh. You’re clever, aren’t you?

    • Harry Hotspur says:


      If your brain was as big as your gob you would have see that the clicks on that clip were just in triple figures when I put it up.

      What you do not know – because you are merely a child in these matters – is that HH has a relationship with the marketing agency for the Premier League and so were the first site eternal to the Premier League’s to run this.

  • AmDamSpur says:

    Can man-love be so wrong??

  • Rkidwes says:

    Couldn’t watch beyond 5 mins. Ledley, you’re a hero but the way you continually say ‘you know’ was making me more stupid by the second! I reckon about 30-40 times in that first 5 mins ‘you know’…!

  • TMWNN says:


  • stuthemidsyid says:

    “thats footy with a Y rather that IE” Genius

    The boy will go far, but hopefully stop off at the barbers on his way!

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