
The Man Who Put A Smile On The Face Of All Who He Met

Image for The Man Who Put A Smile On The Face Of All Who He Met

Good morning.

Two bits of footage for you this morning. The first is of a man that many fancied to manage Tottenham when Arry was binned. Ladies and gentlefolk I give you Brendan Rodgers. A man who makes David Brent look like Albert Einstein.

Being: Liverpool episode 4 airs tomorrow night on Channel 5 but I have the full show for you clicky and at 43.21 is the bit where Brent Brendan produces 3 envelopes and tells the entire Liverpool squad and staff that each envelope contains a name. The three names are those individuals that he believes will ‘let us down this season.’

The stupefied response of the room says it all. But hey, as Brentdan profoundly states: You have to believe it, to achieve it. What a pillock. Bullet dodged? Nuclear bomb dodged, more like.

The second clip is our boy Hugo training with the French squad. Butcher’s. Dog. Fit as. The footage courtesy of 101 Great Good to see him baring up despite the internal goalkeeping feud at The Lane. Maybe if this football managing thing doesn’t pan out, there might be a vacancy on the Daily Mail sports desk.

Sportsmail understands Villas-Boas is planning to recall Friedel for his revenge mission against Chelsea, who sacked him last season.

Lloris pleaded with Villas-Boas to keep faith in him but looks set to be disappointed. Friedel was frustrated by the decision to axe him for the Villa game, while it is believed a clutch of Spurs players were also stunned by the choice.

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  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Brendan Rodgers merely reflects what the rest of society does. The 3 notes nonsense reflects the notion that humiliating people gets them to work harder. On a separate note I have to say that the knowledge of football on this site is breathtaking, even the disagreements are backed with a great knowledge of the game. Maybe someone could suggest guests on Match of The Day with Ronnie, Essexian and say Melcyid replacing the dullness of Lineker, Hansen and Lawrenson. Three more of our guys the week after. Sorry I’m breaking out in a fit of irrationality again.

    • Bruxie says:

      A bit like the Tory plans to give people jobs or a salary increase, as long as they “give up workplace rights…”

      Humiliation is the new liberalisation!

    • essexian76 says:

      Funny as it now seems, Jennings was firmly the No1, when I started going to games-and I listened to the old codgers going on about Bill Brown,John Hollowbread and Ted Ditchburn-I couldn’t believe how they used to moan about big Pat and how he didn’t compare to any of them-That was my then to get into the enclosure and away from these fools, I thought

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        fuck I was 17 when he came to Tottenham.
        I never compared him to Brown,never really saw Ditchburn (was there but didnt know it),Hollowbread was a very average goalkeeper and not rated so much and played for the reserves (no substitutes then)
        Jennigs was class after he got comfortable with us.

        Fuck stop this nostagia mate,its making me ill

        • essexian76 says:

          He, he-you started ;-) Unfortunately I’ve got a photographic football memory-and it’s not a gift, believe me

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          Im know its in black and white too!!!!!!! No shades of grey for essex!

        • essexian76 says:

          While we’re on the subject, about mid-late sixties, when I went, but in all honesty didn’t quite understand-there was a player who burst on the scene, only to fade away into oblivion almost as quickly-sort of a David Leaworthy type in his day-anyway, this guy was going to be the new Greavsie by all accounts and a ‘must have’ for the future- Neil Johnson I think his name was, but you should never pin all your hopes on a few games of brilliance, I always feel ;-)

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          I like Jimmy Robertson thought he would make it bigger

          There was a defender midfielder,saw a game when I went home.Was a bit of a nutter,could have been in the late 80’s early nineties or later.Thought he was a Mackay type,tough bastard cant remember his name
          Think he went to sunderland or Charton some red and white tesm

        • essexian76 says:

          It wasn’t Brian Statham by any chance? or Pat Corbett?

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          It could have been later.Cant remember.On one trip back.Tough bastard.But he didnt stay long.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          wasnt those two though…

        • essexian76 says:

          He (Statham) went to Brentwood and is now manager of our local Non-league side Billericay Town FC or was, and was doing OK last I looked, but he’s following in the footsteps of Justin Edinborough, s it’s a big ask

        • essexian76 says:

          Brentford I meant

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          It wasnt those names…

        • essexian76 says:

          So much crap and so many crap players over that period, it’s too hard to single anyone out.

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      Look Boy theres a place for you in the new Harry site as culture minister.We have none but you take the cake my friend.

      You want wining? You handle it the grapes of wrath
      Classical music? Nobody else
      Classic Novels?

      Ill take Porn and Footie,Nostalgia and Trains

      • essexian76 says:

        Yep.. I do classic novels and London Georgian History as well for what it’s worth

      • Boy Charioteer says:

        If war had broken out 50 years ago through Kennedy and Khrushchev playing nuclear poker, we would have been the last team to win the FA Cup. Then all this would have been a footnote. Incidently for some inexplicable reason Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath” always makes me think of my haemorrhoids. In my case it could have been “The Wrath of Grapes” due to my excessive wine addiction when we had done badly on Saturday.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          I remember the game between Tottenham and Burnley 1963 I think.3rd round FA Cup at home.Ground was really bad iced up,game was played on a Monday I think on ice The Kennedy Kruschev tension was at its height and I remember everyone being really afraid of what was going on. Our players must have been the most upset we got knocked out 0-3

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          The grapes of wrath…could have been the seats in the east Stand back then

        • essexian76 says:

          I can remember that winter, as I was only one who went to school out of a class of 28, only to be turned back again when the blizzards began starting up again-bloody mum didn’t believe me the school closed and sent me back out again-or perhaps she was very subtle?

        • essexian76 says:

          My Mum’s maiden name translates into English as Drinkwine-good eh?, So I do, it’s only right

        • Billy Legit says:

          We lost to Burnley because they weren’t concerned about nuclear holocaust- the end result would be better than living in Burnley!

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          Burnley gave us a bad time in the early 60’s. When we didn’t replace our aging stars fast enough, we were beaten 7-2 at Burnley and I think we lost to Blackburn by the same score in the same season. If anyone can remember or verify this I will still have hope that my memory has some semblance of recall.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          generally Burnley was a nice warm place to go for us Billy but it wasnt pretty

          It must have been later in the decade Boy cant remember such pain

        • Billy Legit says:

          They were a tasty little outfit back then, no doubt, but the town itself!!!- Coronation Street x 10.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          No Billy…Divide by 10!

        • Billy Legit says:

          Cobbled streets, Hovis music advert ringing in the ears, shit shops, everyone shagging everyone elses missus’, rain, damp, cold, pointless endless gossiping biddies……….yeah, Cemetery St x 10, defo.

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          Good grief Billy! Sounds like you stumbled on the original script for Coronation Street.

        • Billy Legit says:

          ……..whippets, flat caps, Senior Service butts littering the streets, piss warm Bitter, needing an english interpreter to understand what the f*ck they are bangin’ on about, saying ‘eee up’ and ‘ducky’ every five seconds, Kes…………

        • Billy Legit says:

          ………pointing and staring up at planes with a confused scared expression, saying ‘by gum’, Wallace & Gromit, Last of the Summer Wine, Alastair ‘war criminal’ Campbell, dilapitated cotton mills, Jim ‘bully’ Bowen………

        • essexian76 says:

          Hart’s!, tell ‘im Lad, tell ‘im it’s not so grim oop North

        • Hardcore says:

          Burnley is about half an hours drive away from where I live (last outpost on Yorkshire/wankashire border) and it still is to do this day the grimmest place I have ever had the misfortune to visit……

        • Billy Legit says:

          Told ya! :-)

          -i rather take my chances in a Gulag………

        • essexian76 says:

          I’ve been ‘t Rochdale and worked extensively in Todmorton, not far from Burnley…yep they were grim right enough-but C’mon Birmingham!, now that’s a proper pooh hole- it almost makes Tottenham look decent

        • Billy Legit says:

          N17 is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon compared to Brum & Burn!

        • essexian76 says:

          Funny enough, I was wandering around my birth place Stamford Hill, and it honestly hasn’t changed a bit-still a little community within a community and so quiet, it was just brilliant to walk about there again-really miss it-but then again I fucking hate this part Essex with a passion, but needs must.

        • Hardcore says:

          Yes Rochdale is also awful, Todmorden is a wancashire town claiming to be in Yorkshire but it will never be accepted by true yorkshire folk, but then again most of the people around here are lesbians (not the pretty kind you see on the telly) and southerners these days so it gets away with it……have to say, I agree that Birmingham is a bigger shithole than Burnley, but only just….

        • essexian76 says:

          ;-) You should have Todmorton under flood water-It improved it to no end

      • Boy Charioteer says:

        Just looked it up: Blackburn 7-2 Spurs 7.9.63. Burnley 7-2 Spurs 21.4.64.(my wife’s 19th birthday). I only get things right that make me miserable.

    • melcyid says:

      I’m up for that Boy, $20,000 per appearance paid into my personal account in Nassau.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    The difference between Lioris and Friedal is that Lioris can yodell which may keep walker in line. its that or tie a cowbell round the galloping gourmless so we all know where you fucken are on the park Kyle yer mad goat.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    i that Lioris spent a good deal of the game cacking his grundies. Shite punch pony gather ..more games needed elsewhere before he gets the job. Dont want to see him(or Brad) cock up at the Emirates.

  • Hot_Spur says:

    Those claiming “mismanagement” of Lloris, read this.

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    I remember that, “Burnley’s Revenge” it said in the press. Wasn’t there a 4-4 with them round about that time?

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      There were two 4-4’s the season of the double home and away I believe with Burnley.
      The 0-3 took place the year after we won the cup for the second time so I think it was 63.Maybe January.
      After we won the double and then the cup again the next year and the semifinal of the European cup with Benfica,we got knocked out in the third round with Burnley and nearly got got completely wiped out.
      Lucky its only Lloris slamming his shoe onto the table in a fit this time

    • Hot_Spur says:

      Yes I saw that game. Burnley were a good team in those days. Spurs were 4-0 up at half time, second half they started showing of with the exhibition stuff, Burnley were the wrong team to try that against, they punished Spurs with 4 goals. According to press reports Bill Nick gave them a right bollocking after the game.

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        from what I remember we were 2 up at Burnley I think and drew 4-4
        Ray Pointer was great that day for them
        Adamson was their captain I think

      • melcyid says:

        Tony Hately scored all four I think mostly with his head as well.We were lucky not to lose that evening.

        • essexian76 says:

          Hately played for Burnley Melc?, I can just about recall him as a Liverpool and Chelsea player, but didn’t know he played for them?

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          And Villa.

        • melcyid says:

          tony hately was mark hatelys dad,youve got me brain in turmoil now as I think he got all goals in what I now think was 5-5, help :freu

        • essexian76 says:

          I’m on the case

        • essexian76 says:

          No 5-5, in the small recess of my mind I think we had a 5-5 0r 4-4 with Villa, but those Burnly games all seemed to be thrashings on both sides-it seemed they both set out to score-I was shocked to see 81 goals conceded and we finished 4th,blimey O’Reilly that’s pretty poor in anyone’s book

        • essexian76 says:

          Got it 5-5 v Aston Villa 1966

        • essexian76 says:

          Bloody hell.. we had a 7-4 win over Wolves-Are you sure we never had a rugby team at the same time?

        • essexian76 says:

          5-5 Hately scored 4 goals and Deakin the other

        • melcyid says:

          I was at that game and I think it was 5-1 to us at half time,perhaps hately scored all 4 in the 2nd half? Blimey I was 13.thanks SIR Ian of ESSEX

        • melcyid says:

          I see that grab a granny time is approaching for Rooney again.

        • essexian76 says:

          I only recalled that game because when we couldn’t get to the games all the kids rushed up the Dalston Junction and waited for the classified News or Standard-and I clearly remember someone moaning about a misprint ,because they only reported on the game up till half time and then ‘slotted’ the result on the front page.. Classified papers eh!, who need the ‘Net?

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