
The Women Wot Put The HOT In Hotspur!

Image for The Women Wot Put The HOT In Hotspur!

Hello viewers.

There are slow news days and there are slow news days.  Mooching about the bottomless resource that is the www, it appears that our options are naffing sparse.

We can either make up a Bale/Kranjcar transfer rumour, we could even just C&P such a tale from a national newspaper, or we could all dress up in cloaks like those crazies in the Dragnet movie and sacrifice Blistering Bob Keane to Kickimwhehesdown, the little known Mayan god of Random Kickings.

So in the interests of all parties concerned and to quite frank to have a go on a little gadget I have on here, lets get gratuitous. ‘Phwooars’, ‘Cors’, ‘Stone mes’ and ‘Blimeys’ are freely available from Reception.


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  • glenwasgod says:

    Danielle is probably well huge bootied/stretch marked and a little on the loose side these days.

    Would be interested to seeing some of the unknown THFC wags and what theyre like – who would be mad enough to put up with Benny and his temper tantrums – maybe a hairdresser? Is Niko’s girlfriend as pretty as him? whose eyebrow plucker does Younes borrow? Has Begbie’s girl got tattoos? Does Gio give or receive? Can Aaron’s girl do cigar tricks like Monica?

    Apropos of nothing, I once saw Jordan in Tesco Uckfield. She was quite pretty but nothing amazing. She was wheeling Harvey round in a trolley – really.

  • Snap says:

    ‘Legs’ Sandro has come on for Brazil, looking pretty, pretty good

  • emspurs says:

    There once was a girl named Danielle
    And Tottenham’s boys one by one she did fell
    She now onto J-OH
    After Teddy and Defoe
    And the rest must put up with the smell

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Gentlemen, the game is well and truly afoot.

    Jimmy Greaves has officially boarded the good ship HH.

    Stay tuned.


  • Essexian76 says:

    Saw a similar item on the West Ham Babes..blimey that Kathy Burke’s a bit over rated ain’t she?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      :winke: Good to see you again :daumen:

    • Spurstacus says:

      Kathy Burke is a babe from West Ham
      Looking like she’d been formed out of Spam
      David Gold the big hitter
      Said he’d love a Spam Fritter
      And KB’s one he’ll flush down the pan.

      Sorry Kathy. I love all your work.

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