
Arry For Ancelotti Swap Is Very Definitely On

Image for Arry For Ancelotti Swap Is Very Definitely On

On the way back home from a wedding that I can barely describe using words I was listening to the radiogram in the Roller and Cheatski fans in some number (well I heard 3) wanted to swap our Arry for Carlo Ancelotti.

This rendered me very close to speechless right up until of course the point where I began speaking again.

I am not an Arry out merchant. Yes – there is bundle of things wrong with him, but it did get me thinking. My perspective on, ‘so and so out!’ has always been the same: Cool – so who then?

Depressing isn’t the word. ODM uses the phrase, ‘careful what you wish for’ and this ain’t said lightly by him. He’s seen it.  Let the shipwrecks of others indeed be your marker in the storm. Rafa out = Uncle Roy in. The unabridged litany of examples within our own walls give the Bindippers a genuine run for their money.

Ancelotti is an intelligent, thoughtful,  top draw serial winner both as a player and as manager. His term at Chelsea has been plagued on all fronts. Injury, age and owner interference have dogged him this season at SecondHand Fridge.

If there is a chance of him being insanely dumped by Ibramovich then this is the next man for us. Sick of shoulder shrugging and twitching? Get a man with an eyebrow action that would shame Roger Moore in. Not a competent crisis manager, but a winner.

I’m serious.

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  • Cokes says:

    Have you read that simb board they all think your a knob.

    Especially Mil he rekons he could break you in half.

  • DAVSPURS says:

    While your all fucking Harry off what about 007 sat next to him he does fuck all has he ever goT out of his chair and stood up to shout to the players . Big Joe has a go Harry should sack Bond and get Jamie off is chair at Sky and groom him to take over. We may not like it but Harry is well like by the media and this is a big bonus for our profile and Jamie is also liked we need Harry to ditch 4411 and play 442 what we are used to and what got us fourth. With Defoe and Crouch Lennon starting every game with Huddlestone has our play-maker Van to Fuck off to Spain where his family miss it and Walker Townsend Caulker and others to play for Spurs not other Clubs and all the overactive teams who have kicked us to stop using Toures slimming juice that is making players do nastier tackles because they are hungry for points.

  • kojac says:

    i heard a chav on the radio too saying he’d love harry if ancelotti left,it would be a breath of fresh air for the chavs with attacking footy,he said,

    in reality i can’t see levy changing redknapp unless forced too,i just hope THFC does good business in the summer and adds to our good squad and sells the players we don’t want,easier said than done

    i’d like to see a front 3 of lennon,bale and a drogba type,a midfield 3 of sandro,modric,thudd and vdv no harm having good players on the bench,and a back 4 of whoever

    this time next year rodders

    hope we beat city 2moro COYS

    • jfdit says:

      I saw ‘arry on MOTD2 with colin murray last night, he was politely saying he needed 2/3 top class players to take us to the level we want to get to i.e competing with the top 3 & citeh/liverpoo.

      A tactic to get levy to spend in my view but ‘arry admitted we need to sell our deadwood to fund these proposed purchases so nothings changed there. fucking groundhog day ain’t it?

      I disagree about getting rid of him though, sorry until we’ve a better manager lined up chomping at the bit leave well alone and let him get on with it, we owe that at the very least.

      I know colin murray, I’ll grill him for what ‘arrys really up to when I see him next

  • LosLorenzo says:

    Villas-Boas!?! He has ONE YEAR of proper coaching experience. He did win the Portugese league with Porto, but I’ve met 8-year-olds who could manage that.

    I’m not saying that he isn’t going to be a good coach some day. I’m just saying that you would have to be crazy to suggest that we fire the best and most successful manager we’ve had in many years in order to replace him with an unproven novice (promising as he may be).

    I was caretaker manager of my 8th division team back in Norway for three games. We won all three games, so technically I have the best managerial record in the world. Why is nobody suggesting me for the Spurs hotseat?

    No way Harry will be fired, so talking about replacements is only in the case he goes to jail – or worse, takes over England.

    I’d have BMJ back. He did OK coaching Comolli’s team, so imagine how he would do if he was allowed to buy his own players.

    • nicktheyid says:

      I dont know BMJ record since leaving us but i dont think hes set the world alight.I only have good words for the big man but he was undermined from the ground up.lost the players long before berbatoss ultimatum played levys hand.hed love to come back but he also had that awful knack of 1 dimension tactics plan A or plan A.shame but not for me

    • astromesmo says:

      Los… Coaching in Norway… Did you ever play a team called Ramnes? Not far from Tønsberg?????

      My Sunday side went over there a few years back and got a classic European 1-1 away draw WITH ME IN GOAL!!!


      What a great country and what a great weekend. I have never been so drunk in my life as going out post-match with Norwegian footballers.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        Never played them. We more or less only play teams from the Oslo area. Not reading Norwegian, it’s probably of little use to you, but you can read match reports of every game at

        Glad you enjoyed your trip, and were able to take part in that most Norwegian of traditions – binge drinking. Beautiful seaside down there. Hope you had good weather.

  • Up the U's says:

    This reminds me of an article I read last year by an Aston Villa fan questioning the ability of MON. They (Villa obviously) were having a brilliant season: their best season in years. But they’re a big club; they get around 40, 000 fans each week and they thought they deserved something more. The web site offered all possible suitors take the club to the next level.

    What a couple of great seasons Spurs have had. I hope you all made the most of playing in champion’s league and went to at least one away game.

    I honestly can’t believe you’re not happy.
    By the way, great article.

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