
Bill Shears’ Letter To André Villas Boas

Image for Bill Shears’ Letter To André Villas Boas

Good afternoon.

This from long time HH reader Bill and well worth publishing. 

Dear Sir,

We wake the other morning to the news that for us, Tottenham Hotspur, the Premiership Title is no-longer a just a fanciful dream or the domain of those with the budget to take seriously.  This should now become our target and with increased commitment and resources winning it will soon become our main objective.

It’s difficult to judge this news, as it has been reported from half of those on the outside looking in that we are in hell at the moment.  We had the sh*t kicked out of us at the end of last season by anyone with a properly prepared team.  We lost our place in the Champions League and we finished with a squad of players who barely the resembled the same team that were put out six months earlier. 

There is no momentum to ride off from the tail end of the campaign.  So if you are going to lead us back into the light, then you need to do so from a standing start. This has got to happen on the training field, in the dressing room and in the minds of the players.  

I believe that it can be done and from what I have seen and heard so far I believe that you can do it.  But now you have to convince the players.

Train them or trade them.  Now is the time.  Do not flinch from doing what it takes.

Unlike the other lot; we want you to weed out the individual who puts their own ambition above that of the club.  We encourage you change the mind set. We understand the merits of a new approach.  And we are prepared to see this thing through.

AVB this is our club.  We give it you in good faith – return it to us as Champions.

Good luck, you’ll need it.

Kind Regards,

Bill Shears

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  • Isnt Billy Shears the owner of the Sgt Pepper Lonely Hearts Club?

  • Seattle,HH,Ive got a theory about why That guy offered so much info about Joe Lewis,Tavistock and Tottenham.
    Its quite possible they want to leak it out for a reason and that reason maybe that Joe does actually wants people to see that so there is no danger of the director losing his job.
    Are you reading me?

    • seattlespursguy says:

      Disinformation. Could be a deep game. We play chess; the rest of the league plays checkers.

      • Razspur says:

        Subterfuge is an art, not a game. It is best left to those experiencedin such tactics, stick to your board games.
        Oh and forget the Lopez gambit, it’s opaque.

      • I see Seattle.It was only a Pawn but we sacrificed it,eventually selling the Castle. The Rook went back three spaces to Dorset,the Queen is off to Madrid,The Ginger Bishop is making all the right moves as we all shout Long Live the King (In whom we Trust)

  • By the way I keep reading amazing things.Now its about Adrian and the United Kid.
    Looks like United and the arse will be going south from now.Both managers willleave/retire.
    The Blue/Navy teams are taking over the world

  • melcyid says:

    the arsenholes kit and with scezny in lily the pink
    arf arf ,how enbarrasing who designed that lot? mcqueen before he croaked it I spose.

  • Jean Shrimpton in goal

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