
Lord Sugar Knows What’s Happening With Arry

Image for Lord Sugar Knows What’s Happening With Arry

Good morning.

Taylor Herring PR Tweeted earlier this morning to tell us,

“… we’ve a busy morning with @Lord_Sugar who’s editing next week’s@RadioTimes. First stop Spurs to meet Harry Redknapp.”

Lord Sugar himself chipped in a little later,

‘Full day today editing the Radio Times, off now to interview Harry Redknapp. Hope to get a scoop. “

And then just a few minutes ago Alan Michael Twin Cassette added,

“Interview with Harry Redknapp went well,I got scoop for next weeks Radio Times. Cant disclose now but I get his definite answer on Euro 2012.”

So there you have it. Whilst the peer may have been sworn to secrecy, what we do know is that a decision has been made. By someone. 

If it’s not in the interests of the Club to replace Arry with so few games to go, then is it not equally in the interests of the Club for him to share his decision over the England job as soon as he has made it? 


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  • stupot says:

    Hope we lose to stevenage at home tommorow, Can’t stand redknapp anymore. David Moyes is the man for Spurs. Sorry Everton fans. Get Arry out asap. Even before the F.A beckon him into the job. Arry has been good for us and we have fulfilled our expectations over the last 3 years but our previous manager couldn’t speak English and Martin Jol was already taking us there. COYS. Redknapp out NOW.

    • Billy Legit says:

      C’mon stupot, you know we’re gone batter Stevenage, coz that’s just the kind of stupid thing we do…………we are Spurs after all!!!

    • 39 39 39 says:



    • LLL says:

      Yeah, I really hope we lose tomorrow so we definitely won’t win a trophy under that cad Harry Redknapp, and I’ll be really happy not winning a trophy as then I can look forward to someone else coming in and not winning one instead. Harry has taken us as far as he can. Quarter finals of the FA cup. I hope to God he doesn’t take us any further as I would hate it if we won a trophy now, it would ruin everything.

      Good grief!!

    • Alspur says:

      Stupot – that is the most idiotic thing I have read for a long time…

      (for the reasons just posted by LLL…)

      And, for the record – Jol completely lost the plot by the end of his tenure: a legendary bloke, love him to bits, but he found his level and that was 5th place…

      • stupot says:

        alspur, i’m fed up mate. usually i’m optimism personified but all this Harry shit is getting me down. We are tottenham, were no small club waiting to be left in the lurch by west hams finest, are we??? Jol, with this team that has matured and grown since his tenure, would get third. Jol has more tactical nounce than ‘the great cockney twitch’. I REALLY HOPE WE LOSE TO STEVENAGE, Blessing in disguise.COYS?!

        • Hartley says:

          We’ve just had two blessings in disguise, not sure that I’m up for a third…. :ermm:

        • Alspur says:

          Stuey – what has brought on this sudden attack of malaise? Surely, you can’t be letting L.Sug’s comments get you down? He’s just trying to talk up a worn out old rag, like most of HR’s journo mates…

          …and look at the teams who’ve switched managers since Xmas – most of them are in a worse position than before!!! Only Sunderland have improved, whereas Blackburn are actually battling back… it’s a lottery changing horses at this stage…

        • Essexian76 says:

          Was that the same Martin Jol who had us lying third bottom, losing to likes of Fulham and Bolton and home? or the same bloke who was interviewed by Newcastle despite being under contract to us?, yeah, he was a really brilliant manager, that’s probably why he was sacked so acrimoniously?

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Stupot, what sort of ‘fan’ hopes that we lose and that we sack our manager with no-one to take over??

          Please take your coldplay CD out of the stereo, put the razorblade back in the bathroom cabinet and go and a lay down!!

        • StevieYidoRhea says:

          Stupot You hope we lose?? You Sir, are a grade A cad!

      • LLL says:

        If Levy sacked the manager at this stage, lying 3rd in the league, our highest ever PL position, we would be a laughing stock in the national media and amongst all other football fans, and rightly so. I honestly can’t fathom some people’s thinking here.

        • stupot says:

          OH WHEN THE SPURS, GO LIMPING IN, OH WHEN THE SPURS GO LIMPING IN. Groundhog day anyone? Last seasons run in we bottled it, and now, I can see us finishing 5th(Don’t want to though)COYS. GET HARRY OUT.

        • LLL says:

          I suppose that one way your theory might work is if Spurs sack Harry, get Moyes in, in time for Saturday , it would probably destabilize Everton enough to hand us the 3 points.

          But seriously, put away the crystal balls, and put down whatever it is you’re smoking there too. Crazy talk!

  • Bruce Castle says:

    Breaking News in the Radio Times; “Euros 2012….Harry claims he did not know he had a Euros bank account in Guernsey named after his dog.

  • perrymann says:

    Harry has ruled himself out of the chealski job even though he has not been asked.Is this not the same thing he derided others for and also used as an excuse to evade the ingerland question.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    It may come as a surprise but i suspect Levy not only has a plan for Harry leaving, I bet he has one for Harry staying as well.
    Must be crazy being boss!

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Hmm… Could Alan Sugar and Harry Redknapp Bd two aspects of the same person?

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