
I’ve Lost All Faith

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Good evening.

I have no faith.I might have thought I had when I was a child. But it’s gone.

Kishna, born 1000 yrs BC, son of a carpenter, was baptised in river. Mithra, born 600 BC curiously enough on December 25th, performed miracles, was resurrected on the 3rd day. He was known as The Lamb, The Way, The Truth, The LIght The Saviour, The Messiah.

The big hitter though has to be the ‘rather popular’ Egyptian god Horus who in 1280 BC was known the son of Osiris. He was also born to a virgin, baptised in a river by a bloke who later had his head chopped off. Horus did a stint of desert business, getting tempted, all that jazz.

He was an absolute whizz at healing the sick, blind and cast out demons like it was going out of fashion. When he wasn’t recorded as having walked upon …water. Pity none odf his descendants were involved at the Sunderland game today, eh? Horus also raised a guy called ‘Asar’ from the dead. The translation of this name is ‘Lazarus’. Horus had 12 (count ’em) disciples, was crucified, then was discovered by 2 (count ’em) ladies who declared him ‘risen’.

That said, faith isn’t for schmucks.  If something gives you comfort. I’ll be the very last to suggest you’re a fool. It’s vital part of the way humans go about their business.

But all I ask of people is don’t try and pass it off  faith as being either truthful or …factual. It isn’t an imaginary friend tending to the sick, it’s scientists and doctors. And if my own Living Will is executed to the very letter, coked up Vegas showgirls. 

Spurs fans carping about André Villas Boas after 2 games need to jack it in and find themselves a new god. Because dealing with reality is clearly too much for them to cope with.

Do you know the last time I watched a game close to where we passed so deftly, tackled with such spirit? It was the UEFA Cup Final against Anderlecht.

I was genuinely proud of us today. The best analysis you will ever read and player ratings for you in the morning.

Of course it was heartbreaking to watch them equalise, but I have absolute faith in intelligence, wit and guile. The boss is building something rather special here. The result today hurt, but I’m still so excited about this season.

So in my headline I lied.

Confused, upset?

Oh you must be new…

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 2 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Es says:

    Agree, can´t stand the fickle Spurs fans who cannot actually see that we have played well in 2 games and might need a few more to get going….been unlucky as we should have won them both but didn´t, supported Spurs for 50 years so seen it all before but I am actually very confident this season and I have probably said that 5 times in over 50 years.

    • Come back Jurgen says:

      Respect to the 50 years, 21 in my case, and I wish I shared your optimism. Been here before though havent we? Our squad is much weaker than it was last year, and IMO ATM so is our first 11. Not to say that wont change, but I cant go base how I feel on something that might or might not happen. The fact we have Jenas, Naughton and Townsend on our bench (and not a lot to get excited about sitting on the other bench seats) says to me we are in trouble and any hopes of finishing near 4th are fading fast.
      Plus we have a manager who was in charge of one of our main rivals, was a bit of a d1ckhead in front of the media and completely flunked in his first season in Prem after only 1 successful season managing in Portugal. Im sorry, I hated him at Chelsea, and I hate Chelsea…..I cant just switch that feeling until he does something, and I wish he would. Sadly, our first 2 games have left us with 1 point. yeah we played well, but we didnt win….thats the point, or lack there of, no point in playing well if we dont win. Add this to the fact he is letting Dawson go and saying that our 3 strikers (barndoor, defoe + Kane) are fine to challenge for top 4, then it leaves me feeling rather deflated.

  • dave gib says:

    My theary why a.v.b fancies jenas, and i dont mean that in a gay way ( though you never know) is that his uncle morinioh rates jenas very highly and correct me if im wrong wanted him at real maybe thats the case…

  • dougie says:

    spurs had it in their its back to drawing board with the prospect of challenging for title looking a million miles away.dawson and huddlestone at the exit door,jenas s career being ressurrected,siggurdson and vertonghon (2 average players) in, adebayor back,bale pretending he is ronaldo,livermore running the midfield,nobody seeming capable of scoring ,it fair makes one want to weep,when thinking about what tottenham might have become.guess its 2-3 years of rebuilding under this buffoon(hopefully hell get sacked very soon)when will levy learn that you cant do everything on the cheap? we now have a centre forward that nobody will touch with a bargepole,a manager who nobody else wanted,a belgian/dutch centre half whos average at best,again nobiody wanted him either……..i give up too

    • melcyid says:

      o ye of little faith

    • spursguv says:

      Just shoot yaself and do us all a favour. Livermore ran midfield WTF! Exactly how did he do that? I must have been asleep when he made the forward runs, the desisive passing, the swerves as he rounded player after player the defence splitting passes, the last ditch tackle to prevent the shots in the box. Nope just sideways and backwards and standing on top of his own players. Any tool can run around tapping the ball. He’s what 24 and being treated like he’s a youth player? Vertonghen in his first game did a lot of these things from Centre half. I guess someone had to?

  • spursguv says:

    My worries. Why Jenas. Someone said livermore had a good game? Livermore is too slow. He fucks it in the middle pissing around and passing sideways. Sandro should have stayed on. The 2 infront of the back four is screwing with midfield. It’s stopping the link up play. Vertonghen showed glimpses of kings defending. An Absolute star in the making. Parker needs to get fit, we need a playmaker in the middle and I dont know what the future holds for Siggy/VDV. It aint working for them in this formation. 433 please. Friedle needs a replacement. couple of good saves but he’s rooted to the goal line. The WBA game was an absolutely shocking display. If it stays like this AVB will become Ramos part two.

  • Hhitkmyarse says:

    Sorry hh no deal I’ve got a full wardrobe of clothes and I ain’t a king, I’m still attached to the 4th5th4th regiment but willing to give it till Xmas though….. But if I can have a word in your shell like, what if by the end of next week ,Jose porking Gail, we end up with 1or2 average/panic buys and put in another sham £30m+ for…say messi ronaldo blah blah blah then come Xmas we’re back to mid table Mediocrity or worse……I hope you use your crust and don’t wear them new clothes levy sold ya down the high rd if you don’t want to be taken away on one of them special buses ( you know the ones you used for school and all the kids licked the windows)

    • Peter Ogden says:

      Do not know whether to be depressed or not.Newcastle we deserved a draw.WBA we should have won by at least two goals but could not put it in the back of the net,not ones that counted anyway.The whole Modric thing is screwing our season.What I cannot quite get my head round is we have probably made 50+ million in sales since the last window so why no striker.If after transfer deadline we do not have a creative player plus a striker then I will know whether to be depresdsed or not!Levy spend some money else we will not make top 4

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