
I’ve Lost All Faith

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Good evening.

I have no faith.I might have thought I had when I was a child. But it’s gone.

Kishna, born 1000 yrs BC, son of a carpenter, was baptised in river. Mithra, born 600 BC curiously enough on December 25th, performed miracles, was resurrected on the 3rd day. He was known as The Lamb, The Way, The Truth, The LIght The Saviour, The Messiah.

The big hitter though has to be the ‘rather popular’ Egyptian god Horus who in 1280 BC was known the son of Osiris. He was also born to a virgin, baptised in a river by a bloke who later had his head chopped off. Horus did a stint of desert business, getting tempted, all that jazz.

He was an absolute whizz at healing the sick, blind and cast out demons like it was going out of fashion. When he wasn’t recorded as having walked upon …water. Pity none odf his descendants were involved at the Sunderland game today, eh? Horus also raised a guy called ‘Asar’ from the dead. The translation of this name is ‘Lazarus’. Horus had 12 (count ’em) disciples, was crucified, then was discovered by 2 (count ’em) ladies who declared him ‘risen’.

That said, faith isn’t for schmucks.  If something gives you comfort. I’ll be the very last to suggest you’re a fool. It’s vital part of the way humans go about their business.

But all I ask of people is don’t try and pass it off  faith as being either truthful or …factual. It isn’t an imaginary friend tending to the sick, it’s scientists and doctors. And if my own Living Will is executed to the very letter, coked up Vegas showgirls. 

Spurs fans carping about André Villas Boas after 2 games need to jack it in and find themselves a new god. Because dealing with reality is clearly too much for them to cope with.

Do you know the last time I watched a game close to where we passed so deftly, tackled with such spirit? It was the UEFA Cup Final against Anderlecht.

I was genuinely proud of us today. The best analysis you will ever read and player ratings for you in the morning.

Of course it was heartbreaking to watch them equalise, but I have absolute faith in intelligence, wit and guile. The boss is building something rather special here. The result today hurt, but I’m still so excited about this season.

So in my headline I lied.

Confused, upset?

Oh you must be new…

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 2 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • SuperSpurs says:

    Faith, anyone who put their faith in a bloke who puts his faith in Jenas….wants their head testing. :-p

  • kojac says:

    Classic spurs and pathetic defending at the end there,the belgian looked promising though as a player from the back which we have lacked on the whole i think

    the fact is that the manager was changed so he obviously needs to be given time and at least until we know what the full squad will be at sept 1st,

    yes blame levy but let’s not hang ourselves yet the season is a long way from being decided

    i don’t think livermore or sandro played badly but the main problem was VDV,bale,lennon and defoe didn’t get the goal at home which is a bit of a worry and we miss modric as one of the two CM’s,no doubt about it we need more creativity from there

  • legoverlass says:

    may i remind people that teh games we lost at the beginning of the season last year was to Man City and Man Utd so assuming we lose to them again which is highly likely at the moment then we have now shipped 5 points out of a possible 6 to Newcastle and WBA.That in my book means we have had an absolute crap start and we can in large part thank our beloved Chairman for that and his non existant transfer policy. Levy needs to understand that in this business “football” is the product and not stadium development and real estate development.If I was his FD and said hey listen boss I have decided that I am going to delay the publication of our annual accounts because I think we can dress up the accounts a bit better with a bit more time but the downside is we are going to get hammered by the authorities for late filing charges I reckon he would probably boot my sorry arse out of the door. Well he is doing the footballing eqivalent of that. If these five lost points cost us a CL place next year then his transfer tactics will have cost us probably near on £60-£80 million in lost revenues over the past 2/3 seasons by missing out on CL let alone the loss of our best players and an inability to attract quality players in…if things do not happen this week then Levy has made a public statement of intent that he is not prepared to take the club forward on the football pitch.

    • Frank the Tank says:

      I think you’ll find we drew both of these equivalent fixtures last year, so we’re in fact 1 point worse off than last year!

      • Frank the Tank says:

        Actually, just checke dit out and we did beat West Brom 1-0 lasy season! So 4 points worse off! But what’s not to say we win games we lost or drew last year! Think we all need to have a bit of patience with the new manager!

  • Victim says:

    I would suggest if you have lost faith then you never really had it.

    Interesting looking at some of the posts on here and on the forums for our beloved spurs calling for AVB’s head and even Levy’s. We are 2 games into the season guys and girls. Someone even said bring back Harry. Let me grace you with a couple of facts.

    1. This time last year we were being humped 3-0 and 5-1 respectively by both Manc clubs granted higher in status but never the less % terms a lot worse than where we are now.
    2. Other than Dawson we dont seem to be losing anyone of any merit this season. I can only assume that there is a medical issue with Dawson or he was one of the silly ones moaning about AVB in the summer (remember Dawson led the revolt against Ramos).

    Please please dont take the view that our current team is strong enough to challenge top 4 this season. Arsenal, chelsea and liverpool were all weakened sides last year and we got there by default. Each of those teams have heavily re-inforced this season and we havent. We are about to go through the hell Arsenal have over the past 4 years with little investment due to the new ground and complex being built. Prepare yourselves for some bad times guys – nothing to do with AVB as he will be a victim of circumstance.

    • SuperSpurs says:

      Point is, had we bought earlier last year (I mean had Levy got Adebayour and Parker in earlier) then we may not have got humped and actually got something out of one of those games……then my friend…..we would be playing Champions League football and enticing a different calibre of player into WHL. The first two games are just as instant than the last two games of the season…..

  • Darren says:

    And you wanted Harry out HH………… lol

    We are going backwards

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