
Bellamy, Bale, Dawson, Caulker …And Gaston Ramires?

Image for Bellamy, Bale, Dawson, Caulker …And Gaston Ramires?

Good afternoon.

After nothing very much at all and along comes a whole host of bits and pieces. In the interest of sanity I’m just going to run through them without bothering to weed out which ITK ought to be accredited with what because quite frankly none of them are blazing a trail and there is more than a fair amount of duplication and if anyone thinks I’m spending my afternoon cross referencing hearsay they can *ahem* think again.

To kick us off, one from the archive is the tale of Arry wanting to sign Craig Bellamy. And Bellamy wanting to sign for Arry. That transfer hit the skids when Levy & Co were presented with the notion that the player would train in Cardiff and just commute into London for tactics and the game.

Needless to say Arry, the players agent and their plan were all escorted by security into the West Stand car park.

AVB apparently sees Bale as a deep lying forward they have been working on this in training and will continue to use this as and when new signing’s come in. He thinks it will be back four then 2 defensive midfielder’s a play-maker just in front of them and then Gareth on the deep left of a main target striker and someone on the deep right side. This is mooted as possibly being Moussa Dembele from Fulham.

Liverpool next and they have enquired about buying Steven Caulker. Also they have asked about Michael Dawson and it is thought that a figure of about £10M or so could do the trick if Daniel Agger gets sold.

Dawson hasn’t impressed Villas-Boas so far. His standing off the forwards and his general style of play haven’t won any praise and there is a suggestion that he’s lost some pace after various injuries. Speaking of pace, Tommy Huddlestone is having a tough time trying to convince that he’s ready for the AVB revolution. Both these bits will irritate some, but it does explain the selection process for the pre-season games.

Last up is the reported sighting of Gaston Ramires at the Lodge yesterday with his advisors supposedly a fee has been agreed with his club and we’re all just waiting on personal demands medical etc…

Every other name, Damiao, Lorente, Hulk etc the song remains the same. Money. Fees, buy out clauses, wages and structuring of payments all make for one almighty mess. But the recurring message is that they are working on it.

It is to the everlasting credit of those who can retain some dignity while they wait. Nobody likes a whiner.

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  • Cuddlestone says:

    So is ***** AVB’s idea of a central playmaker? With him in front of Livermore and Parker we’ll end up playing like Bolton circa 1874-2012 except with fewer short passes.

    A passist and a strikist, and I’ll leavy Dan alone. Until we get started on the Christmas list anyway.

    • Spurstacus says:

      ….we’ll end up playing like Bolton circa 1874-2012 except with fewer short passes. :freu

      How very dare you!

  • Starsky says:

    Not sure we’ll even sign an autograph before the window slams shut such is the political nonesense behind it all, and I know nothing about this Gassed on Ramires, but there is a world shortage of helium for ballons apparently.

  • Robspur says:

    Q: If the transfer window closed tonight would you be happy with the current squad?

    A: No.


    We have lost six members of our first team squad (Nelson, Corluka, Saha, Kranjcar, Pienaar, King) and so far replaced them with just two Vertonghen and Sigurdsson.

    I am aware than J****s, Bentley, Caulker and Naughton are back from loan deals but which of these will actually improve our squad (or even replace the player who have left?)

    At the moment our squad is middle heavy and far too thin up front.

    Surely with only Defoe, Kane and VDV to call on up front we need another out and out striker. I am rather worried as to what happens when the injuries, suspensions and loss of form kick in.

    At Porto AVBs team ususally won by out scoring the opposition…. (easier with a big team in a weak league). Without the firepower up front I can’t see us doing the same.

    And Tottenham being Tottenham, we don’t really do clean sheets do we! We need strikers and quickly!

    Come on Daniel, pull your finger out!

    • Razspur says:

      You’re worried about injuries, suspensions and loss of form, we haven’t even kicked a ball yet, get a grip on yourself, have faith 15 days 7 hours and 36 mins, time enough for redemption.

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        Redemption from what?

        I thought Levy was not guilty until proven innocent

        • Razspur says:

          He is not guilty but deluded bloggers are incessantly looking for someone to blame for inactivity in the transfer window even though 80% of buisness is normally done in the last 3 days.
          Therefore redemption from the perceived failure to deliver is the order of the day. Do try to keep up.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          So you are only addressing those that have made Levy guilty???

          For me the jury is out and he is innocent until proven guilty. A mantra of Show me?


          25 mil for Modric and buying a runner or DM instead of a quality creative midfielder and a quality striker

          If its a top midfielder (Moutinho or Sahin) Id give it a thumbs up

          If its an average midfielder but a top notch striker (we know them) a thumbs up.

          anything less is a thumbs down.

          25 mil for Modric even with considerations for more is nothing by and itself unless we can cop some quality back

          But for now innocent.

      • Nezspur says:

        I’m more worried about 2 days, 23 hours and 7 mins because that is when he season kicks off and we do not have a settled team in place for it.

    • betty swollocks. says:

      But it does not close tonight, that is the main downfall of your argument. duh.

      • Robspur says:

        Yes Razspur we leave all our business until the last three days and look what happens at the start of every season? We start of with a disrupted team that and an unbalanced squad.

        Result being we often lose or draw our first few games, which costs us later in the season.

        You think we (and when I say we I mean ‘he’) would have learned by now.

        Do we really want a start like Ar5ena1 had last season?

  • SteveG says:

    I think Bruxie could be spot on about Ramires.For that striker role we need someone just like that old Gooner forward Ade something as our little diamond midget cant play on his own even if AVB gets us to play to feet.
    This is now really testing my patience and still no news of getting rid of the dead wood.

  • Jambo says:

    Is Daws really captain ? I missed this.

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