Can everybody please stop jumping out of windows. With of course the possible exception of those in bungalows just having a few larks. But make sure it’s supervised. Flowerbed edging can twist an ankle in the blink of an eye.
The threat of Spurs signing Liverpool’s Joe Cole has cast a shadow over North London and incited street parties in Merseyside.
This just in from a poster calling himself The Godfather on the message board FTL. ‘Just had it confirmed from his agent David Geiss that we have NO interest in his client. Infact, he went as far as saying that there is currently no concrete interest in him.’
David Geiss is indeed the Chromosome Kids’ agent. So this at least lends credence to it. I had a fish supper in a pub on Chiswick High Road once called the Codfather and that was textbook.
Pity that Redschnapp’s stock is so low with supporters that despite all his achievements nobody put it past him to ship in a waste of space like Cole…
Over to you Arry.
Redknapp’s stock is low only amongst the neanderthals who were determined to hate him from the outset. They are not part of the conversation amongst the rest of us who have enjoyed our best two seasons in 20 years and are looking forward to the next one.
HH you have penned many fine columns over the years, but your recent repeated slagging off of Arry over things that haven’t even happened feels like a desperate attempt to play to knuckle dragging fraternity in your gallery.
Sure you’ll get plenty of posts about what a cnut he is. Is that the best you hope for these days?
Toddspur, and others not overlooked by evolution, are you still out there? Still struggling on?
Mmmn. I’m pro his achievements but yet terrified by him.
I can’t separate the two I’m afraid. The ‘insert name here OUT!’ brigade will always exist. I ran a piece entitled Redschnapps Out which was supporting him and I – yet again – acknowledge he’s worked wonders but there are never the less there are massive areas of concern.
Why did we drop so many points against rubbish sides? Why does he turn us into West Ham 2.0 with his ropey transfer targets?
The points were dropped. Arry’s last newspaper column gushed over Parker. We know he thinks Cole is quality. These things have happened.
As for enjoying the best results in 20 years, that’s cool. But this isn’t a religious order were you don’t ask questions.
I’m not a happy clapper and I hope I’m not a rent a mob type either. Just somewhere in the middle with some two bob blogging.
I know, I know. Of course you should ask questions. “Why did we drop so many points against rubbish sides?” is a good question. “Isn”t Arry a twat cos he said something positive about a player I don’t rate?” less so I think.
I see a team with great players, playing exciting attacking football and having a couple of great seasons. I expect we’ll do some trading in the window and some will work out and some wont but I also expect we’ll be a better side next year than this one.
Like I said you do some good work on here, two bob or more. I just don’t get the hostile bit.
I bet you’re a dab ‘and with the gloss paint – the one coat variety is it? :lol:
GB. Been in France golfing and there are posts galore; I had hoped some fresh enthusiasm for Arry in my absence. Alas i was wrong
Arrys an agent infiltrating our great club. We’ll sign him and i’ll wake up the next morning with Joe Coles head in my bed.
Why is harry’s stock low? Try remembering the last twenty years harry.
be careful what you wish for- those Spurs fans that want Harry gone.
-the ceaseless slagging of HR on this once decent blog reads like the words of a spoiled and bitter glory hunter.
I became cheesed off with Harry, wasn’t always that way, i loved all the “bacon egg and chips” Winning away at ARSE, “triffic, walkin’ the dogs when i’ve dropped Bondy off…my misses coulda scored that” But his attitude is seperatist its never we its them when refering to us, and the comments, snide and disrespecfull to us at Tottenham. I personally don’t give a shit about glory. I got Champions league headaches, it was a nightmare. Always had an incling he don’t much care for our club. He cares about his job, but they are 2 very different things me bud.
Oh grow up every manager is in it as a job, not because they love a club. If you don’t like honest comment don’t listen to it. personally I think he was spot on about a bunch of cry babies throwing their rattles out their prams when things don’t go the way they want them.
name me one side who didn’t lose points to sides they should’nt have lost points to? Every team did it Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal, all of them. Our strikers didn’t score, end of, if they had we’d be in the Champions league, they are the ones to blame, payed a fortune for missing a barn door.
I’d rather trust Harry’s judgement than the judgement of people who have no coaching badges and no idea how to run a football team.
During the summer it sometimes rains you know!
Raising questions and demanding a sacking are two very different issues alltogether.
First off, i did not once mention dropping points to lower clubs, so cheers for that, if you were gonna start an argument about things i didn’t say, why not go wild? Say i commended child pornography, or ET/human genetic experiments on channel 4. and B: I’m aware managers are in it as a job… Thats their job. Can’t beleive i’m wasting my time doing this but, In football, wait for it… somemanagerslovetheirclub…there i said it nice and quick. You don’t think so? 2 words. BILL NICHOLSON.(the best example, of course there are many more) If you don’t see how Arry undermines the club in some of the things he has said then good luck to ya. Maybe some of your stuff was aimed at other commentaurs, but it was a reply to me directly so…The comment you assume i meant regarding Arry was the idiots lark? I wasn’t specifically refering to that. Look deeper alice. He really don’t like us. Oh, and it did rain last night. nice one for the forecast. UNT.
Blimey. Not allowed to question the manager? Wow…
Few folk mistaking ‘raising valid issues’ with ‘being part of lynch mob’.
There is a difference.
toby toby toby……..toby
not at all! Just sensible fans who have no time 4 this media darling who DISRESPECTS the history of this football club n who also happens to b tactically INEPT! Sorry but finishing 5th doesnt constitute a successful season!
I admire the ceaseless loyalty to Harry, but why are we buying players that are in or approachin g their 30’s with a dodgy injury history. Yes Harry has done well and most of us applaud that but in this democracy we can also criticise.
We need certain types of players if we are to progress and stake our claim in the CL. Buying second hand rejects will not help, and why should we pay £3mil for somebody who cost nothing last year, has spent quite a long time on the bench.
I think the idea in this blog is that we are not buying a player as you describe so ceaseless loyalty doesn’t really come into it. Eh..