
€9M Deal On The Cards (Don’t Worry, It’s Not Chamakh)

Image for €9M Deal On The Cards (Don’t Worry, It’s Not Chamakh)

Good morning.

Italian media lead the way this morning confirming some of the more informed mumbles over here that we’re in for Jack Butland. The Birmingham boy would be great addition. Brad undoubtedly has a part to play but the question marks over just how suited he is to André Villas-Boas’ brave new world are beginning to loom.

It would be a crying shame if Gomes’ career were parked in a cul de sac with us. But what can be done? With the new boss’s clear intention to rotate (opposed to the swiveling of his predecessor) it is hopefully the case that we see him in the Europa. At this rate it could be up front, which might be less surreal an idea than you think as if memory serves me well he started out as a striker. The circle of life, eh?

The Marouane Chamakh on loan piece by our old friend John Cross isn’t worth the steam off our collective effluence.  This smacks to me of a circulation issue. Clearly his wife’s knickers are too tight and it’s affecting the amount of oxygen getting to his brain.

Elsewhere, it is being rumoured on the excellent COYS that some bloke called Emmanuel Adebayor was spotted in The Plough public house in Cuffley where he was reported to be threatening …to play against West Brom.

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  • LLL says:

    This kind of depresses me. I think even though AVB wants his players to be fully mobile hyperactive athletes there should still be room in the squad for someone with as much skill as Thud. Especially if we’re favouring people with comparatively less skill like Livermore. Stoke? I’m sure he can do better.

    • jfdit says:

      I can understand our need to keep trimming the wage bill, it went up by 34million in our CL season so is unaffordable going forward but rebuilding a squad that finished 4th twice and 5th in such a short time will is not the way forward especially given the problems we’re having recruiting new players.

      If hudd doesn’t fit the bill will parker? he’s hardly an athlete either but both are good players

      J****, rose and daws – thanks for your service & good luck, cuddles & gomez can jog along too once replacements land

  • Delovely says:

    I read that AVB is letting Tom H and Daws go.

    What the fuck!!!!!!!!!1

  • notsohotspurs says:

    I hope the tom h and daws exit talk is just lazy journalists. Based on the fact they were not in the squad for the weekend.

    • Delovely says:

      I really hope you are right. AVB is really starting to worry me.

      • Hartley says:

        ‘Run about a bit’ or have a precise plan? It appears to me that AVB has a plan, Daws and Thudd are good players but if they don’t fit in with the plan is it worth holding on to them when we can trade them for players who do?
        I would rather get shut of Bentley, *****, Gomes, Bassong and Parker and not bring Adebaywhore back, keep Dos Santos, Rose, Naughton, Thudd, Dawson, Cuddles and sign Jordan Rhodes but what the fuck do I know?
        As much as you lot……….. :-p

      • Hartley says:

        ‘Run about a bit’ or have a precise plan? It appears to me that AVB has a plan, Daws and Thudd are good players but if they don’t fit in with the plan is it worth holding on to them when we can trade them for players who do?
        I would rather get shut of Bentley, *****, Gomes, Bassong and Parker and not bring Adebaywhore back, keep Dos Santos, Rose, Naughton, Thudd, Dawson, Cuddles and sign Jordan Rhodes but what the f*ck do I know?
        As much as you lot………..

      • Hartley says:

        2 comments awaiting moderation and all I said was HH is a gooner….WTF :hae:

        • Yachtsman says:

          Worry not. Most times I venture into the ring, I’m pushed into a corner “awaiting moderation.” Must be that HH’s goons don’t like our haircuts…

        • `rich g says:

          g**ner, the most disgusting word anyone can use, ***** is the 2nd, i can understand why its been “filtered” :freu

    • UnkleKev says:

      I can’t believe Andre would rush into a decision over a couple of players who spent most of last season injured. They’ll take time to regain full fitness; he has to allow for that, surely.

      The thought that Huddlestone might be allowed to leave whilst the foul stench that is ***** continues to assault out nostrils is just too horrible to contemplate.

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    I see signs of knees jerking upwards after our 1st loss. Now that it’s out of the way, let’s hurry up and sign a player or two. Include a striker in that thought.

    Suspected we’d do it this way too, since we’ve mastered the whole, “without an ideal prep” method, now a standard in a Tottenham summer. Meh. On we go.

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    never thought Dawson was a good player.He is quite erratic.

    Huddlestone is very talented but is not fluid enough for us and doesnt bring any speek and fluidity.A great passer for distance,a great shot but awkward and slow.

    But we need quality.



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