
The Man’s Clearly A Fool…

Image for The Man’s Clearly A Fool…


I used to work in the rag trade about 100 years ago. We used to get these occasional calls from Gerry. The head honcho. Le Grande Fromage.  ‘You know Harry, it gives me no pleasure to make these calls.’

You know the drill…  your heart sank as you knew he had taken seriously some idiot so empowered by their own sense of self importance that they had punctured the cognisance of a man who was simply, probably – naively-  trying to do the right thing.

That’s how I’ve felt for some time now. I’m Gerry making one of those calls. The difference being that this call isn’t representing a complaint from some random mardy arse. I’ve watched the same games as have you. I know that the complaint is valid. And that something urgently needs to be done.

Jol was lovable but a bit naive. This guy Arry is an unlovable tactical car crash on roller skates.

Or are you down wid a Norwich win at The Lane, bruv…

Our  squad is essentially fab, I genuinely believe that. It simply needs the right guidance. Or managing, as we called it in the old money  :daumen:

Ooh my days…

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  • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

    Firstly we are paying the price for not investing properly in the team in January and secondly we have a manager who has completely lost his way since he got two mega bits of personal news on the same day in early February.

    Was he really talking about a title challenge just two months ago? Notice the two teams who invested in a striker in January, Everton and Newcastle, are the form teams in the Premiership. We didn’t need Pele, we just needed a bit of additional class to push us over the line but all we got two old crocks, to go with the two old timers we bought in July.

    There will need to be a massive investment in this squad by summer 2013 or we could be in serious trouble.

  • lecoqhardi says:

    Next season.
    Europa League.
    Arry is manager.
    Best players have left or want to leave.
    Can’t attract top top players.
    Ah, yes, at last, my Tottingham is back.
    No more illusions, delusions.
    A few laughs at Tommy Hudd’s weight, Benny’s hair, Azza’s eyebrows, Ledley’s knees, J***s.
    Where are you, Pav?

    • RossaAFC says:

      Ha, ha. You’re deluded if you think you fuckers will finish in the top five. No away wins in 2012, shit at home now. You won your last game for this season against the Swans.
      The Rat and the Chimp will be off in the summer, then you will be back to mid table where you belong.
      Of course we will have to put up with the usual shit about you finishing above us at the start of the season for a few weeks. Gives us a laugh though.
      You will get dicked on Sunday, and you know it.

      • IslingtonYid says:

        Oh italian boy Rossa,haven’t you got any thing better to do with your life? shouldn’t you be cleaning cars on the forecourt,like you’re supposed to,you miserable unamusing leech.Come back when the arse have actually won something,is that what you moved into the immigrants for, to gloat about finishing third?? I shall look forward to your erudite reply:)

  • rogerspurs says:

    …am I the only one that is dreading what might happen on Sunday?

  • DessySpur says:

    Cor what a turn up for the books…….!
    Utterly hopeless

  • a_felching says:

    Levy has made us look like mugs, the blame for this mess is all his.

    • Eyeball Paul says:

      No it aint _ he has been conned, just like the majority of us – by Harry.

      Levy will fire Redknapp at the end of the season, I’m sure of it.

      He doesn’t suffer fools…(for long)

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