
I Was Watching The Game With Lord Sugar

Image for I Was Watching The Game With Lord Sugar

Good evening.

Our former Chairman and No#1 Fan was Tweeting earlier this afternoon. He was like many of us… ‘Watching on a rouge sat channel.’

Mine was a rogue channel but come on – me pointing out a typo is like a …oh look, you know.

So well went the day. For long periods it was bloomin’ ropey. West Brom appeared not to have read the script and didn’t realise that the THFC star is in the ascendant. Well it went but also a very tough gig. Anyone who ‘predicted’ it would be need not register for accreditation with the Royal Academy Of Psychics. What made the difference was our invention.

Adebayor, Manu, Ade… three words I know some still have a tough time embracing. But this is an emotional business and I think he’s a find. A diamond in the rough.

Yes, he ‘fluffed’ chances yet again today but the guy is ticking so many naffin’ boxes I’m struggling to do much more than admire the old girl. His attitude is spot on and his contributions to the cause so far have been superb. 

Defoe is fast becoming a guilty pleasure. I loathe so much of his play. There was ‘that’ moment in today’s rouge broadcast where he had The Boy Bale in Clear And Present Danger -ous space. He shot, then looked across and said, ‘Wot me?’ But the goal was brilliant. You can’t fault how good his goal was. It was really good. 

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  • Razspur says:

    Not sure if i`ve stepped into the Lord Sugar thread or Modern Warfare 3, a few quotes from the bard to calm a tempestuous sea.

    A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

    Be not afraid of greatness : some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

    There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, lead on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

  • JimmyG2 says:

    ‘Over the moon’ this morning but ‘one game at a time’ people.
    Don’t count your chicken badges before the cock crows.

  • Spurstacus says:

    Good morning poseurs.

    • Razspur says:

      Thanks Spurstacus, nice article. Jimmy Greaves cost us £99,999 just 50 years ago and during his 9 years with us scored 220 League goals, with a club record 37 in 62/63 which stands to this day. Jimmy managed 44 goals for England from just 57 appearances but his greatest regret must be missing out on the World Cup Final in`66 when Geoff Hurst was preferred.

  • lecoqhardi says:

    Strange quote from the man who is apparently now A Genius: not buying in January unless there’s an injury crisis.
    Surely the art of management is to strengthen so that you’re not caught out by injuries. Possible scenario: no additions in January; by February Ade out for 2 months, or Ledley and William’s gout returns, and it’s a crisis. No chance to replace them and our greatest chance in recent times goes out the window. It’s called planning.
    And I don’t accept that it’s Arry being misleading. He usually means what he says with transfers.

    • Razspur says:

      I think Harry is finally learning how to play the Psychological side of the management game. Sir Alex has been a master at this for decades so don`t be surprised to read a few “Red Herrings” in the near future.

      • lecoqhardi says:

        Ok. I hope you’re right, but if you read the full interview, you might see someone who’s disturbingly complacent. Remember this is the chap who didn’t think that Suarez would improve us.

        • Razspur says:

          How on Earth could a player of Suarez`s calibre improve Tottenham Hotspur ? Why would a club with our history employ a sectarian bigot, a player who bites the opposition, Google the subject, i think you will change your mind over such an aquisition.

        • UnkleKev says:

          The gods that I thank every day for the departure of P. Crouch from Tottingham are the same gods I thank for the non-arrival of L. Suarez. A thoroughly nasty piece of work if ever there was one.

          That’s not to say I won’t be cheering him on with every fibre in my body later today, mind…

        • Razspur says:

          I could not say there is a single player in our squad i do not like, had Suarez came here that would have changed, he is the most Un-Tottenham like player i can imagine. My views on Modric have changed, from Idolising the man and hoping we could build a team around him i feel
          Just heard Gary Speed has passed away, can`t believe it saw him on Football Focus yesterday.
          R.I.P. Gary and sincere condolences to family and friends.

        • Alspur says:

          Raz – you appear to love Defoe, but it’s not so long ago that he bit someone…

          I think a lot of the criticism of Suarez is nonsense: I’d have him in our squad in a heartbeat… he’s a winner & he frightens opposition defences to death…

        • Razspur says:

          Alspur i don`t love Defoe, i think he should lay off to better placed team mates a lot of the time but he scored a great goal yesterday and i remember some of his better ones from last season, both of them. Criticism of Suarez nonsense, Why was he banned for 7 games then?

        • Razspur says:

          Suarez while captain of Ajax bit the shoulder of PSV player Otman Bakkal and received a 7 match ban. Ajax were so embarrased at him being branded the “Cannibal of Ajax” they decided to offload him to Liverpool in an attempt to minimise the collateral damage.

        • Alspur says:

          I’m not saying he didn’t do it, Raz – I’m saying that Defoe did exactly the same, a couple of seasons back (he bit someone), but he doesn’t appear to receive the same opprobrium from you!!

        • Razspur says:

          Defoe was booked by referee Steve Bennett at the time (2006) the FA took no further action and it was left to Martin Jol and Spurs to act internally. Javier Mascherano and Defoe spoke on the phone to clear the air.
          There is no excuse whatsoever for biteing, spitting or sectarian abuse and any player guilty of such behaviour should face the full rigour of the FA.
          What you did say was that you thought a lot of the criticism of Suarez was nonsense.

      • essexian76 says:

        Before buying, we must sell, not only for the fee’s but also to create squad spaces. To anticipate injuries or loss of form is one thing, but to buy and have players scratching their arse’s while drawing salaries without featuring is just rank poor management. Making comparisons between now and back then is a pointless exercise, as the restraints, rules and conditions are totally different now to even a decade ago, let alone 50 years. It’s always great to speculate though but it has to be balanced all the same.

        • Razspur says:

          My belief is that the players of 50 years ago could adapt to the current game but todays Prima Donna`s would never survive a season in the 60`s. Pitches were heavy, the Ball known as a Caser was heavy leather, Boots left you blistered and then you came up against Chopper Harris, Nobby Stiles, Norman Hunter, Billy Bremner et al, Goal Keepers could be shoulder charged into the net, now you can`t run within 2yds of a player but he does cartwheels. You`re right there is no comparison.

        • essexian76 says:

          Now I’m of the opinion that many wouldn’t because of their lack of pace and technical skill.But the truly great players will always rise anyway. But as you point out, even the balls are different and that’s a bugbear of mine as I believe the reason why so many great players played so poorly in the WC was FIFA’s insistence on buggering about with the most basic piece of equipment. If we really have to have new ball, it should be introduced during the qualifiers, not at the tournament stages.

        • lecoqhardi says:

          So Suarez is morally flawed. That wasn’t Arry’s reason for not wanting him; it was a footballing decision. Which was wrong.

        • essexian76 says:

          We simply couldn’t afford Suarez at the time anymore than Carroll

    • jerkinmahjurgen says:

      Like he wasn’t kean on letting C

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