
Arry Threatens To Set Joe On Bob, Tomorrow’s Team Sheet Today & All That Jazz

Image for Arry Threatens To Set Joe On Bob, Tomorrow’s Team Sheet Today & All That Jazz

Good morning.

Rumour has it we’re playing football against a shower of odd looking mercenaries tomorrow afternoon.  If was a beauty contest they’d win second prize and collect £10.

Bobby Manc and Arry have had a little bit of handbags which is nice. Arry essentially  suggesting that a partially sighted octogenarian lolly pop lady could win the league with Manchester City’s money. A surreal conversation given that the manager of Colchester United probably says the same about us.

The team then. My guess is that Ledders is being defrosted by Levy & Co’s Cryogenic team as we speak. Here’s my XI:

Brad, A&E, King, Kaboul, Walker, Chicken Badge, PNB, Bale, Azza Blud, vdV and Defoe. Bench: Cudicini, Pav, Livermore and Dos Santos.

I’d give Defoe until half time and not a nano second longer. In the immortal words of Raymond Wilkins, you need to score goals in the Premier League.

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  • Razspur says:

    “Fernando Torres must think he`s cursed the way things are going” said the pundit, “He was Fantastic, absolutely Fantastic” retorted AVB in the aftermath of a 0-0 draw at Norwich.
    Methinks the English lessons are not paying off, what he must have meant was “He was Pathetic, absolutely Pathetic.”

  • Hartley says:

    Keep the faith, my prediction for tomorrow 1-3 the mighty Spurs BIOYSMC……. ;-) VdV, Bale and Azza…in that order..

  • Frontwheel 2 says:

    BOLTON 3 SCOUSE 1, double sweet as

  • jim says:

    Essex. sorry didnt reply earlier. We are the NUTS of a team. All these doom mongers are facking idiots. They don’t realise our team is the best its been for donkies. We are also dangerous, ignore tmwnn hes a twat. If we dont win I’ll be suprised tomorrow. Anyone with half footballing nouse will know were the key holders for the MC game. Its up to us! COYS.By the way 1-3 to us. Frankie says Spurs are the DB’s

    • TMWNN says:

      Is this the same jim who thought moving to Stratford was a ‘no brainer’?

      • SpurredoninDublin says:

        Surely only “a idiot” would think that :lol:

      • jim says:

        Yes it is, and funny enough now the running track has to be included its a “no brainer” to all sides. TMWNN you need a reality check on our position in the league. Maybe your upset your team (chelski) drew today.

    • jim says:

      Oh dear, I seemed to have stirred the idiot pot and now they’ve come out to play. TMWNN could you please tell me why stratford would have been a no brainer. Dub if thats funny I’d love to see your bird.

      • TMWNN says:

        If you couldn’t understand the question, you only had to say.
        Reply to this if you like, but rest assured, I won’t be taking any further notice of yours, or your mate’s – the one who thinks he’s God’s gift to Tottenham – comments.

        • jim says:

          No idea what you mean, what mate?.Fair enough, there should have been a “not” between “would” and “have”.Sorry for the confusion.Please answer would like to know why?

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          “Dub if thats funny I’d love to see your bird”.

          That is really mature and adult. Don’t forget to tell the teacher about it when you go to school on Monday.

        • essexian76 says:

          I’m Gods gift to God didn’t you know that? but please make sure you wear clean underwear, you never know what may happen-like Defoe getting a hat-trick and you crapping yourself in the process, but then again if he did I be crapping myself, laughing at the thought of the look on your face! COYTMWNN- ;-)

      • jim says:

        What team exactly were you supporting 10 years ago? Couldn’t have been us otherwise you would be delighted with our progress.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          You remind me of the idiot on Repeublik Of Mancunia who was convinced that I was a Liverpool supporter because of my user name.

          Do you really think it does you any credit to suggest that because you don’t like what someone writes, you can automatically allocate their support to another team. You seem to be the one that thinks support is flexible – who were you supporting ten years ago?

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          “You’d be a great Spammer”.

          I take it you’ve forgotten that. Not surprised really. Hardly your finest hour.

        • jim says:

          THATS NOT TO YOU. FFS. Read above

        • jim says:

          I gather you aint read what i wrote earlier. And we both know support is flexible but undying.

    • essexian76 says:

      Said it before, and I’ll say it again-ANY away game is a toughie, whether it’s Wigan or City, it matters not, no games played on paper and there are so many factors that only unfold when the whistle goes. I’m typing because I can’t sleep although I’m up again at six to begin the trek north, I’ve never, ever, expected anything, except my team plays in a committed and resilient manner, after than, who knows? It’s too simplistic to assume buying a player irrespective of the price, will solve all ills, equally it’s plain stupid to demand players are bought in at the detriment of the club, especially when they were overloaded with poor and expensive acquisitions from both previous and current regimes. As for the Stratford move-from my perspective-a ready made stadium with a brilliant infrastructure that would’ve saved upwards of 300m, well, I guess you don’t need much of brain to see the sense in that do you? But it’s equally irritating when some of those moaning, only watch the Spurs through a dodgy link, therefore not contributing a penny towards the club or taking advantage of any new facilities the new stadium would yield, irrespective of where the stadium is to be built!

      • SpurredoninDublin says:

        Don’t make you wrong about the financial advantages of moving to Stratford, but I was eventually persuaded by the sentimental argument. There used to be a team called Woolwich Arsenal. They moved out of Woolwich, and lost the name that was part of the heritage.

        Similarly, there used to be club called Wimbledon. And then there is all the angst that was suffered by Charlton fans when they became tenants of Palace, though they were able to move back, and retain their name.

        What finally swung the argument for me, is that we would no longer be Tottenham Hotspur. So with the greatest of respect to you, I was in favour of Stratford for exactly the reasons you mention, but eventually came to the conclusion that I would not to change our name.

        I am so sentimental about these things, that my worry about the NDP is that when the old ground is demolished, Bill Nicholson Way will disappear from the A-Z’s I can’t see the Council allowing the name to be transferred due to the confusion it is likely to cause.

      • Hartley says:

        Up at 6 to go to a football match? Bloody Hell, I travel 247 miles to every home game, get up around 9am, shower, coffee and fag and then feed 2 horses, 11 highlands, 6 sheep, fuck knows how many cats, 4 dogs, a pig and the goats, let the chickens out, give the wife a kiss and then put my foot down and arrive at the Lane with an hour to spare……..have a good day tomorrow my friend, are you cycling up to Manchester? :shifty:

        • essexian76 says:

          No mate, its the case of running around collecting people from Essex through to North London and then after a few heated exchanges like “Get you arse down ‘ere, ya lazy bastard!” The it’s “I need to piss, puke, coffee,crap, fuel” It all takes time Hartley, but you know that

        • Hartley says:

          Safe journey brother and enjoy the win! :daumen:

        • essexian76 says:

          Some people sleep with the fishes, me, I’m with my Rotties, and one’s got a severe case of wind, no sleep tonight that’s for sure. ;-)

        • Hartley says:

          No, but at least you’ll be warm….. :happy:

  • AFelching says:

    Lets ‘Ave these slags, I am so confident I shall be having a flutter. A monkey on the nose for us to win :winke:

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