
Oni Ne Marajo Up ’em

Image for Oni Ne Marajo Up ’em

Sieg Heil.

Team selection for this evening leaves little to the imagination. That said I’m unconvinced that the boss will go with my line up. I’ve based my picks less on the opponents tonight and more on the ever looming tie against Manchester City. If this ‘plan’ of playing the best and the brightest of the kids needs a boost, then that’s down to manager to use his bench. My side is designed not to harm us after the full time whistle has blown. Did I already say that?

Anyone you can’t see on the board above needs to be rested. Huddlestone believe it or don’t is looking like our first choice midfield general as I type and so given his need to sit down every now and again and have a dark tea with 3 large sugars in it, he has to sit this one out.

Vertonghen is another one that can fade and I would have him on the bench at most.

Crucial that Hugo keeps his distribution away from Dawson. I don’t say this out of spite. Rather I have this thing about retaining possession. Not passing to the opposition. That sort of thing. Carrol needs to be fed so he can feed both Bale and Dempsey.

Now this isn’t a request for a game of hoof-ball, but Bale might want to consider that Dempsey is decent areal threat and swing the odd ball into him.

Falque, I’ve picked you because Azza Blud won’t survive 90 minutes on a Sunday if he does 90 on a Thursday. But also because you have great potential. However, if you take anymore of those corners that don’t rise above knee height I fully expect you to settle the invoice for a new telly which I will submit to you on Friday.

I want fluid passing with a purpose (yes I mean you Jake so look lively son). Get the ball to the creatives and give us a goal or two. Do your very best. We should win this by 2 goals. 

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  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    One striker and we are dead
    The counter wont work
    They will control midfield it would be a balanced team they will have
    we need to get out quickly and put pressure on them not wait for them to attack.The counter can come from us scoring first and putting preesure on Mancini.
    If they dictate the pace and midfield we will lose
    We have to get out there early and go for it
    and use the counter later if they are desperate
    We need Ade and Defoe out there at the same time early.Ade playing deeper and holding and finding the winger or Defoe.Anything else is suicide.

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      of course also Lloris in goal (which wont happen)

      • essexian76 says:

        I’d suggest if you’re going to be analytical about us so far this season-It’s not our away form that’s the problem-by playing same formation and tactics at home has been.
        I’ll have no problem with AVB setting up with JD as the lone striker over the next two games, using Ade in a 442 if plan A goes titties up. Still glad Sandro is fit and ready for Sunday-and a nice break for some is welcomed before the Goonfest

      • essexian76 says:

        You’re unrelenting love of Lloris is admirable but what’s it actually based on Ronnie?

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Do you think he will play Ade and Defoe at the same time?

      • LLL says:

        Can’t see it…

        • LLL says:

          But the problem is, Defoe is kind of undroppable after a hat trick, yet if he goes with 1 striker, 110% should be Ade.

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        So many times we have played with one striker.I dont know we didnt buy Berba in that case.
        Quite honestly I am baffled by AVB and waiting to see him do things that work.He is a thinker,but even being a thinker is no guarantee you can think well.
        We have to put some pressure on City. They have a balanced squad so they can dictate the style.
        They know we have one way of playing…THE COUNTER…so the obvious thing for them to do is play balanced and strong in midfield.Unless we have a presence up front we will get killed.
        We have to attack them not sit back.
        Remember RM.
        Remember United first half.

    • ollyparklane says:

      After all, it didn’t work against Utd… no, wait… (not that I disagree mind)

  • LLL says:

    Mr. Herbert is really ranting off in the papers today. Can he not find some actual racism to try and fix?

    • dixta says:

      makes me feel sick. orwellian nightmare. section 5 public order blah blah the bloke herbert is dangerous.thought police. all thanks to blair, his wife and the rest of the euro-philes. on Nov 11th i’ll wear my poppy and remember with pride and sadness what this country used to stand for.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      By the way LLL you and Billy were named by a moron at the end of yesterday’s blog as the reason our society is falling apart. I was a bit miffed at not being part of his multicultural nightmare rogues gallery, not being noticed by nazis makes me feel a little ineffective.

      • LLL says:

        :daumen: I think your posts may have been a bit too subtle for him. Apparently he warned us all that this would happen when he was loosely racist a couple of weeks back and didn’t mention anything about it. Must be talking in some kind of code I suppose.

    • Hartley says:

      Publicity stunt in poor taste, nothing more…nothing less…YID ARMY!

    • LosLorenzo says:

      That’s exactly what I find so incredibly baffling with this whole SBL carneval of idiocy.

      In a country which is home to anti-racist spurs fans, anti-racism organisation Kick It Out, and blatantly racist English Defense league, the SBL decide the logical course of action is to threaten litigation against the first two, and ignore the latter.

      I still can’t quite wrap my head around it…

      • Boy Charioteer says:

        Well, they still haven’t managed to get their website up and running. It’s been two days now. Maybe you have to guess what their position is on this issue. I was only interested in their take on it. Speaking through the newspapers and sabotaging their own website. Cunning eh?

  • dixta says:
    lists amoungst his acheivements: defending richard “shoe bomber” reid in a humanitarian capacity.

    i kid you not. also misspels “shoe” as “show”.

  • kojac says:

    is sandro crocked,i just can’t see us working hard enough to beat city in the midfield,the 2 toms and liverboy won’t cut it probably so we may aswell go for a ding dong and see what happens but can’t see that either

    maybe gallas should rb with les,steve and vert across the back,jake,the toms in the middle with 3 from ade,defoe,bale and lennon up top all f*cking about

    none of that will happen but it was fun anyway

    • LosLorenzo says:

      While I like the idea of that much strength and intelligence at the back, but I have my doubts about BillyG and Vert against some pacy wing play from City.

      Have observed occasions when Vert had come forward from LB, and looked downright lazy in getting back to defend when we have lost possession and the opposition have broken out. On the other hand we’ve seen at least a couple instances of him making up a quarter mile at the last second, to make game-saving tackles that defy belief.

      I’m not sure what my point is…

      • essexian76 says:

        Don’t know if anyone else thought the same-but I had a feeling last night that Vert’s and Dawson looked comfortable-The partnership had that reassuring quality Dawson and King one had-Sort of a Mr Cool-Mr Dash duo-Good Cop-Bad Cop-maybe it was the opposition-but maybe it could work if nurtured?

      • kojac says:

        we probably have no choice but to play vert there,full back is a tough position not many that won’t get caught out but he does look like he should be in the middle although we have yet to really see it tested

        • mattspurs says:

          Daws and vert looked solid as a pairing. Thought Dawson’s distribution ended up being actually pretty good and somewhat refreshing last night – his hammer passes putting bale one on one were great. Unlike Gallas he can actually clear the ball with his head too!

        • LLL says:

          I don’t like all the crosses that fly over when Vertonghen’s playing at LB. I think Naughton is a better option as the specialized full back.

        • essexian76 says:

          @Matt, I’ve been watching Spurs an awfully long time-and the one consistency is our defenders never appear to clear a ball to another bloke in a white shirt-irrespective of whether it’s Gough or Gallas, we’ll find the opposition like a bloody magent

        • essexian76 says:

          That’s dyslexic for magnet btw

  • Eyeball Paul aka The Eyeballer says:

    The Eyeballer thinks that Tom Carroll squaring up against Yaya Toure would be fun to see in the midfield battle on Sunday (!!!!)

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