
Willian Borges Da Silva …Enquiries Made

Image for Willian Borges Da Silva …Enquiries Made

Evenin’ all.

Shakhtar Donetsk’s Willian Borges Da Silva is the name in the frame. And if this has the legs I hope it has we will have snapped up an incredible footballer who would fit seamlessly into the André Villas-Boas’ project.

A 5 year contract signed in 2007 with suggests he’s available on a free.

‘I like to pick the ball up out wide and then dribble lots. As a young boy, I idolised Ronaldo and Ronaldinho. My style is more like Ronaldinho’s, behind the main striker in a No 10 role. In England, I play a little bit like Nani or Luka Modric.’

I like Chelsea and Arsenal’s styles a lot. I’d be very happy to play for Tottenham too and help get them back into the Champions League. They’re a very big  club.’  Daily Mail Aug 2011

A Brazilian that speaks Portuguese. Ooh I say.

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  • kojac says:

    so how much did levy get for bassong then you reckon,£9/10m for dawson sounds good but don’t forget he is worth it to a club like QPR as he is a good player

    £5m for adebayor,is this right too i like to know these things for my little black book

    i keep reading comments on sky and i guess some on here think so too,they are calling levy/avb mad and say they are ruining us,don’t see it myself i see it as getting rid of players that are not quite up to it,even though i like dawson and he defo won’t get booed

    • Astro Spur says:

      I think those so called fans probably didn’t support the AVB appointment in the first place,so any opportunity to bitch about his decisions, they will take. Daws is a good player, but his style doesn’t suit AVB’s, so although unfortunate, it makes sense. Also those fans may be happier to know that we are getting £9 mill and a years supply of Toffeepops and brand new cutlery for the new caffateria in our new training facility. Q.P.R. may even throw in a midfield manual for dummies that even ***** can understand. All in all, a good deal! :silly:

    • UnkleKev says:

      I’ve seen reports that we managed to stiff Norwich for £5.5m which, if true, means we’ve forked out less for Ade than we sold Bassong for.

      That Levy just hasn’t got a clue, has he.

  • Eyeball Paul says:

    Lads, not too sure on Willian, he may be the mutts nuts, but The Eyeballer would like us to capture the little imp that is Pjanic from Roma….this guy is one clever mofo (perhaps a bit light) but he can open doors others can’t even see…

    Lloris (his former team-mate at Lyon) and a defensive midfielder (like Cabaye from Toon town) and we will be sucking diesel…

    Welcome back Ade – EP implores AVB to give him and Defoe to strike up a partnership…(it makes sense!)

    • jerkinmahjurgen says:

      Yeah but we’re gonna be playing 6 midfielders. 2 up front leaves just 3 at the back, and one of them’s Brad.

      • Eyeball Paul says:

        Rotation, my friend…somethin, we haven’t been used to with troutychops, wendy and BMJ were at the Lane…..

        Possible (Improbable, but what tha hell) Eyeballer XI:


        Bale Vert Kaboom Walker
        Sandro Cabaye
        Gillfy Ade

        • Spurstacus says:

          Sorry but you’ve taken your eyeball of the ball Paul with that line up.

        • kojac says:

          the eyeballer has something in the eyeball by the looks of that lineup

        • Eyeball Paul says:

          I don’t think so, Spurstacus

          The improbable Eyeballer XI shows a team with:

          Bale and Walker working up and down the flanks
          Sandro and Cabaye – two great athletes in midfield (with passing ability etc.)
          Pjanic (if only) to open up defences
          Gillfy offers great energy in the final third, with the ability to break beyond defences and score outside the box
          and hopefully a fantastic strike partnership in Defoe and Ade…

          Admittedly, we may be a bit light at the back, but Sandro can act as an auxillary CB when needs must…

          The Eyeball would offer 20mil for Cabaye, as this midfielder has everything we need….

        • Hartley says:

          Hartley XI


          Alves, Pique, Thiago Silva, Marcelo

          Robben, Xavi, Iniesta, Bale

          Messi, Ronaldo

          Put that in your pipe and smoke it……WTF :gaehn:

        • `rich g says:

          :freu the eyeballer has had one too many vodka shots in his eye

        • Spurstacus says:

          The red eyeballer.

  • BrisbaneSpur says:

    I think the amount AVB has been praising Defoe is showing we aint going to sign another striker and is doing his upmost trying to keep him happy as the ‘second’ striker in a ‘one’ striker team, for the comming season.

    • UnkleKev says:

      …or it’s a ruse to convince any would-be suitor that they’re going to have to stump up large to prise him away.

      The fact that the number 9 shirt has yet to be allocated makes me strongly suspect Defoe will be gone come September.

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        I agree that Defoe could be on his way due to his playing style, but surely we would have to sign 2 new strikers for this to happen (in addition to Ade)? If we could sign two new strikers (Damio and LLor would do fine!!

        I like Defoe, he’s a threat against any team outside the top six, but unfortunately always seems to pull up short v’s top teams… Although credit were credits due he has improved when playing against strong, quick experienced defenders, but will never win us the league as a lone striker…

  • david says:

    If we get a replacement for Modric I will be happy.
    Another top striker as well would be a bonus.

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