
Jonathan Barnet Wants Shooting

Image for Jonathan Barnet Wants Shooting

Good evening.

I have given a name to my pain and it is yet another anti Christ of modern football …Gareth Bale’s agent.  Let me introduce you to Mr Jonathan Barnet.

Here’s his CV!

People plaque like this need flushing back down the smelly pipe from whence they sadly emerged. 

We the poor schmucks that weekly pay a rather decent chap with perhaps inarguable good intent are now subject to a parasite …and that’s simply not on.

Gareth. A plea from me,  from the hearts of all of us, mate … Lose this idiot and focus on being the best that you can be for us. Play to your innate strengths and once you’ve genuinely caught the the attention of the world’s media, then we’ll talk.

We’re Tottenham, my old son. We’ve never been pretentious. We’ve always respected ambition. So tell your boy to wind his neck in.

There’s a love.. eh? 

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  • Spurlative says:

    Does anyone care what the new kit will look like? Wonder if there’s anything out there?

  • Hartley says:

    Looks like he’s not going anywhere according to our tight lipped supremo today…….The Spurs boss told a press conference this morning: “I don’t know anything about [the story linking Bale with Barcelona].

    “I wouldn’t think there is the slightest bit of truth in that. Not a chance, I wouldn’t have thought.”

    • Pete J says:

      Yep, thats it….he’s staying then. To be honest if he doesn’t want to play at the club he can f*** off. The boy is class but his attitude has gone from being humble up and coming starlet to Charlie Big Potatoes. He has been affected by the hype and feels he is ready to take on the world. If he states that he is committed to Spurs then fair play to him, but if he seeks a move away then we should get £40-50m for him and move on….we could all do without a repeat of the Modric saga.

      • Bruxie says:



        If he goes to Barca he’s going to a team on the slide.

        As good as they are…they’ve lost their manager.
        Interesting to see who departs Barca, this summer.

        They were poor, twice, against Chelscum…though admittedly, they were unlucky.

        Remember, everything is cyclical. As Manure, Chelscum and Liverpooh are finding out in the PL.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Do wihout all this speculation til after Sunday.
    If he goes Pienaar stays.

  • Bruxie says:

    Well, they are all coming out of the woodwork.

    We may not have eaten a lasagne, but we are committing a self inflicted version of it all.

    Two days before the “big game” and we hear about the crap about Bale and Defoe.

    Let’s take Defoe first. Deja-Vu. Cannot get in the team. Wanted to leave in January. Two days before the last game of the season.

    To me, that has signalled a no holds barred attitude to “what goes on in the dressing room, stays in the dressing room” scanario.

    On Monday I would put the prat up for sale. End of. And I’d tell the press why. No loyalty and as thick as they come. If he wants a transfer let him go to Reading or QPR.

    As for Bale. He owes us a statement that is NOT ambiguous. Again a couple of days before the season’s finale. Muppet.

    Spurs are woeful in controlling the outgoings and ramblings of players and their agents.

    Contracts. Who writes ours. The club has image rights, too. We should shut the buggers up at source and vet every press relaese coming from players and their representatives before publishing.

    That way we could sue the arses off these prats for bringing the club’s image down.

    Anyway. We’ll see how committed to the club are on Sunday.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      By god you’re bang on the money there, Bruxie old bean.

      The floggings will continue until the morale improves!

    • TMWNN says:

      I’ll be glad to see the back of Defoe. Like Jenas, he stinks of ‘loser’.

      • Bruxie says:

        Yet another bargaining tool in our (my) pursuit of Baines.

        Defoe and Peanut should do it.

        • Bruxie says:

          In wage terms, Defoe can only go down.

          None of the top six are gonna take him.

          If it’s England that he’s hoping to impress with his “playing” then Capello set the trend there.

          He’ll only go to the Euros if there’s an injury.

      • Anthony says:

        He always seems to pipe up at exactly the wrong moment. I remember him moaning two days before the AC Milan home leg in the CL last season. Also the last time we won anything he had gone to Portsmouth and he has not as yet won any winners medals himself anywhere as he was in eligible to play for Pompey when they went on to win the FA Cup.

        Not sure where he thinks he would get a regular first team place. Certainly no other top 6 club would entertain him.

        Perhaps Everton if they could do a deal with Baines and or Jagielka for JD and Peanuts. Or possibly Liverpool if they could find the cash.

      • TMWNN says:

        I don’t know how much he earns (gets paid) at Spurs, but I’m willing to bet there is a club mug enough and desperate enough to pay him more.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Bruxie youve made THFC sound like a branch of the WI. Terryfying.

    • Bruxie says:

      It’s what happens when you put lawyers and marketing people in charge of contracts. They use a template that has been used for several years. We need to update these things and ensure we have our interests well represented.

      I don’t think the club really know what they want from players in a contract. Seems to be all in the players favour.

      • TMWNN says:

        1.Is the player any good?

        2.Will he still be young enough to sell after a season or two?

        3.If both yes, how long will he sign for so we can get maxium sell on value.

        Those are the only three questions Levy cares about regarding contracts.

        Unfortunately, you can also get stung when signing players to long term contracts when you come up with the wrong answer to question 1, ***** etc.

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