
Analysis That’s Difficult To Disagree With

Image for Analysis That’s Difficult To Disagree With

The morning after the bun fight before.

Has Arry lost the dressing room? My gut reaction to that is, ‘who cares what he’s lost?’ Which isn’t particularly helpful, but reflects how unhelpful retaining him even for a handful of games feels right now.

Listening to the remaining mental defectives happy clappers is like listening to an alcoholic or a junkie promise that they’ll pay what they owe next week without fail. Promise. On their dead mother’s life… etc.

One grim reality these same saps didn’t (or refused to) factor in is that as a 13 year point vantage ebbed away, the teams left on our run in weren’t the soft options they were midway through the season when they were dropping points left right and centre. 

The bottom feeders of the Premiership at the end of the season morph into wounded beasts. Now this doesn’t mean a really crappy side suddenly starts bashing everyone 3-0, but it does mean that a theoretic 3 points can swiftly become one.

I’ve been criticized previously for  supposedly, ‘over reacting’ when points are dropped early on in the season. But why create a scenario where you’re scratching for points against frequently desperate opposition – and having to do so with a side that’s had a physically demanding season? It makes no sense.

Our lot at the ground yesterday sang their hearts out and it finally broke mine to hear them feeling compelled to sing yet again, ‘Gareth Bale, he plays on the left!’

What a sad, utterly depressing state of affairs. I’m only 43, but have any older readers ever experienced a crowd singing instructions to a football manager before?  I want Pleat in and I’ll explain why. 

Arry is clearly either too thick or too stubborn or too disinterested to do the obvious and steady the ship. If you wish to debate this please incorporate these results in your assertion.

Arsenal 5-2

Manchester United 1-3

Everton 1-0

Stoke 1-1

Chelsea 0-0

Swansea 3-1

Sunderland 0-0

Norwich 1-2

QPR 0-1

Six points in nine games and our memories scarred by having our underthings  pulled down and our wedding vegetables laughed and pointed at by Blue Racists who, who… our hair-brained ‘manager’ then went onto publicly back in the Champions League!

Our remaining games are Blackburn (H), Bolton (A), Villa (A) and Fulham (H). 

Aside from the endless stupidities that have tumbled from his mouth all season, his inability to manage some excellent assets – for whatever reasons – are the last miserable nails in his two bob coffin.

Do we lay any blame at the door of the players? Why bother? How can we judge if a motor car is any good if the driver is drunk? 

The Pleat suggestion is purely a short term one. He’s on the staff already and so won’t be arriving at The Lane fresh from his sitting room not knowing anyone’s name.

The financial cost of this? Who truly knows. I’m sure that their will be compensation to be paid out to Arry and my advice to Levy & Co. would be to let the bum sue for it. God knows I can cope with failure, but this clown has flushed down the toilet the hopes and ambitions of a side that was winning plaudits all over Europe.

The cost of removing Sherwood, Sir Les and Joe we could raise in a pint glass in the Bell & Hair. Clive Allen isn’t a part of this for me and must be kept.

The true cost will be evident when the next set of Deloitte figures are released and the Champions League revenue streams aren’t there.

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  • BartSpur says:

    Harry can only carry so much of the blame. The team have to take some too. We’ve got top professionals – internationals – & they all know what it takes. So a little bit more perspective please. Our team against QPR should have won, but they didn’t seem to know what they were doing. That’s not Harry’s fault.

    • Matt shorter says:

      Good call

    • luke says:

      i know what you are saying but there is a probable fine line between brilliance and being mediocre. That last little push and incentive from the manager, the overall team spirit etc can make all the difference. The blame lies solely with refnap in my opinion not the players. Look at Chelsea’s transformation for example.

    • Catcher says:

      Of cause its Arry’s fault he is the fuckin manager, do you think if Fergie was not at Man u they would be winning the title each year

    • Simon says:

      Let me change one of the characters in your comment and you will see how pathetic your comments are.

      ‘ AVB can only carry so much of the blame. The team have to take some too. We’ve got top professionals – internationals – & they all know what it takes’

      • D Doc says:

        A team are a reflection of the manager so the buck stops with Harry, 5 wins from 8 he says we lose, then It’s 4 wins from 5 should do it, what happens we lose he already gave the players an excuse, 4 wins is exact same as saying we don’t have to win this 1 same with his 5 wins garp, its alright boys we can lose 3 boys that’s what I hear & when going gets tough in a match that msg is stuck in back of there heads, If the excuse is already there why not take the easy way out.
        Under Harry we will never win anything he doesn’t get players to believe they can win things coz he doesn’t believe in them, he has said it we are overachieving & don’t deserve to b ahead of lvpool newcastle & chelski which is bs. If Ferguson van gal mourinho had our side they would b in title hunt Why? Because a team are a reflection of the manager

  • Robin says:

    A catastrophe no doubt. A defence which needs zimmer frames and target practice in order to pass the ball forward – not to the opposition. A team which seems to be on mogadon unable to find a forward quickly enough. So predictable that a Sunday League team would hold their own, no doubt.
    Now a bad joke needing players to go out there and play as though they meant it. The captain must be able to lead and think outside the box, changing tactics when needed.
    I think we are all tired of hearing the same bull coming from the management and “Arry should fall on his sword – now.

  • NYSpurs says:

    Think there needs to be a public inquiry into our capitulation since Capello resigned.

    Had the misfortune to be in Newcastle last night to watch drunken barcodes cheering on QPR. Humiliating.

  • Catcher says:

    Oh and by the way NO PLEAT he is a WANKER, sorry Useless Wanker

  • Essexian76 says:

    Of course it’s all Harry’s fault,simply because of his refusal to drop Van Der Vaart. It’s co-incidental that VDV longest run of games without injury has also coincided with our current demise? it’s a coincidence that our speed of play has diminished considerably as has Modric’s influence on the team- He’s like the Dennis Waterman character in Little Britain as he appears to take the free kicks, take the corners, point at where he feels the ball should be played-he said he won’t walk away for us-why beak the habit of a lifetime Rafa-you certainly won’t be running-will you?

    • dutchman says:

      Sorry, but what rubbish this comment contains..

      • SimYid says:

        Agreed! Love Rafa

      • Essexian76 says:

        Rubbish, really look at the facts me old Dutch, think before you type, national pride is one thing, stupidity and a failure to recognise the patently obvious quite another-YOU tell me the last decent game he played! it’s not the season-yet when we’ve performed well this season, strangely, guess who’s not been in the side? and additionally Modric played well in his absence, why because he’s slow and we’ve had to accommodate him rather than play to our strengths, pace, pace and more pace-which leaves him out of the equation doesn’t it?

        • Eyeball Paul says:

          I agree Essexian. What gauls me was how at the start of the season Defoe and Adebayor were looking like they could become a really good partnership up top, in comes VdV and in fairness to him, he went on a great run of scoring 7 from 8 games …. however, in the long term, Defoe had lost his mojo, the potential partnership with Ade could never spark again and ultimately, when VdV’s dried up we were relying on a busted Saha and / or Ade up top on his own.

          Yes VdV is a classy player, his goal against Swansea was testiment to this, but Harry’s decisions / team selections have killed us in the long term. Do we really need VdV and Modric? I dont think so, goal scoring midfielders is what we need – not a player ‘in the hole’ who wants to pick the ball up in our own half ala Robbie keane post Liverpool.

        • UnkleKev says:

          Rafa OR Modric, for me. Not both.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Phil, the facts are there for all to see,whether he gives it his all or not is totally irrelevent, the simple facts of the matter are we’re a better team without him, and if you look at the performances we had when he was out injured are clear evidence. The last game he took by the scruff of the neck was last season and over a year ago, whereas all of our Stella games have been without him this season. He clogs up the works, slows it down to suit his pace (or lack), dictates all the corners (crap), takes the free kicks (crap), and more over causes poor team selection based around his lack of mobility.Oh, and buggers off when all it goes the shape of the pear, in case you forgot-jus’ sayin’ (Since God knows when)

        • Andy says:

          How many passes did defoe make yesterday? how many shots did he have? I would say almost fuck all. 1 trick pony not better than Rafa.

        • Essexian76 says:

          What the heck has Defoe got to do with the issue, I asked when was the last time VDV played well, and still waiting for a sensible answer and yet clearly I can hear tumble-weed a blowin’

        • Phil McAvity says:

          I think you’re being much too harsh on VDV here I really do!

          When was the last time VDV played well you ask? In whose opinion though, as that’s all it is?

          You don’t have to look very far for an answer to be honest, just look at the ratings he gets on this very blog!

        • Essexian76 says:

          Still not an answer Phil is it?, even in your honest opinion when? It’s OK reading and getting all starry eyed about giving his all and all, but the guy’s posed far more questions than answers, too slow, too pitty patty and not what we need when we need it most-gotta go-and PDQ-Hate to slate, but enough already-I’m sure it’s contractual, but I wouldn’t put him the side unless I was told to on this seasons form

    • Phil McAvity says:

      Got to disagree with that one Essexian, at least VDV is making an effort which is more than can be said for the majority of our players it seems.

    • Matt shorter says:

      Vdv is one of the players that give a shit! We are crying out for our daws back

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