
Positively AVB

Image for Positively AVB

Good evening.

At this stage if Andreas Villas Boas isn’t unveiled as our new supremo very very shortly I’ll be genuinely shocked. So as we mark time I thought it would be helpful to have a discussion about the man. 

Now I don’t mean a happy clapper fest – I mean what would you base that upon? Rather a consideration of what you feel he could bring to the party.  

For me he’s the right man for the job for some very simple reasons. He has a CV. You can sneer at it, but it to deny he’s of a certain pedigree isn’t being entirely honest. It’s sneering for sneering’s sake.

Once you discount the Chelsea fiasco it makes compelling reading. And discount the Chelsea fiasco you must. John Terry & his grotesque gang undermining his every move to one side and the interfering mother in law picking the team for him on the other. 

Boas apprenticed in his trade beneath distinguished masters. Sir Bobby Robson was evidently impressed by him. Jose Mourinho made him his permanent wing man from Porto to Chelsea to Internazionale. He speaks English fluently. 

Some of you will naturally want to compare and contrast the guy with others. Can just I say at this point that when you do this you’re perfectly entitled to express an irrational contempt. But it will be a dull blog if it is plagued with fortune tellers, seers and other assorted two bob soothsayers.

To prevent your contributions looking uninformed or thoughtless, you might just wish to expand upon why you believe that we’ll a) watch all our players hand in transfer requests and b) return to the dark days of Santini…

As I said repeatedly during my campaign to get rid of that last chancer, I can cope with poor results. I can cope with no Champions League. I’m not a child. But what I can’t tolerate are stupid people and untrustworthy people.

This is an industry all about results, but equally I want to see Spurs exploit a cracking squad and play to a standard that matches our pride. I want to see the boys managed with insight, intelligence, passion and wit.

I think this chap’s just the ticket for the task.


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  • calebray says:

    got to say, i think this is a fantastic move by levy. Not only has he upgraded his manager (tactically AVB must run rings around ol’ trouty)
    i am sure that this is a long term partnership. AVB has all the credentials to grow this squad over the next few seasons into something even more special, coupled with the stadium move, influx of cash and development of young players – the future really is bright.

    Any doubters must ask themselves who is better and was available (including HR)for what i am sure is a long term project and partnership.

    Well done levy, welcome AVB and thanks DL


    • ParkLane says:

      What credentials? Winning the Portugese title with Porto, who won it 7 times in 8 seasons before him, winning the European cup that everyone else is desperate not to be in and all this with a team he didn’t put together? How can Levy know if he can spot a player? Or if he can build season on season? Thus has got Ramos written all over it. And he at least had a proven record over time. Getting a team into the CL that had never been in it. Sound familiar? That was due to Seville’s DofF mostly, we had someone who done it as a traditional manager. So frustrating to see Levy destroy everything we’ve been paying through the nose for. Really hate him now.

      • Hoddle's Halo says:

        Spot on! AVB has only actually seen out one full season of football management which agreed was a successful one however he inherited some great players (Falcao to name but one) and as stated every manager before and since has once the league with Porto! This is huge gamble and step back in my opinion. Now Harry has gone though it has to be Blanc or Be Boer for me.

      • Rob says:

        Truly well said ParkLane, I too have also been banging on the same way and getting bollocked by people with extremeley short memories and a dislike of ‘Arry’s personality above his incredible achievements. And incredible they were given where we were and have been for years now. Blanc has no experience whatsover and AVB is totally unproven. Just because they are foreign it Ramos, Santini and the miserable park the bus Jol. We will end up with Moyes being drafted in to save our season sometime in 2013. No I am not doommongering I am seriously pissed off we got rid of someone who put the joy back into my watching THFC. The glorious THFC of Bale and Lennon flying down the wings…

      • Quinny says:

        I couldn’t agree more. Why has everyone jumped on the bandwagon in support for a highly inexperienced manager? He might have won one title with a perennially winning team in a piss-poor league. He might have worked under mourinho and robson but extend that logic and Roy keane, steve Bruce and Bryan robson should be world-beaters as managers. Get Moyes – real experience who has performed nothing short of miracles in a shoestring

      • Quinny says:

        I couldn’t agree more. Why has everyone jumped on the bandwagon in support for a highly inexperienced manager? He might have won one title with a perennially winning team in a poor league. He might have worked under mourinho and robson but extend that logic and Roy keane, steve Bruce and Bryan robson should be world-beaters as managers. Get Moyes – real premiership experience, teams that don’t rollover & has performed nothing short of a miracle on a shoestring budget

        • JJ says:

          Experience is for when you’re looking for stability. We’re looking to progress.

          Why would someone who has built a team based on organisation and defensive strength suddenly change his style to an attacking one?

          Frankly the idea of getting Moyes because he’s had no money for 10 years and Everton are safe from relegation each year is laughable.

          Equally laughable is people basing judgement on a manager who didn’t last at a team that has had 8 managers since 2003.

      • Arrys-mate says:

        Spot on! I just don’t get how AVB is the obvious choice. I for one believed that we should have stuck with H – that debate is done so we have to move on, surely we can do better though. There are managers with far better CV’s than AVB out there and the press are already talking about ‘unrest in the Spurs camp’ because of this apparently imminent appointment.

        Levy wants ‘to take the club in a new direction’ – well Danny boy that would be down then!

        I despair!

      • jim says:

        yeah just gloss over his time at chelsea, as it doesnt fit into our argument. This bloke is a clown. RIP Tottenham Hotspur, see you next year when we sack him.

    • ParkLane says:

      What credentials? Portuguese League with Porto, who win it every year, winning the Europa that everyone else is desperate not to be in and all this with a team he didn’t put together? How can Levy know if he can spot a player? Or if he can build season on season?This is Ramos mk2. And he had a proven record over time. Getting a team into the CL that had never been in it. Familiar?That was due to Seville’s DofF mostly, we had someone who done it as a traditional manager. So frustrating to see Levy destroy everything we’ve been paying through the nose for. Really hate him now.

      • ilovespurs says:

        I do think that every manager has to start somewhere- Mourinho started somewhere- Porto that is ans is now the best manager in the world and one of the best ever- Guardiola cannot compare as he has only won it in La Liga whereas Moruinho has won titles in Italy, England, Portugal and now Spain. I think Tottenham is just the club AVB needs to make it big and for us to take that big step into becoming real threats – just the way Mourinho needed Chelsea at that time. I mean we have the foundations all put in place, in that we have a team we know can finish in the top 4- we just need to add to that and for me Saha, Nelson and Pienaar just don’t cut it. I mean if we just added Lloris, Vertoghen, Huntelaar and maybe Hulk (samba foot reported that AVB will try and bring him to Spurs if he gets the job)chances are it wont happen but someone like Dries Mertans or Stefan Jovotic will be a god additons- we are not too far- if we can get a manager who can do the complete basics right, with a few tactical ideas then we should be competing right up there next season.

        • ParkLane says:

          Mourinho built something at Porto. Had been a brief success at Benfica 1st. He started Porto’s dominance selected players and did it for more than 1 season. AVB is totally untested. Moyes made it clear he’d listen to Spurs I just can’t understand why he’s being overlooked. Levy needs to learn, although I’d hoped he had, that he needs to get the right man in, trust him to do the football side while he does the money. And not employ a spy to check-up on what’s happening. It’s very sad if we get AVB. It shows he’s learnt nothing from his 11 years at Spurs. We’re going back to a system that’s failed before, with a manager that’s done the same.

        • MrYid says:

          And ParkLane i think you may find that team Mourinho built all came with the help of his Chief Scout AVB!

    • Brian says:

      AVB the biggest failure in the PL last season.Far worse of a failed mamager than anybody else in case you don’t understnad what the “biggest failure” actually means,and I’m only talking statistically.On another level he was almost unversally disliked by the players,YET people on here are actually congratulating Levy?
      I’m totally speechless if these headlines are true.
      I can’t stomach the guy AND he’s far too young to get any real respect as a manager.
      I absolutely won’t be be going to the LAne at all if this appointment comes to pass..Christian Gross part 2.

      • Astromesmo says:

        Woah, thrice woah and again I say woah! Lamenting wails and the cries of children… Sobbing as the walls of WHL crumble into Northumberland Park.

        Bloody cheer up you lot for heaven’s sake.

        You’re all banging on about solidity and experience. Have you seen our motto? ‘To Dare Is To Do’… Not, ‘Take it easy and it might be alright but don’t aim too high as you might fail’. For a start, you’d never fit that on the front of the Park Lane Upper.

        “I won’t come to the Lane if he’s there”. Get a bloody life.

      • JJ says:

        Leave your allegiance at the door on your way out and don’t come back.

        • SimYid says:

          “Experience is for when you’re looking for stability. We’re looking to progress.”

          You on day release pal? Your comments are as stupid as the fool that is responsible for this joke blog

    • johns says:

      Harry Hotspur’s goal is about controversial conversation no matter the consequence, hits simples! Who in there right mind would swap 8th 4th 5th & a 4th punctuated with dickey heart,tax trial, Engerland debacle & mucky lucky Chelsea doing the impossible after firing the bloke Mr Hotspur now wants us to employ as our boss!You are aving a laugh you fu**$#ing GOONER!!!!!

  • Johnny says:

    And I think your are right. AVB fits our profile of up and coming very well.

  • Da Mighty G says:

    Think you’re bang on HH, but how much longer before he’s announced as on board the good ship Lilywhite?

    • Top Tottys says:

      …….firstly, everyone needs to calm down and look at the bigger picture. Yes, Anti Virus Bollox is a possibility, but he is not Levys first choice. After sacking wassisname and risking our short term stability, Levy knows he absolutely HAS to make a killer signing for the managers position to keep the players we have, AND to attract the players we want for the future. Thats why I think we already have Pep in secret advanced talks for the job, but nothing will be heard about it until after Euro 2012 and AFTER we have gone through the motions creating this multi-manager speculation “smokescreen”. When all the dust has settled, it will be Pep Guardiola or Laurent Blanc as our new manager, provided either 1 of those 2 has the courage to take on the challenge! #:)

      • Alan says:

        Pep has turned down Chelsea and the opportunity to continue at Barca. He’s not coming to Tottenham.

        This AVB appointment is a clear indication of Levy’s ever increasing interference with the sporting aspects of our club.

        He wants a yes man that will allow him to buy the players he wants and to negotiate endlessly without a word of complaint.

        I didn’t like Harry but he tested Levy who is otherwise a cheap bastard. What we need is a strong character. What we are getting is virtual apprentice.

        What made sacking Harry a good decision was the replacement. In AVB, he’s already written Harry’s I told you so speech.

      • D'Oli says:

        Was that written on the back of your eyelids this morning before you woke up?
        I have no doubts about Pep Guardiola’s abilities and some may say that tactically Chelsea beat Barca therefore would Pep be any good in the EPL. I believe however that had Barca had any luck that game, they would have won by about five goals! He would also bring interest in Spurs to a number of players who formally would not have been interested. However… he will not be coming.
        It will be AVB I believe and say what you like about his Chelsea nightmare, he’s a good Tactical Manager. Maybe he just needs to work on his man-management but he will keep former players such as Ferdinand on who will bring that.
        Anyone who says that they will not turn up to Spurs if he is there… is simply a pillock!
        (Pillock… I heard one person call another that at a party this weekend and realised the humour and tragic under use of the word!)

      • Tel says:

        Anti Virus Bollox??? There has got to be a better nickname out there somewhere…


  • mynameisluka says:

    He is intelligent, a tactician, a good coach and will have learned a lot from his brief sojourn in Chelsea.
    With the base of a great squad of players, some good additions and returning gout sufferers, it should be very positive.
    I would think the majority of players would accept the change as well, and hopefully this may just be the catalyst of something special.

    • Tel says:

      If players don’t accept the change, then they know where the door is. If Bale or Modric or the likes want to cause any trouble over this (if AVB is appointed that is) then :winke:

      But anyway, I think the media make footballers out to be a lot worse than they are – they are professionals and will do as instructed.
      The problem we have had of late is… there has been no instruction! AVB will bring this to the club.

      I say sign him up and don’t delay


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