
The 10 O’Clocker: Azza Blud Will NOT Be Joining Malaga, It’s Official!

Image for The 10 O’Clocker: Azza Blud Will NOT Be Joining Malaga, It’s Official!

Good evening.

His royal highness, FartTomb Of The Lane has staked his full reputation upon this threat of the Chapeltown Tiger aka Azza Blud heading to Spain not occuring. 

Say wha ? Well word was in that Azza had let this slip this ‘fact’ whilst in the company of a lady. Having obviously decided to forgo the, ‘how I’m not actually that short’ and the, ‘how I’m really fascinating’ weren’t avenues worth going down the ‘I’m in demand’ line was eventually favoured.

And this actually raises a  question. Would you actually  sell off Lennon?

I would. And I wouldn’t think twice about it.

Am I mad? Well, I strongly uphold the view that if Sid Trotter™ leaves this blog it’ll be the equivalent of the ravens leaving the Tower of London. So technically, yes I am.

Azza’s never been truly consistent – and for all his great moments, how often does he get injured and then take for b l e e d i n‘ ever to mount a comeback? We’re on the brink of greatness and it’s time we genuinely kicked on. And that means sacrifices or as I prefer to call them, ‘improvements’.

If he’s so big time, then why haven’t any genuine big time offers ever come in for him? I think that answers the question.

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  • Steveo1987 says:

    I’m not disagreeing with the majority here but it seems odd he hasn’t developed any winger type tricks over the years. He just gets the ball and runs with it. Ever seen him do a step over, back heel, Gazza turn or anything like that? That’s why he come unstuck when someone is tight on him. No trickery to get past and on his way again.

  • Razspur says:

    Speedy Gonzales

    I don`t want to let another minute go by,
    Attacking our defenders but i`m ready to fly,
    Better make a move now before they`re on my case,
    It`s put up or shut up,or pick up the pace,
    And i don`t want to let another minute go by,
    Defence will close me in,however hard i try,
    There really isn`t any time to lose on the wing, But i gotta move faster, give them a fright,
    Faster than the speed of light,
    Faster than the speed of light,
    Faster than the speed of light,

    It`s all i ever wanted,all i ever need,
    A couple more strides and the ball is almost tee`d
    Faster than the speed of light,
    I don`t want to let another minute go by,
    Ade`s in the box and i can hear his cry,
    Faster than the speed of light,
    Azza`s won the game tonight.

    • DAVSPURS says:

      This should be the end of the shit should we sell Azza well said my fellow Cockrel VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOMMMMMMM What was that said the full back fuckin Lennon shouted the goalkeeper picking the ball out of his bulging net Spurs 3 Everton 1

  • notsohotspurs says:

    I always thought Sid Trotter was your alter ego Mr Hotspur

    Sell Lennon ?

    No chance. Speed kills.

  • Andy says:

    It really annoys me that people still have the lazy opinion of Lennon that he has no final ball and doesn’t score enough. IMO b4 he was injured he was one of our best players. Over the last year the player I have grown to hate the most is actually Stuart bloody downing, simply bcos he’s taken lennon’s rightful place 4 England. Not to mention he was one of the only players at the wc to be any good. As you may have guessed, massive fan of this guy. Defo best English winger

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Over the past few years, we have had several players get nasty injuries while playing for England. Add to that the role call of undesirables that wear the national shirt, and I for one am glad that Downing has “taken lennon’s rightful place”.

    • melcyid says:

      3 other players that there are lazY opinons of imho, and divides opinion.benny sue, Gomes and THudd.

  • Frontwheel 2 says:

    Not to forget how well he’s improved on his defensive duties,he covers a lot ground and often holds up opposition attacks,especially when we’ve been caught on the break

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