
The Heavyweight Bout

Image for The Heavyweight Bout

Good morning.

We face the oldest enemy tomorrow. No, not gout but a blight upon our being every bit as burdensome. The Arse.

The North London Derby or as it is in reality a peeing up the wall competition that sadly has left us all too frequently with little more than wet feet and our old chap clasped in our hand.

This week’s podcast then required nothing less than a top draw guest for a preview and Arseblog kindly obliged. We discuss the tipping point for Arsene Wenger though sadly not where he ought be tipped. What was interesting was Arseblog being quite taken aback that we would consider binning Villas-Boas so soon. But then of course, I would say that, wouldn’t I?

Download the show from iTunes. It’s gratis, free and without charge. In the words of Money Mark from 1998, ‘Push The Button.’

Hotspur's Half Hour

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  • Alspur says:

    The NL derby can be a strange game and turn up unexpected heroes (Rose? Bentley? Ahem, Jenas…) – maybe this is the game when Dempsey or Sigurdsson finally find their mojo…

    Either way, whichever of them plays will have to do a job on one of the Arsenal MF trio for us to have a real chance – their 3 against Sandro & Hudd doesn’t bode well…

    Assuming they do, my bet’s on a 2-3 to us, with Caulker, Lennon and a late winner from whoever our most maligned player is on the pitch at the 88 minute mark… (prob Siggy, Demps or a Kyle, then…)


  • Spurstacus says:

    Who is the guest on the pod cast? Please.

  • Cyril says:

    If he plays Friedel, Dempsey, Gallas, and no Defoe? No chance.

    • Alspur says:

      Cyril, can you remind me of Defoe’s league record in NLDs?

      Oh, yeah – that’s right – it’s appalling… first name on the teamsheet, then… ;)

  • Billy Legit says:

    Scum 2 – Sperz 4

  • LosLorenzo says:

    I really hope we win, but I’m not too optimistic. Furthermore; inane point, needless to say, platitudes, lip service.



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