
Midget Gem Negotiating Out, Kaká Negotiating In…

Image for Midget Gem Negotiating Out, Kaká Negotiating In…

Hello young lovers.

Jermain ‘What? What? I didn’t see you! Bruv, it was on so I took it’ Defoe has been in talks with Reading. 

I’ve mixed feelings about the Midget Gem. He’s scored so many goals, so many important ones. Specifically ones that got us out of schtuck. Yet his spiel his routine lacked variety. Receives ball, turns, shoots, winces. 

Where would he fit in under the André Villas Boas high line? I do not know. What I do know is that he was struggling to get starts under Arry, the manager that has been a fan of his since he was knee high to linesman’s flag.

The interesting mumble – and mumble is all that it is at this stage – is the name of Kaká. Hold tight on the upper deck.

It’s well documented that Real Madrid has been somewhat of a career cul-de-sac for one of the world’s greatest players and I’m told that Los Blancos are looking for compensation of ballpark £20M for him. Bare in mind he was sold to them for them for a reported £59M in 2009.

Will it happen? Hahahaha. What I can tell you is that serious enquiries have 100% been made. This club is not mucking about any more.

The gloves are off. 

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  • Eton Trifle says:

    Kaka would be a failure in the prem, injuries have robbed him of more than a yard of pace. The wages he would demand would be prohibitive as well, especially for a player who would most likely be on the bench. As for The midget gem, keep him, we need him as a squad player and money needs to be spent on their areas of the team.

  • LLL says:

    I don’t think Levy would shell out 30m on a 30 year old either. Can’t see this at all.

    I’m slightly depressed by the news that Rafa plans to stay. I thought it would be the right time to cash in on a player who though obviously talented is not really so much a team player as a ‘team has to play my way or not at all’ player. If anything, I think Defoe would be the better one to keep as he has proven himself to be pretty damn patient and also useful from the bench. I can only see Rafa sulking just like he did every time he was substituted. Still remember him walking off the field when we were losing. Didn’t like that too much.

    On a similar note, I’m also a little worried by Adebayor’s signing. Because I presume we will also be bringing in at least one other striker, and this means he also won’t be guaranteed a starting place. We had a very good showing out of him last year, and I don’t want to see ‘Bad Ade’ making an appearance…

    • Bruxie says:

      That’s a miserable outlook.

      Cheer up for god’s sake.

      • LLL says:

        Ha, yeah I know. I have a deeply ingrained suspicion that the wheels are falling off around the next corner, so look scrupulously for any potentially loose cogs.

        Anyway, what I meant here, is that I think both Ade and VDV have the potential to be disruptive characters, and given our managers recent form with those types, that makes me a little concerned. That’s all.. :-(

        • Clarkspur says:

          Yeah I understand LLL. Believe in the positives but be wary and mindful of the pitfalls! WHat you say is possible and they are real risks.

          I do agree that bad Adey could be trouble. But I reckon he’ll play at the top of a front 3, so he’ll be well used, will know the job and will happy to take it on again.

          Rafa is a little moody but I think it’s a positive energy displayed in a negative way that needs to be channelled to use it wisely. If him and AVB gel then I think they will be dynamite together. VDV is a great playmaker and his little pieces of genius are the difference between breaking a defence down and standing on the edge of the box making 25 sideways passes.

          I know it will raise some debate, but I think VdV plays just as many ‘genius’ balls as Modric but doesn’t get the same credit.

  • blobby says:

    harry harry hotspur!! im disappointed dood … the caption on the pic you have of that racist terry is … errr racist ??? don’t let the side down

  • Spurs 37001 says:

    Sky have reported that we are in talks with Everton to transfer Pienaar back from whence he came.

    Strange wouldn’t think that many people would suffer from homesickness for Liverpool.

  • Razspur says:

    3 years ago Kaka in a Heartbeat, sadly he would now only be a bencher but would sell shirts Harry. No sell on, best to pass on this one.

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