
Two Out, One in…

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Help yourself to a Slow News Day warning from Reception.

The David Bentley saga rumbles onwards sidewards . Having miserably failed to live up to even the most meager of expectations for Spurs, he wandered off to West Ham and got injured possibly without even kicking a ball. I can’t tell you for sure such was my wholehearted lack of interest. 

Rob Segal, Mr Bentley’s agent told MLS,

 “This is something that is really interesting for David, as it will also get him fit through the summer, he would like to go there on loan as soon as possible.”

Yeah I bet he would. The world’s finally turned on it’s head hasn’t it? Imagine the equivalent of this in the ‘real’ world’ for just a moment. Your boss calls you into his office and says you need to up your game. You’re not hitting your targets. So instead of threatening you with being performance managed out the side door with bin bag containing your personal effects, he instead suggests you accept a transfer from the Haringey office to the one in Beverley Hills.

Elsewhere Dances With Scones looks like he’s going to be out for even longer than initially anticipated with reporting the threat of a second bout of surgery. Gout is not our friend.

And thank the sweet merciful lord we’ve finally secured the signature of Bruno Uvini. The Sao Paulo 19 year old centre back announced the lease/purchase deal on the Sao Paolo site

“It’s a great opportunity that arose and could not pass up. It had been a time we were talking and Tottenham are a big club, with worldwide exposure, and has asked me to introduce me.

Will be three months for me to adapt to English football, the club and culture. I have a great professional and personal growth with this choice”. 

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  • A_Felching says:

    Arsenal are pony, it’s official :freu

  • david says:

    When we drew Inter and AC last season we were told we would get battered and when it did not happen it was because Italian sides used to be good but were now crap. Looks like they are not crap anymore.
    Milan should have scored 7 tonight.

  • emspurs says:

    tee. hee.

  • melcyid says:

    what a twonk whingers pre match prep was to watch a vid of us turning the Italian champs over on their turf.Then saying we were lucky we beat them on a counter attack. How did he think he could beat them with his shower.we beat them because we are Spurs and we know we are. If trout chops said he was watching the Arse vid to find out how to win and beat the oppo he would be rightly slaughtered .Does auntie know what she looks like.
    Carry On Auntie.
    AC Milan must of had 4 counter attacks. :whistle:

  • melcyid says:

    I hope welsher is going to present his cheque to us on the pitch at the heamorroids.That would be a nice touch just before the game :freu

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