
The End Is Nigh

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So here we go. Hold tight on the upper deck.

Hands up who can name two or more players from the Swansea side that we played yesterday? Three or more? Four or mo… oh look if you still have your hand up you’re either on a wind up or your on the playing staff at The Liberty.

So am I saying that they wanted it more? Am I saying that we screwed up? No, I’m making the point to that we need to focus on what we actually saw there and not dumb down our analysis to just whether we were were pants or not.

Swansea were excellent. They defended convincingly in number and to be frank their attempts on goal frequently had us looking like we were up against a marauding European outfit. Ball on the floor, wave upon wave of attacking football.

So beyond marveling at the discovery of the finest team the world has ever seen, where did we go wrong?

Well, we didn’t have much possession. And without the ball we only appeared to have Sandro who stood half a chance of winning it back. PNB is beginning to look pooped and what looked like a twisted knee might just be great opportunity to rest him up for a game or two.

On that whole ‘winning the ball back’ business, Bale and Modric do a good impression of two people waiting for their butler go fetch it for them. Modric tracks back, but it’s rare to see either putting their shoe in.

The substitution of van der Vaart revealed we had nothing creative enough left on the pitch to threaten them with. The removal of PNB revealed we will be horribly vulnerable without him. Any sparks that might have flown from us were extinguished there and then.

Livermore and Walker? Walker I’ll persevere with as there is only Charlie to replace him and he’s better than that. But when is young Kyle going to get some proper  instruction from one of our illustrious coaches?

Livermore can go back to the reserves and pay off his outstanding dues. After some promising performances I’ve come to the conclusion he’s a pretender. Not a con man, rather he’s mastered looking the part but he’s a long way off from being the required standard. Swagger, sadly little substance. 

I see in a few places Friedel getting some stick. THFC want to make that Arry quote, ‘People want goalies that don’t make mistakes – and they don’t exist’  made into a bumper sticker and include as the crappy ‘free’ gift with next season’s membership pack.

For those genuinely seething of course there is I suppose always  the option of having a butchers at the league table and taking a deep breath.

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  • Razspur says:

    All these excuses,they passed it well,they were up for it,we only deserved a point,a point gained, let`s be thankfull the other challengers dropped points etc etc.
    How many of you 24 hours ago thought that if we played our 100% game we would not have bagged the points ? We are good enough to beat any EPL team on our best game, it is a travesty to settle for less! We sent out turkeys yesterday and got gobbled up, just as well we were not playing the Venky Strongellers, they would really have choked.

    • smog says:

      so you think we should take maximum points from the season and anything less is not good enough? Get a grip sunshine. Not even barcelona are at their best every week, thats football. I was disappointed yesterday too, but you need to recognise we are not good enough to win every week.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      These were the same “Turkeys” that ruined the Norfolk Turkeys Xmas dinner a few days earlier.

    • Milky Bar Yid says:

      We have won 6 away games and drawn 2 and lost 2…..of the 2 we lost, one we were cheated and the other was our first game v the reigning champions. The draws were in games we were both leading going into the last 5 mins and were pegged back. If you feel this isn’t a good enough return I suggest you look back over the last 20 odd seasons and get a grip….we are challenging and have not dropped any stupid points like we always have done in previous seasons.

      • Razspur says:

        That`s the very problem, you are only comparing against the last 20 seasons, i remember the days,weeks,months & years of Glory, the Bill Nicholson Years. The previous seasons you speak about are underachieving Seasons, we are better than that now, it`s called ambition.

        • Milky Bar Yid says:

          Are you buzzing mate……we are in 2012…..that’s over 50 years since the ‘glory days’ so for you to judge us against players that are now OAPs or no longer with us is pathetic. We have the best team we have had since 1987 under David Pleat and for that reason i am not complaining. We are 3rd for f*ck sake with a game in hand….the team 2nd are the most successful club side ever and the team top are the richest club ever packed of players on over £200k per week we can only ever dream of signing…….WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT????? We win our next 3 games, all at home to sides below us and we are well in the mix. You need to get a grip on reality, to be 3rd is a massive improvement and we are playing well. Rome wasn’t built in a day, ask Alex Ferguson, but then you were prob one of those supporters who expected us to win the CL at our first attempt?

        • Razspur says:

          “It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high…so high, in fact, that even failure will have with it an echo of Glory !”
          Bill Nicholson OBE.

          If you took the time to learn your clubs history you would know exactly what i am saying and why i say it.

        • Razspur says:

          Tottenham Hotspur is a club built on tradition, your derisory comments show how little you know and respect the values our club hold so high. You call yourself a supporter yet the height of your ambition is to finish 3rd. Did you never hear the quote “Winning is everything, the rest are losers”. No i did not expect to win the CL at the first attempt,we did very well until Azza took ill.
          Finally……..Don`t shout.

        • Milky Bar Yid says:

          I’ve been a season ticket holder since 1986 and always follow the club away from home….this season is the best we have played in my time supporting Spurs so for people like you to come on here talking utter drivel is laughable. Before the season every single fan would have accepted 4th place if it was offered….now half way through the season we are 3rd and 3 points off 2nd and with the right additions are geared up for our FIRST ever premiership title challenge. Man Utd lost 3-0 to Newcastle, city lose to Sunderland yet an away draw for spurs at Swansea isn’t good enough for you? You speak of tradition like a clueless dick, we were successful in the early 60’s……teams like Preston and Blackpool were also good in those days!! Fact is we havent been good enough for 50 years so for you to just expect us to do well all the time because we did well 50 years ago is nonsense!! You are only as good as your last game is an often used and sensible saying. I would love Spurs to win the league but wouldnt be too upset if we finished 2nd, 3rd or even 4th……it’s progression and as long as the club is improving I won’t be complaining. You mention the quote “winning is everything, the rest are losers” we have won the league only twice in nearly 130 years……..not a great return is it? And certainly not a ratio that would get many people, spurs fans or not, expecting to win titles. Grow up mate

  • luke says:


    • Harry Hotspur says:

      He’s streets ahead of any other names mentioned, that’s for sure.

      • SpurredoninDublin says:

        I was having similar thoughts. As you started out by saying, how many of the Swans could we name? Looking back at the double side of 61, there were several players in that team, Baker, Dyson, Henry who were pretty ordinary. What Billy Nick did was to get some great players and added ordinary players who could play the way he wanted the game played and do it well.

        Rodgers has managed to do this with 11 ordinary players.

      • Yachtsman says:

        Hear! Hear!

  • luke says:

    I do mean if Harry decides to leave of course

  • Razspur says:

    WBA,Everton and Wolves are you settling for 3 points from those 3 games all at home by the way ?
    Read the quotes from our greatest ever manager Bill Nicholson and learn how to be a winner, aim low and always be an underachiever sunshine !
    Show some respect Barcelona.

    • smog says:

      ok so what do you suggest? Sack redknapp with us on course to break 80 points this season? Drop rafa? Just what would you do?

  • Razspur says:

    Why sack Harry ? VDV can only play 60mins either start him or use as impact sub. Buy Vertonghen to add defensive steel and Llorente for goals and to aid rotation, get Azza back asap. Most of all learn how to play out the last quarter of the game.

    • smog says:

      i’m just asking you what we could do better since you seem angry about how things have gone. I sort of agree however i would go with samba as the extra defender. And yes we do need an extra striker, if we lose ade we are struggling. What you say about a winning mentality is fair enough and of course the players should have one, but as supporters on a message board putting our views across i think we should be candid enough to appreciate realism too, and the reality is we have dropped 15 points all season and that is absolutely superb.

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